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Everything posted by Lyric

  1. What a handsome fella you have there, and he sounds like an interesting one too!
  2. I would agree with Talon that maybe something has changed that they are unhappy about, or they want more out of cage time with you. Is there something new outside the big aviary that is upsetting them? Mine usually causes a racket when I put him back in his cage sooner than he wants to go, or if my dogs get very hyper sometimes this causes him to get hyper too and he wants out to join in the fun. I think really the only way to deal with it is to ignore them, even though it is so hard. Greys do best with positive reinforcement- reward them for being good and doing what you want- but ignore behavior you do not want to encourage. As far as the whole terrible twos thing goes- it probably varies with each bird I would guess. Mine who will be two in another month has a very onery streak where he wants to do what he wants to do and he kind of throws a fit if he doesn't get to. For instance, he likes to land on the lamp shades in my living room. I take him off and put him back on top of his cage and he flies right back over. Eventually he keeps doing it and I have to put him back in his cage and he either tries to bite me when I go to pick him up or flies away before I can get him in the cage- or once he is in there he squawks repeatly to let me know he isn't happy about it. It will take a lot of patience for me to get through this with him but I have faith we can do it! Good luck to you!
  3. She's very pretty Susan!
  4. Our thoughts are with you in this time.
  5. Lyric likes the peas in the pod, and cheese (goes nuts for it) and toast with a little peanut butter on it. He'd do anything for toast with butter on it but doesn't get this often- not as often as he'd like anyway!
  6. I'm glad you're making progress with George, Flutterby! It sounds like you are headed in the right direction, and yeah, positive reinforcement is the key (although sometimes it is challenging to figure out how to get it to accomplish your goals). Trust- I like the picture of Congo eating the papaya- what a beautiful grey you have there.
  7. Great pictures everyone! Tracy, I like that stand that Millie is playing on- that looks really cool!
  8. That looks like a great little travel cage. Where did you end up getting it from? You may need a little bit bigger perch in there, I can't really tell how big it is but it looks pretty thin to me.
  9. I know you'll think we're all being overly concerned... they are great photos and it's wonderful to see your little Loki growing. But really, the breeder should take the time to wipe off the little one after he eats. It doesn't take that long and if it helps your baby stay healthy isn't it worth it? I'd have a little talk with your breeder.
  10. Great photos Heather- yeah, Lyric gets tired of seeing me with the camera in my hand. "What, not that again... I hope she doesn't use the flash this time..." I like the last one too!
  11. Welcome to the forum GoKu and Archie- hope you'll like it here.
  12. Welcome Cocom- we're glad you've joined us!
  13. I had several cockatiels for years and of them all only one male could talk and all he ever said was "sweety". The others could whistle very good and that was that. They are sweet little birds though and do make good pets.
  14. I agree with the others, if it was only $500 it isn't for real. These are magnificent birds but definitely only for a highly experienced bird owner- someone who can provide all the proper care and deal with a high maintenance bird.
  15. That's so cute. Love the look on Jiggy's face as he shows off the feather.
  16. Hi Kenny! Glad that Oscar is now at home with you and everything is going fine so far. My dogs also become very attentive at birdy dinnertime- they quickly learn that they will get something if they just have some patience. Greys never can seem to eat without throwing a little (or a lot) here and there. Enjoy!
  17. Welcome to the forum! Wow, a 37 year old grey. I bet he has lots of stories to tell about his life. Does he talk?
  18. Hi Flutterby! Is your man at all involved in the care of George? You could start by having him give George his favorite treats (through the cage bars if he's afraid to be around him while loose), and talk softly to him while he's doing this. Maybe George had a bad experience with a man in his past, or maybe he just doesn't like men. Some birds are definitely one person birds and it may be the case with yours. I'd try with the treats to start and see if this helps the situation at all.
  19. Here is my entry. We have a screened in front porch and I hung one of Lyric's boings out there so he can sit out there and look at everything outside. So here is Lyric on the porch taking it all in... <br><br>Post edited by: Lyric, at: 2008/07/21 20:58
  20. Hi Bryan- We're glad you've joined us. I just love the name Loki- that's great and the meaning really fits. I named my TAG Lyric because I wasn't certain of the sex either. I call him a he- just because it's easiest that way and he always seemed like a boy to me. I figured the name would work for either sex but it really isn't important to me. Hope you like the forum.
  21. Welcome Carrie- I have yet to read your other post but I hope you are able to solve the problem you are having. We all just love our greys so much, they really do become part of the family.
  22. Welcome to the forum Kath- Adaya is so pretty!
  23. Glad you joined us, and I'm happy you are doing your research before you get your bird. I'm sure you'll make a good bird mom one of these days!
  24. Welcome to the forum. My TAG loves to dunk his food too- the mushier the better in his opinion. Sometimes it makes it hard for me to watch- it doesn't always look too appetizing to me, but he likes it!
  25. Welcome here! I'm excited for you about to start your new adventure. Keep us updated!
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