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Everything posted by casper

  1. Pixiexoxo, whereabouts is this place, can you send me details please I would like to go visit. Is Skegness far from Leeds? I dont have a clue? Will have to google.
  2. casper


    Hi, Tycos_mom, I have no plans to change his name now,just seems really strange calling him a boy but suppose will get used to it though. I wasnt really bothered about the sex but decided to have it done seen as we were going to the vets, its nice to find out though. Looking at the markings and size it makes me wonder if my other grey is a female. He hasnt been tested and we have always called him Charlie boy which he now calls himself! lol:)
  3. Would be interesting to find out how many people buy a grey just for the talking factor! I have seen adverts and been on other forums where greys get to say 2 years of age and dont talk much, people decide to get rid of them! This really annoys me and I feel sometimes this is the reason for a lot of re-homes and some of the birds get less attention than they should which could lead to behaviour problems. My Charlie only says a few words and it really wouldnt bother me if he didnt say anymore, I love him for who he is as I do with my other pets. I also dont think people realise what time is involved with looking after a grey properly and respect those people who come on here and do their homework before they purchase a grey. Just my thought for the day!
  4. I have just had my second grey tested who I thought was a girl, just got the results yesterday and she is a he! Makes no difference though but we decided to have this done when he went for his check up at the vets, I got the vet to do the nasty deed of plucking the feathers out then sent them off myself. Cost about £14.00 and took 5 days for the result.
  5. casper


    Hi, Charlie started to talk when he was about 10 months old, he is nearly a year old now so has not been talking long and only says about four words. He started by copying whistles and noises before he said anything. I think they all vary really. I have another grey who is nearly 14 weeks old and still making baby noises, Charlie keeps talking to him and will be interesting to see if he talks any earlier
  6. casper


    Okay everyone,just had a call from the lab and the dna results are in!!! My sweet little girl is.......a BOY! OMG I am so shocked, what do I do about the name? Do you think Keeko is very girlie and should change it now? Look forward to your replies.
  7. This is interesting. I have just got my second grey but have no intention of housing them together, I would like for them to have time out together but would have thought they would need their own space so to speak and still have one to one time with their owner to keep that bond there. Just my thoughts, I am no expert about two greys. Others opinions would be good who have two or more greys.
  8. Dan that is all so true, I hope people considering buying any kind of parrot will read this
  9. Frightens me as well! Great pics though.
  10. What a beautiful picture Judy,what lovely colours. Thankyou
  11. Tracy, she is beautiful. I wish I had the room for one but I am up to my limit now with my two babies. Millie is such a lovely name. She is lucky to have you as her bird mom. Congratulations:)
  12. casper


    I know. He gets everything first Judy, food, out time etc. I think it is strange because he has been top bird for so long and in comes madam who is quite bossy and has no fear of him or anyone. They are two completely different birds. Charlie has never been the same bird since that blooming earthquake, he lost a lot of confidence when he lost his flights, and turned into a bit of a biter. I think it will be hard work but we will get there.
  13. Charlie will be a year old next month and has gone through a really bad molt. I have found three larger feathers today but this has been going on for a few months. Has alfie lots of pins coming through? Did you actually see him pull the feathers and are they chewed at the ends?
  14. casper


    I love the attention and like to steal the limelight lol{Feel-good-00020069}
  15. Great poem, thanks for that Dan {Feel-good-000200BB}
  16. casper


    Charlie feels sometimes like he has got a full set and with Keeko just the gums at the moment, lets hope I dont have to join your bite club with her when she is older lol:laugh:
  17. casper


    Actually Dan, that photo fools you, Charlie was just preparing to pull Keekos beak off! They are having their moments. I feel sorry for them both at the moment, they both want to be boss! They are like spoilt children, it is hard work but I love them both so much.
  18. casper


    How come this has gone in a different thread? Think its time to go to bed lol :laugh:
  19. casper


    Thanks Judy, and thanks Tracy. They are having teething problems at the moment. Started off okay but Charlie has started to bully her and be a bit rough. We will see how it goes and will decide if they will spend time together or not pretty soon. Looking at that picture though they look like angels
  20. casper


    Yes its called Lovemygreys to the rescue!{Feel-good-0002006E}
  21. casper


    Lets hope there are pics!!!
  22. That is such a sweet picture
  23. Awww,he is so cute and makes it look so easy! Charlie hates getting a bath and have yet to give Keeko her first, I think Dayo could come and give her some lessons
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