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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It was a look of searching for a Rock to crawl under and DIE {Feel-bad-00020068}
  2. Wow Geoff, You are very fortunate to live next to such a highly esteemed Vet College! That is great news on Mireks Eye responding so rapidly :-) I'll bet you both feel better today as life with Mirek gets back to normal. Thanks for the update and also the info on your attending Avian Vet.
  3. Hi Pryde, Yes, Napa would be a wondeful place to go spend the weekend and carry Pryde around :-) Maybe take him up on a Hot Air Ballon ride, that would be a thrill for him :woohoo:
  4. That is very sad. It is also wise advice to heed. Thanks for sharing this!
  5. I took Dayo in the Shower with me 3 days ago. I let him watch me shower from the above rail and of course he did receive a few little specs of water during this. Then when I was done, I slowly moved him down to the shower floor and started diverting a very small amount of droplets to help ease Dayo into it and slowly increased. He just stood and received the shower with no apparent like or dislike. The next day, I placed a 9 inch baking tin with about an inch of water on the floor of his cage. Then about a half hour later he was in the baking tin splashing away. I hope this will continue on his part, we'll see. But, I do find Lidia's comments on not requiring bathing at all, very interesting. I also find the article provided in the link and the rainfall averages of Africa's area that these CAGs populate interesting also. That is a huge amount of rain. It's really too bad that there have not been much studies of these wonderful creatures in the wild. I am sure it would tell us tons that would explain the behaviour we see in these highly intelligent CAG's.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/13 15:18
  6. Thanks for the link Mark. I agree that the alarm raised by some people of Peanuts and other products are simply over reaction and doomsday type scare tactics. It all boils down to common sense. I eat and love peanuts as do most all people and they are contained in thousands of products consumed by us Humans everyday. If people want to stop feeding peanuts based upon the scare posts and articles, then they should research all food articles. They will be shocked at the "Possible" health risks involved with everything. Everything we consume has a "Potential" to be lethal for various reasons. My personal belief is to just use balance and common sense. :laugh:
  7. Good idea, but a huge Solar flare occurs and removes the anti-gravity properties. I want all smog and toxins to just magically disappear from the Earth.
  8. It sounds like your having a good time with the Harness and your Grey. :-) Are you also planning on taking him around some of the Warfs at Santa Cruz, SF etc. since you live in the Bay Area? There are definately many places there to go on nice days in public. :woohoo:
  9. These are funny and interesting photos Frankie! :laugh: Dayo likes to Climb up our wooden plantation style blinds and bat the draw string wooden nobs around. Thanks for sharing this!!!
  10. I have ran the vacuum around my Conure and Dayo (CAG) and neither have ever taken a bath due to it. The Conure shows no emotion towards it, but Dayo is obviously fearful of it at this time. At least he does not go crazy, he just climbs to the top of the Cage and watches :-)
  11. Hi Geoff, It's really good to hear that Mirek has been diagnosed with a minor irritant and infection of his eye and treatment is simple. It sounds like all your hard romping play times with Mirek has really payed off, in terms of being able to handle him in most any way and not have a fearful Bite reaction. I am doing the same with Dayo to ensure he is used to being handled, held restrained and with towels as just a normal daily occurence. :woohoo:
  12. LOL to All your comments!! :laugh: It's Greyt to know I am not alone :woohoo:
  13. So, AFTER I get back from the Store this morning. My Wife (DayosMom)asks me, did you know you have bird Poop dripped down the back of your Pants? :ohmy: :pinch: I decided I want a T-Shirt made, with the following question on Front and Back: Yes, I do own a Parrot. WHY???
  14. It seems to be common for most Grey owners to allow them to roam about the house supervised. I have only had Dayo eight Days, but allowing him to roam has not thus far shown any indication of a dominance issue arising.
  15. But, your Grey leaves for another..... I want to go back and get a degree in Marine Biology.
  16. Hi Deamarhut, Welcome to the Forum. You have come to the right place for information and help in getting to know your new Family member. How long have you had him at your residence? When you say he is demanding of attention and also shows you affection, how does he go about that? Will he step up onto a perch if you manually open the Cage and with a perch in your hand place it in front of him to step up on to? With Greys or any other Parrot for that matter, TRUST is the most important thing you need to gain with your new friend. After that, the friendship develops :-)
  17. If you have visited an interacted with your new baby at the Breeders while waiting for weaning to occur. He/She is already comfortable with you and you could give it a tour of the house as soon as you get it home. Interact with it for a while to comfort it and then put it in the Cage for an hour or two to get familiarized with it. If you have not visited your Grey at the breeders and it is not real friendly with you at first, I would place him in the Cage at first for a Day and let him get used to his new environment and family while they are in close proximity to the Cage. I brought Dayo home last Saturday. I had been visiting him every week at the Breeders for 8 weeks and the last 2 weeks, the Breeder allowed us to bring him home for 4 to 6 hours on those Saturdays. So, when he came home for good, it was a comfortable environment for him already. You will need to play it by ear based upon how he/she reacts to the move to the new home. I know you must be excited and probably are thinking of nothing at this point of the day you can bring your Grey home....I know how I was :woohoo:
  18. That was a Greyt monopoly game Melissa! It looks like everyone had a lot of fun, by the Photos you posted in a rather game sequence style showing Talon at his best :-) Thanks for posting these!!
  19. Very well done article Monique! The Breeder insisted on clipping Dayo before we could bring him home after he had fledged. He can still fly partially in short spurts, but not gain any real height. I am undecided which way I will go on the clipping. I have an Aviator Harness and will be taking Dayo outside with it.
  20. Hi Geoff, I am Sorry to hear about Mireks Eye. :-( I hope your vet visit goes well and that Mirek heals rapidly. I guess he will be a little slower now reading your reading assignments until his Eye is well :-)
  21. The worlds Ink supply has been shut down due to exports from china containing lead... I want a 6000 sqft home with a Jungle Room which is a 1000 sqft of nothing but trees, plants, waterfalls and cool stuff for Dayo to fly freely and have a blast in :-)
  22. Hi Nooey, It sounds like you had a wonderful time and that #5 seems to have definitely chosen you :-) Everything you have said he is doing is normal and sounds like a very smart fellow. Yes, there is a big difference between 11 and 14 weeks old in how bold they are and coordination etc. I can't wait to see those photos :-)
  23. You just inherited 10 Greys, 1,2,3,4,5,6 weeks old, a 2 year old, a 4 year old, a 10 year old and a 50 year old... :-) I want to build a 57 Chevy from the Frame up.
  24. True SFSailor and thanks for clarifying that! :-) FYI for All - Lightening Ionizes the Atmosphere.....notice how fresh everything is after a lightening storm?<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/10 16:20
  25. Tricky - This is a good game. Thanks for posting it!! Karma +++ for you :-)
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