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Everything posted by casper

  1. This baby really needs to see a vet to determine what the black spots are. Is there anyone who could possibly help you? Maybe come up with some kind of payment plan with the vet, some vets will offer this service, its worth a try.
  2. Once they start there is no stopping them! Congratulations on your babies first words:)
  3. Dave, Im glad Alfie seems back to his normal self! Im sure it was a hard choice for you to make! You had to do what was right for you and your family!
  4. Hiya vee, welcome to the forum:)
  5. I am so sorry for you:( Your perfect grey is out there waiting for you, it just may take a little while to find him. Good luck.
  6. They are all so different. I have had two start to talk at a very young age and one of them does a good Elmer Fudd kind of Jabber, he is a year old. Congratulations on your baby talking:)
  7. Beautiful picture Sheila! Cracker is a little cutie:kiss:
  8. Hiya Fisher and welcome! So glad you could join us here. Read away in the next few days and ask lots of questions. Hope you enjoy the forum:)
  9. Hiya Fisher, Congratulations on your new baby! I bet you cant wait:) I have included a link from the Nursery room, this gives some advice on what to do when you bring your new baby home. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/the-nursery/72855-bringing-home-your-baby-grey.html Just enjoy your new baby, it may take a little while for them to settle in, remember everything is new to them, surroundings, people new cage etc. Normally babies accept new things pretty quickly if they have been socialised really well, I didnt really have any problems with mine. Any questions or help you need just post away!
  10. Poor little guy! I am so pleased you will be bringing him home soon, he really needs lots of love and a secure loving home. Its pretty young to be molting but not unheard of. My boys started to molt from around 9 months plus, it has been a pretty gradual process with nothing too drastic. Did they say he had plucked all of his tail feathers out? It sounds like he must have been very stressed if he has done this to himself. Hopefully the plucking will stop when he settles in his new home. He needs time to adjust to his new surroundings first then hopefully with lots of attention etc it may stop him from plucking. The flight feathers will have to grow back through, he will have to go through a molt before he will grow a new set back, was he allowed to fly before the clip? Please keep us updated, members will be here to help from the moment you bring him home. Glad you could join us here.
  11. Hello and welcome to the forum! I am so pleased you have given MrCongo another chance in life, I hope things will work out for you, keep us updated. You share the same passion as my husband as well, BIKES! I think you have the same bike, here is a picture of my Daughter on his beloved Ninja! Enjoy the forum:)
  12. casper

    At last!

    I am an AUNTIE!!!!!!! After a weekend in labour, my sister has just given birth to a beautiful baby girl. She weighed in at 9lb 2oz. Both are doing well and I cant wait to go and see them. Im not sure what she is going to call the baby as I know she thought she was having a boy. I feel so blessed and this great news is very welcoming. I will try and get some photos when I go visit. She has ended up having a c-section so she will be in the hospital for a few days. I am so happy.:kiss:
  13. What a beautiful Tag! I hope everything is going okay for you both, please keep us updated with Fagans progress, we love reading each others stories about our wonderful greys:) Thanks for sharing your picture with us.
  14. Thankyou everyone, he has been spoilt today! I love my baby:kiss:
  15. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I am laughing so hard! I can just imagine! I would have just handed the napkin as well and told him to do it himself! Like Sheila said it is valentines though:whistle:
  16. Rest in peace Ruben, fly free little onex
  17. Well, I have been up all night as my sister is overdue with her first baby and started with contractions yesterday afternoon. She went down to the hospital late last night but they have sent her back home as she is not in established labour! I think its going to be a long weekend with no sleep for us all! I am so excited at being an Aunt for the first time and it would be so special for her to have the baby today as its Valentines day and my Keeko's hatch day as well. I will keep you all posted. Have a great weekend everyone:)
  18. Its my beautiful Keeko's hatchday today!:kiss: He is my middle grey and the alpha male of the three, he has so much personality and his cheekiness is second to none! There is never a dull moment with Keeko around. He is my special valentines baby and I love him so much! Just thought I would share my little boys first birthday with you all its a special valentines day present for me!
  19. Hello Mark and Paco. Its great you could join us here:) Cant wait to hear more about you both and see some photos. Enjoy the forum.
  20. Judy gives great advice on continuing to offer the fruits and veggies. Try them in different ways, even hand feeding and spoonfeeding can get your baby grey used to different foods. Have you tried to offer pellets? I used to moisten them for mine when they were babies then they gradually ate them when they were dry. Just monitor your babies weight if you are at all concerned. Look through the threads in the bird food room and also the Nursery, there are some which offer good advice on feeding your baby. Please keep us up to date with Kharsen's eating:)
  21. casper


    Lets not start that one agin Dan:laugh: I am sure he is just mimicing as well:)
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