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Everything posted by casper

  1. Hi Gazbohy, Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new grey. I cant wait to hear more about you both and maybe see some pictures! We love pictures on here! Hope you enjoy looking round the forum. Caroline.
  2. What amazing pictures! Thankyou for sharing:) Caroline
  3. So cute! I cant believe how tiny she is! Lovely pictures:)
  4. casper

    Is this normal?

    Bea, Is your grey back to his normal self now? Is he more vocal? Hope everything is fine and he was just sulking for a day or so!
  5. casper

    update on Paco

    What a wonderful update! Like Erika said, hopefully in time he will forget the bad words. Just ignore him when he says them! He sounds as though he has settled in very well, a lot of greys can be very quiet when they come to their new homes so this is a good sign. I cant wait to hear more about Paco and see some pictures.
  6. I am so glad its nothing more serious. Great pictures of Tyco, she is beautiful.
  7. Kinga, I am so excited for you! How on earth are you going to get through christmas thinking about your new baby! He is beautiful, will you be going to visit him again? Caroline:)
  8. Jen, What a beautiful picture of Lyric. Dont you just love all the autumn colours? I was admiring them on the way to school with the kids this morning. Thanks for sharing and I would enter in the competition with that pic as well! Caroline.
  9. Oh Pat, This just makes you realise how lucky we are! Next time we are all having a bad day we should take a moment and think about this poor woman and her dedication, commitment and love for her birds! I feel so sorry for her. I wish there was some way to help, I will include her in my thoughts and prayers tonight. Will you be keeping in touch with her? Caroline.
  10. Yes its definetely molting time. My middle grey has just started his first molt and I am finding a selection of feathers at the moment! It can be alarming though when you find them, especially if its the first time you have seen your bird go through a molt. Caroline.
  11. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/104327-introducing-new-toys.html Hiya Marie, Above is a link I wrote for the Nursery room but you can still use this guide for introducing new toys to George. I am pleased to hear he has started to take an interest in his new toys, just remember to take things slowly with`him as he may still be slightly nervous. Please keep us updated! Good luck. Caroline.
  12. casper


    I said you would be pleased:)
  13. They are adorable Jen. What a difference, I cant believe how they have grown AGAIN! Thankyou so much for keeping this thread running for us all to share these lovely bundles. Karma coming your way!
  14. Charlie is beautiful and obviously loves to spend time out of his cage. Thanks for sharing. Caroline.
  15. LOL, I could wear my old Police uniform!
  16. casper


    Well I said it should be in a frame Sheila and look! Dave did a great job!
  17. Are they the same as Tena ladys? Not that I know what these things are for;) Cant wait for this party! Are we going fancy dress?
  18. I bet he's a bit of a mover and a big hit on the Karaoke!:laugh:
  19. No we will have to invite Dave along Judy, we cant leave him out!
  20. Any fun weekends coming up, count me in! Will have to bring three greys out nightclubbing though!
  21. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/69501-introducing-a-second-grey.html#69544 Hi Liz, How lovely of you to join us here! What a lovely introduction of you and your lovely flock. First of all, what can I say about Charlie and Charlie? This is going to be so much fun:laugh: And believe it or not I also have a Charlie! I have included a link at the top of this post I found useful when I brought my second grey home, read through and it will give you some guidelines and also explain what to expect. I have three greys now but going back to bringing my second home all I can say is dont rush things and take your time! Things wont fall into place easily it will take time and patience but can be done. You dont know if both greys will get on with each other you have always to consider this but hopefully they will or will at least tolerate each other. I hope things will work out for you and your greys and we will all be here to support you on the forum. However many questions you have, post away we are here to help. Dont worry about the talking side of things, mine all talk to each other and the eldest two will shout each other by name which isnt going to be difficult for your two as they share the same name. I cant wait to hear more about them both and maybe see some pictures. Caroline
  22. Kaedyn, Its interesting you mention flock leaders! I have three greys which are all in the same room. Charlie the eldest grey will start to vocalise in the morning while he is still covered but the other two wont make a sound. Its as though Charlie is allowed to do this and they have to wait their turn. Just a thought. Caroline.
  23. casper


    Dave, that is brilliant! Sheila will be so pleased!
  24. casper


    http://www.greyforums.net/forums/african-grey/90408-meat.html Hi Jo, Above is a thread from a while ago which will give you some advice on feeding meet to our greys. I hope you will find it useful. I hope everything goes well with the return of your grey, please post some photos when you can. Im glad the vet visit was okay. Caroline.
  25. Think I will ask for a new camera from Santa;) Great competition!
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