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Everything posted by casper

  1. My first grey Charlie spoke at about 9 months, but I am suprised as my second grey Keeko who is 5 months has just started to say his own name! I guess they are like children and all do things at different stages.
  2. Siobhan, Im so glad everything seems okay. Try not to worry to much as it sounds like they are both fine. Im glad Tracy was online this morning as usual to sort things out. Keep us posted and be sure to let us know they are both doing ok!
  3. Tracy you have had long enough now. You need to set an example and deliver what you said you would! Boogie on down!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  4. Hello Loosma and welcome to you and Isis. Hope you enjoy it here.
  5. Hi Nell, I also have the plug in lights for my greys. The eldest one used to get night frights and we found we havn't had anymore problems since using the light. When we got the youngest grey we just decided to use one anyway, just in case. They are also covered but I leave a gap at the front of the cage. Caroline.
  6. My pleasure, I hope you still come on the forum when you get your new Quaker! Make sure you get lots of pics and keep us updated.
  7. Kebbie, I am really sorry Floyd had to go back. I can tell you thought an awful lot about him. Congratulations with your new bird Im sure he will love you to bits. Caroline
  8. Is he not supervised during the day if you are sleeping? This would concern me as accidents do and can happen. Are you spending any time with him one on one when you are awake? Playing games with him and interacting? Sounds to me like he just wants some attention. Caroline.
  9. Hi Kitty, some of our members have travelled by plane with their greys. Lhttp://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/56369-airplane.html#56378look at the threads and I think some of the members will help.
  10. Your'e still the one - Shania twain. :kiss: A few people said we would never make it and 15 years later we are still going strong!
  11. Thankyou to both of you. M2MM, that is a good idea about using the favourite food. The only few things he will eat include, sugar snap peas, pomegranate and sometimes apple. I think I will include these and see what happens. Caroline:)
  12. For those of you that dont know me, I have 2 greys, Charlie is a year old and has always been really good at eating. He has a mixed diet of fruit, veg, seed and pellets. My youngest grey Keeko is about 18 weeks old now, he was sold to me at 12 weeks as being fully weaned but still only picks sometimes at his fruit and veg, he really has no interest! I have even tried to give him feeds again which he refuses. Does anyone have any suggestions or has anyone had similar problems. Its difficult when you had no problems with your first and I know they will all be different but I am starting to get a bit worried now. We have tried food warm, cold mashed, steamed, pulses, you name it we have tried it! Thanks everyone. Caroline;)
  13. Hi Crystine and welcome to the forum. You have come to the right place for lots of good advice for your new grey. I hope you will enjoy it here. Caroline:)
  14. Thats a great picture. I knew everything would be fine. Just go at your own pace and dont rush things and you and your grey will be happy and he will gain your trust. Caroline:)
  15. Please dont feel under pressure, you have a new grey and things are going to take time. My first grey didnt like to step up and would prefer to climb on to a dowel perch than go on to my hand. He still prefers to sit on my arm now. My second I have never had a problem with. Greys are like people, they are all so different. Just take your time and go at your own pace, and your greys. Dont feel like you are doing anything wrong. Caroline.
  16. Hi Tiko, Jack is such a cutie. How old is he now? You should keep adding to this thread and show us how he is changing on each picture. Caroline
  17. Hi Jennifer. What a cutie Mischief is. She is a good looking Timneh. I hope you enjoy it here and look forward to hearing more from you. Caroline
  18. He does look rather cute. My Daughter Casey is after a Gecko but Ive never really fancied one. She has just seen the pictures of him and fallen in love.
  19. I cant even imagine how you are feeling. I am so sorry for your loss. Caroline.
  20. Hi Erica and welcome to the forum. What a lovely name you have chosen for your grey. My daughter is called Casey but we nicknamed her Lasey, different spelling but reminds of her just the same! Hope you enjoy it here. Caroline:)
  21. Hi Shyfire and welcome here. Hope you enjoy the forum. Caroline:)
  22. Hi Nicole and welcome to the forum. Cant wait to hear more about yourself and Zazu. Thts a really unusual name,is there a meaning to it! Caroline:)
  23. Well done Tracy, it was a great picture and caption.
  24. Have you put gel on those feathers? She is a cutie and I am proud to be her Auntie {Love-000200BF}
  25. Please let us know how you have got on at the vets. I hope everything is ok. Caroline:)
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