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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Pompous, good to hear an update. :-) Do you think He is Moulting? You mention he doesn't look very good. That is the only question I can think of that was not covered by Judy or dblhelix.
  2. These are all informative posts. I am going to start offering eggs to Dayo now based on all your posts...Thanks!! :-)
  3. danmcq


    That is so sad readz. :-( I would imagine you have explored all the medical and filtration options you may have in overcoming this. It sounds like this is going to break the Grey's and your Hearts....
  4. Poof....You are a 3 momth old baby and now must find a set of Parents to adopt you.... I wish there were 10,000 active posters on this Forum.
  5. Your wish is granted, but it is Josey, the lOve of yoru life :-) What a Hunk of a Grey ;-) I wish I could remember my study of Grey's in the Wild.
  6. Hi Imran, Thanks for the update. It's good news to hear that you have found a vet and are taking him. :-) Please let us know how everything is going and what the vet says about it. We all learn from incidents like this. You know the saying "Fore-Warned is Fore-Armed". The experiences we share with each other here helps us all become better caregivers to our Greys. :-)
  7. beckymac, thats great news!! I am so happy for you :-) Yes, please keep us posted and get phots once you decide!!!
  8. Wow Summer, what a great and informative FIRST Post!! WELCOME and thank You!! As you have probably noticed, we are are very Family style forum that just love talking and sharing information and photos of our Greys. Why don't you Introduce yourself in our Welcome Room, so all the others here will realize your a new family member? It would be great, if you felt compelled to do so. :-) Again, welcome!!!
  9. Hi Shanlung!! Your Tinkerbell was and is special to those of us also that have read the story and view the images on your website. I still go there, just due to the beauty and inspiration I find in it. I can not imagine the pangs in your heart when you think of her, but please know I hurt for you also. It's just so sad you two can not somehow reunite. :-( Thanks for posting!! Don't be such a stranger. You are a deep well of knowledge that we can all learn from!!!
  10. danmcq

    Roxy talks!

    Congratulations on Roxy begginning to talk Ice! I forgot how old Roxy is now, but I think it is around 6 months. Turn the camera on oand leave the room. ;-) Thanks for posting this!!
  11. Hi beckymac, The breeder I just purchased Dayo from has 5 other grey babies weaned and available here in California. Let me know if your interested and I'll send you their email and website.
  12. Hi Sandra, What a great developement. You are going to be one happy and busy person. :-) Keep us posted as you get time and post photos!!
  13. Congratulations Judy!!!!! You are one active member and we all Love you for it!!!!! {Love-0002011D}
  14. Hi Fourtrap, Wow, you have quite the gang there. It will be nice having you as a member of our online Family here!! :-) We look forward to hearing more from you and perhaps seeing some more photos when you get a chance !! Of course any questions or comments you may have are more than welcome. That's what were here for :-)
  15. HI Zooky and Welcome!! Thanks for posting the nice photos :-) We look forward to hearin gmore of your adventures with your Grey and all your other critters!
  16. I'm so happy for you Nooey, Congratulations!! :-) Keep us updated and post photos of MOjo when you get a chance.
  17. The Egg thread was fine and was placed in the correct room "Off Topic" Discussions.. That is the correct room for random chatter :-) If it gets too far off, I'll let you know. ;-) I think for the most part. Everyone here understands the need to stay on Topic as possible. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/19 23:24
  18. I contacted Richard Sawyer. He is a very personable Man that owns a Queen Palm Orchard. He also owns a CAG and 2 Hyacinth Macaws. They all just love the Palm Nuts. He said it takes them about 20 minutes to eat one. So they need to work for it. :-) He goes out and picks the Orders fresh when he receives them. The trees bare fruit all year round. The minimum order is $100 for 50 pounds!! You must get a fedex account so you can provide him with your fedex number to ship them to you and then fedex will bill the shipping charges to you depending on which method you select. You simply send him a check and he pulls your order and ships it. I am going to see how many Grey owners I can rally up here to split the 50 pounds. I do not own a separate freezer to store that large of a quantity. You need to freeze what you will not use in a week so they will not start turning vinegary. He also said that you can smash the Nut once your Grey has stripped the flesh and give it back to them. It contains a Coconut type of center that they love. You may all want to do the same unless you own a freezer. His contact info is: Richard Sawyer P.O. Box 854 Naples, Florida 34106 (239) 248-2165
  19. Yes! Once you join, your in!!! To our Family!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/19 21:11
  20. Hi Joe, Thats great news!! Thanks for posting the update. That is very hot for a humid place like Florida...heat index around 110 probably :ohmy:
  21. Thanks for the post regarding the link lovemygreys. I went back to it and found the conatact info at the bottom of the page!! I called and left a message....I'll let the others know when I hear back from him. Thanks again Makena for finding this link. :-)
  22. Hi Imran, I am sorry to hear of your families and your Greys illness. Monique is right, you need to drive, not matter the distance to a veteranarian to have him taken care of. If you do not, the possibility of losing your Grey is very high.
  23. LOL Monique - Wall Art by our Greys, I like that :woohoo: Great overall information too!!
  24. Hello Fourtrap and Welcome!! There is also a Welome Room for new memebers you might wish to introduce yourself in . :-) WE love to hear about your Grey (if you own one), any questions you may have and also photos of your Parrot(s) :-) Again WELCOME!!!!
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