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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Wow Lidia - Your pretty fast with one wooden leg and an Eye patched over .... Thanks!!!
  2. Wow - These are all great Photos!! Thanks to all so far that have posted them :-)
  3. Great Photos!! They are beautiful. My condolences on Moons passing way :-(
  4. Yes as Tari has stated, it will take time for your Grey to get used to the Harness. It sounds as though he is presently afraid of that new thing you are bringing close to him. Maybe trying just hanging it on the outside of the cage for a while to get him a ease with it in close proximity. Also, work on having him sit on a perch while you stroke and cover his eyes, stroke his wings and also left each one up individually. This will get him used to the movements and actions you will be required to perform in getting the Harness on.
  5. Hi 911, You provide a very critical service to the public. I can not imagine the stress of that position, in dealing with constant emergencies, that require you to give good instructions, calm the person down if possible and at the same time control your emotions. I salute you!!
  6. danmcq


    Ok, thanks for that additional information Lidia. I was going to mash them :-) Chunky sounds like more fun :woohoo:
  7. Thank You both Mark and Lidia :-) Very well put and informative. I am on the same page and will continue offering a plethora of seeds, nuts, fruits, veggies, pasta and have pellets mixed in with it. It's interesting to watch Dayo eat. He will eat something one day and then eat something the next. Much like us humans not wanting to eat the same thing all the time. This is a great Topic and perhaps should be put up with a posty?
  8. LOL Lidia, glad I gave you a good laugh :-) Regarding Suit - The Tailors have all gone on strike and there is no end to it in sight.....loooong wait if ever possible. I would like to visit never-never land with Peter Pan.
  9. Wow - That is really nice!!! Did you make this or purchase it? I would definitely be interested in buying one if they are for sale somewhere!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/16 13:46
  10. Good question. Dayo will be in shock when I go back to work this coming Monday. I have been on vacation for 2 weeks and home with him the entire time. I have been greatly extending his cage time though for the last 3 days and will continue to do so through the weekend. I am wondering though, how not seeing me around while he is in his cage all day will affect him.
  11. Hi mpr, I am sorry to hear that you may not find and bring home a CAG as quickly as expected. But, don't give up! You will find one with your determination. :-) My Breeder still has 4 CAGs available IF you were interested in having one shipped to you. I can vouch that they have all been hand-fed, socialized and well taken care of. I and my Wife played with all of them over the last 8 weeks while we were waiting for Dayo to wean. :-)
  12. Hi Melissa, Thats the kind of determination and patience that will eventually get Talon into the Aviator. It sounds like you are doing exactly as the DVD shows and discusses. LOL - Talon loves to see you guys inside or outside :-)
  13. :-) Thinking is good Judy :-) That is my question? Seems healthier and more natural for them to me. But, maybe I am missing something???
  14. Oh Man, I can't corrupt that one Judy, your Dream is granted :-) I would like to go out to Sea and view the Humpback Whales migrating again.
  15. But the Stores freezers go on the fritz and all the Ice Cream has melted and run out....talk about cholesterol ;-) I would like to go on a Helium Balloon ride.
  16. Oh, boy, that is something only God can give and humans will always let you down, down , down so your dream is shattered. I just want a couple of Big Beef Enchiladas smothered all over with melted cheese...
  17. Well, congratulations on a Baby girl! Now you need to do everything in Pink ;-) Post updates , we love to hear them and photos we love photos!!
  18. HI Percysmum, I'll bet you are having a hard time containing yourself :-) I am so happy for you. One of your long time dreams has come true! Yes, you can post an image in your Post by clicking on the button at the bottom of the text entry area, then click on [browse] and browse to the photo on your PC you wish to upload. One note though, you will need to reduce the photo to 500 pixels wide to post it. Of course you can also add them to the Gallery also :-) Thanks for offering to post the photos. We love photos :woohoo:
  19. Thanks Lidia, It's ok, it all turned out well and Dayo laid next to me, tucked his head into my palm and fell a sleep as I scratched his head. He was one tired little Grey :-) I will do it again tomorrow and try to get him to stay on the T-Stand without him trying to climb on to my Hands while I'm putting the Harness on. As always, when I get involved in something, there is always hurt feelings, blood and death ....:evil: This African Grey has met his worst nightmare as a Teenager, when he reaches that point ;-) My apprehension was for Dayo, not me :ohmy:
  20. Thanks Tari, Yes, I watched the DVD Days ago. I have let Dayo see it and play with it. Yesterday I put just the neck portion over his head with no problem at all and then took it back off in 30 seconds with no issues yesterday. Today's biggest problem, I believe is balance as they illustrated in the DVD or just by him trying so adamantly to climb onto me instead of staying on his T-Stand. I guess I need to work more with him on staying on the T-Stand while I interact with him. He let me take it off with no problems at all :-).... of course that could have been the peanut I gave him to chew on before I started taking it off ;-) I was VERY apprehensive of how taking it off was going to work out.....I would have reverted to scissors if it had turned ugly :ohmy:
  21. danmcq


    Thanks for the recipe Lidia! Yes, we call them Baby potatoes here, so I know exactly what you are describing :-) It's even making me hungry :woohoo:
  22. Welcome Nellie!! Thanks for joining our Forum. You will find we look to each other as family members here and go to whatever lengths needed to help each other and new comers out. :-) Post any questions you may have after exploring the site and also post some photos of your Parrot when you have a chance. We love photos :-)
  23. Well, I just got the Aviator on Dayo, which only resulted in the only 2 skin breaking, bleeding Bites Ive received from him. It was mainly due to him being off balance on the Tee Stand I placed him on. He kept trying to climb onto my hands and thus losing balance. Anyway, he did a few back flips and spinning in circles then calmed down a little. I let him out the Patio door and he walked around for a little bit then became obsessed with the harness again, then explored some more, flew a couple of times and then then walked back in the house! Now he's sitting on the floor, harness still on, but not fighting it. He has his head and body next to a box with fluffy toys in it and I just gave him a head scratch and reassured him a little. Not sure if he just wants to take a nap now, or if he has just given up and is sulking at not being able to get the harness off :-)
  24. Dayo is absolutely fascinated with the view of the outside, through the Patio sliding glass doors! Everytime I get him out, he runs or flies straight to the door and just looks out and pecks on the glass for a good 10 - 15 minutes, before he pays any attention to his toys or me trying to play with him. I understand wanting to not only see, but experience the beauty of the outdoors, but he is obsessed right now. Is this normal?
  25. Uh Oh, here comes Moby Dick and you now have a wooden leg and to top it off, your Parrot lost balance during the attack and put your eye out. So you also wear an eye patch :-) I want to go to the Bahama's for a 30 day vacation with wife and Dayo..Pina Colada's, kick a little sand dancing in the moonlight and just relaxing.
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