Hi everyone,
Just wanted to know about other people who have a few birds like me and are joined on with their neighbours.
Have you had any complaints from them, if so what happened?
Now I have three greys, they have their moments a few times a day when they all start schreeching! Wow, what a racket they can make!
Each time I have gone to buy a new bird I have always gone to see them first, they have always said they dont mind a bit and even come to visit the birds sometimes.
I try to uncover them a bit later on a weekend so it gives the neighbours a lay in and when I am home the birds are out and they are normally quieter then.
I hope they dont complain and I dont know where I would stand with the noise!
I need to win the lottery and buy a big detatched house! But until I do, should I ask if everything is ok instead of worrying and maybe soundproof the walls!