Hi Liz,
How lovely of you to join us here! What a lovely introduction of you and your lovely flock.
First of all, what can I say about Charlie and Charlie?
This is going to be so much fun:laugh: And believe it or not I also have a Charlie!
I have included a link at the top of this post I found useful when I brought my second grey home, read through and it will give you some guidelines and also explain what to expect.
I have three greys now but going back to bringing my second home all I can say is dont rush things and take your time! Things wont fall into place easily it will take time and patience but can be done.
You dont know if both greys will get on with each other you have always to consider this but hopefully they will or will at least tolerate each other.
I hope things will work out for you and your greys and we will all be here to support you on the forum. However many questions you have, post away we are here to help.
Dont worry about the talking side of things, mine all talk to each other and the eldest two will shout each other by name which isnt going to be difficult for your two as they share the same name.
I cant wait to hear more about them both and maybe see some pictures.