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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. Welcome Dina- Ozzy is a beautiful bird. Hopefully with time he will discover that you are not to be feared and he will come around.
  2. Welcome Akdeniz1976- we're glad you are here with us. Have you tried giving Frank treats from your hand to get him used to them? Figure out what treats are his favorite and offer them to him, but only if he will take it from your hand. This way he will figure out that good things come from you and maybe he can overcome some of his fear. This will take time and patience but it will be worth it!
  3. Welcome Budman, I'm glad you had the patience to continue trying with Tracy. It is wonderful to see a bird making such progress. Keep up the work with him and you may be amazed at what will happen.
  4. Welcome to the forum Carlos, we are glad you decided to join us. We all love birds here and love to talk about them and share our stories.
  5. Congratulations everyone! Keep the great pictures coming...
  6. Congratulations everyone- I thought all the photos were great!
  7. Caroline, you and your birdies can have a little holiday together and spend lots of quality time. I haven't left Lyric for an overnight trip once since he was born (he'll be 2 in August). Long time with no vacation but I am worried if I leave him he will be so bored and lonely and start to feather pick. I'm the only one who handles him, takes him out and cooks for him. I can totally relate to the way you feel. Our birds are so special to us and people that don't have them just couldn't understand that bond. We will all be here to keep you company as well so please don't fret!
  8. Hi Archna, welcome here. You will need to provide your baby with heat until he is fully feathered and ready to go in a regular cage. Be sure that he has some way to get away from the heat as well in case he gets hot while you are away from home.
  9. Welcome to the forum Peter- please feel free to ask any questions you may have about your new grey!
  10. Hi Empress- welcome to the forum.
  11. Thanks for sharing your photos of your trip. Looks like you had a great time and I'm glad Cosmo had some fun too (eating too much!)
  12. My Lyric will be 2 on August 27. I have had his parents for over 12 years, and they were both wild-caught so I don't know their true ages. Lyric's eyes are a very light grey, his parents both have the yellow eyes of an adult.
  13. I have never had Lyric tested and I guess it doesn't really matter to me what sex he/she is. He always seemed like a he to me, so that's what I called him but even if Lyric is a girl, I don't think she would care that I call her a pretty boy! I guess it is a completely personal choice on whether or not to have it done.
  14. The blinds or curtains are a good idea, also you can try walking your bird around the room and letting him tap on the window glass. Explain to him that it is a window and he cannot fly through it. You could also apply some temporary decals or stickers so the bird can see where the barrier is. Just some ideas to try. My TAG is not clipped and I can tell you that dealing with him takes a lot of patience. I am hesitant to clip his wings because he so enjoys his freedom and I think flying is very good exercise for him. I am very careful to always be aware of where he is and monitor any doors opening- there are two doors to go through before access to the outdoors so the risk of losing him is minimized. Good luck in your decision either way.
  15. Hi Siobhan! Your Liath is quite the little flirt isn't she? I love how she is all kissy and sweet while refusing to do what you want. It looks to me like she is just playing a game with you- a game that she intends to win. I think you should try the bribery that Tracy suggested. Give her a big juicy grape, but only after she is on your hand. And, don't ask her if she wants to step up, tell her "Step up" in a firm voice, like you aren't messing around. Good luck tomorrow!
  16. Hi Rhonda and welcome to the forum. I like the name Jack for a baby grey.
  17. We're glad you joined us. Let us know what questions you may have about caring for a grey!
  18. You should get into selling those... lots of money to be had from those of us that like to spoil our little darlings.
  19. I think that's very refreshing and a great thing to do. Sometimes I wish I could get my man out from in front of the tv. I spend lots of my time playing with the animals, birds and dogs. I make jewelry, read, like to go for walks in the park, sometimes I just sit and commune with the universe. I like to talk to friends and sometimes...watch tv. I hate to admit it but I love a few shows and will watch them every season- Survivor, Grey's Anatomy, Lost... a few others. I try not to let it suck me in too much.
  20. Great artwork, thanks for sharing. It's too bad you aren't still doing this- you have some real talent. Have you ever drawn pictures of your greys?
  21. Those are great photos. You are truly an artist, heart and soul.
  22. Hi Mcleany, welcome here. I have a TAG who will be 2 in August. It seems like he is going through a period of really trying my patience. Did you go through this with your grey? I'm just wondering how long this will last and if he'll outgrow it eventually!!! It's kind of like dealing with a teenager. Glad you joined us.
  23. Welcome Joselyn- we're glad you joined us!
  24. Welcome! You and Boudreaux must have had lots of great times together. Can't wait to hear some of your stories!
  25. Lyric

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    I voted again, great photos everyone!
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