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Everything posted by Lyric
Ahhh, what a beautiful little girl. I love her name too. That's my Lyric's middle name- he doesn't always live up to it, but sometimes he does! I'm so happy you have given her a good life and a fun one at that.
It looks like she is really enjoying herself on that net. Now I want one...Thanks for sharing with us!
Sounds like you've had lots of bird experience and are now dealing with a very clever little fellow! Imagine how smart he'll be the older he gets. Does Cosmo talk? I'm glad you joined the forum and can now share your stories with the rest of us!
Hello Alex, glad you could join us. Learn all you can before you make a decision whether or not to get a grey- as they can live so long you will be making a big commitment. Do you have any birds besides your budgie Dave?
Hi Stevelaura1 and welcome here. I'm really glad to hear you are doing your research prior to making the leap to owning a grey. As the others have said it isn't a cheap pet- the price of the bird, the cage, the avian vet check-ups, food, toys, more toys, more toys... it all adds up. Of course, they are definitely worth it or there wouldn't be so many fanatic grey owners on this site! A lot of us also work and your bird can learn to adapt to your schedule as long as it has one-on-one time with you every day. I leave the tv on for mine when he is home alone, but I also get to check on him during my lunch hour and so he gets a little break mid-day. Toys are essential in this situation. As far as what else should you know before getting one? It is a big commitment, birds are messy, self-centered and can be emotional... It takes a lot of time every day to spend time with the bird, clean up after it and offer it fresh foods. I am not trying to discourage you from getting a grey, please just inform yourself fully before you make the decision. I wouldn't want to be without a grey in my life- they can become your best friend and a part of the family. Good luck in your decision and let us know if you end up with one!
To keep their minds occupied and to entertain them. Otherwise they can become bored and feather-pick. What is the name of the famous African Grey that was used in many scientific studies by Dr.Irene Pepperberg?
I'm very sorry to hear this, my thoughts are with you in this difficult time.
I generally do not clip birds wings because I like them to have their freedom to fly, but in this case I agree with Berna. I think it would be better for Gizmo's safety and also probably aid you in the taming process if you were to get his wings clipped. He will come to rely on you for his transportation and it might deepen the bond between you as you are just starting out together. Plus, he won't be tempted to land on another bird's cage or playstand and risk getting a bite.
They are really beautiful. I hope you don't have too hard of a time getting rid of those mites. When they are both healthy will you put them in your aviary with your other finches?
That first flight can be quite a surprise. It's a big milestone and very important for a young fledgling. Congratulations to Hootie on his first flight!
The birds eat better than we do... The only thing I want for Christmas is a tree stand for my bird. My boyfriend is always asking me "What?" and gets the standard answer, "I was talking to the birds/dogs..." My life for the next 4 months will revolve around feeding baby birds...
You're welcome and that is a lovely baby grey. Thanks for sharing the photos with us. I hope everything works out okay with this one.
Hello Ste, welcome to the forum. I'm sure your life has changed since opening up your door to these two greys. I'm glad you were able to give them a good home and let them remain together.
Hi HaRRo and welcome back. I have to say one thing and not to be critical but please be very careful of your little daughter being around the grey. Your daughter could be very seriously bitten by a parrot, and also your parrot could be easily injured or scared by a toddler. I'm glad you are trying to educate yourself on greys and trying your best to give this one a good home. I would recommend the book "For the Love of Greys" by Bobbi Brinker. It is one of the best on greys I've read. Best of luck to you and please, be careful and supervise your daughter at all times with the bird.
Hi Mike and welcome here. Did you make any decisions in regards to the grey? Let us know a little more about the situation if you still need some advice...there are lots of issues for instance, is the bird tame and willing to step-up? Adopting an older grey is a great thing to do but it may require more time and patience if he has any behavioral problems.
Hi Joking, welcome here. I think that Paco will remember you- did you spend lots of time with him when you were with your ex? If you are willing and ready for the commitment that having a grey entails then I say go for it. It will take some time and patience but it would be great for Paco to have a loving home where he can feel like part of the flock. Best of luck in your decision and let us know what you decide to do.
Hi Lola! Glad you've decided to join our little flock. We have a lot of fun on this forum and just love sharing stories about our feathered friends.
Hi Candy & Sterling. Dr's Foster and Smith are a good reputable company to do business with. I order from them a lot and have never had any trouble with them. There are lots of great sites where you can find all kinds of toys. I ordered from for Lyric's second hatchday presents and they have a good selection of foot toys and also offered good customer service. As Judy suggested, making your own toys is also a good option- check out your local dollar store or the baby toy section in your local retail store for inexpensive toy parts- just be sure to monitor your bird with any new toy to be sure it is safe.
Thanks for the introduction Caroline! You have done such a great job with your three fids that I know you will be a wonderful asset to all those that need advice when bringing home their baby greys. Keep up the great work.
16 & 18 days old. Getting bigger! The skin is beginning to show the greyish cast that is the pin feathers starting to develop underneath. The eyes are just now beginning to slit open. My, how they change from one day to the next.
Congratulations to all of you. It's great we have such a dedicated, friendly and helpful team of people on this forum. I know you will all do great in your rooms.
Hello Dragonheart, we're glad you've joined us. Please tell us more about you and your bird!
Welcome here Ice, I can't wait to see some photos of you and Indy together!
I love that photo with Koko with the chess piece in her mouth. What a beauty! You should frame that one...
Those are really cool. I like the first one of Charlie with your husband. Be sure and get a picture if you do end up carving something with that last design, that would be really neat.