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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. WoW lovemygreys, I love the way you have screened off that doorway and made it into an aviary. The way you have that room setup with all the various playgyms, toys and cages is filled with plenty of good ideas for all of us. I also notice how impeccably clean your cages and everything else in that room is kept in a "Like New" condition. Thanks for setting and SHOWING a good example of a loving and caring Parrot owner. :-)
  2. Good topic lovemygreys. My Wife and I both give Dayo little "pecks", but only with the top of the lip, to avoid the dangers you mention of passing on a bacterial or viral infection to him. Although I do not know of any viral infection that can be passed, bacterial is the main concern. As you also pointed out, the bite or really just a possible hard beaking that could occur to the soft lip tissue is the BIG concern. As we all know, they feel and communicate with their Beaks. We will probably discontinue this when Dayo starts getting a little older (He's 4 months now)due to the way they assert themselves more as they mature. Dayo likes to "Preen" my Moustache, which is rather funny :-), but still, the danger exists. I am sure others here have read or talked to Grey or other Parrot owners that have sustained facial disfiguring of the lip area just from a simple act of the Parrots assertion of just wanting to have their space at that moment. This is a good topic that new and perhaps unaware Parrot owners will find enlightening.
  3. Hi Sofabed, The DVD that comes with the Aviator Harness is very detailed in how to put the harness on correctly. They really did a good job of explaining how to introduce your Parrot to the harness. Once you feel comfortable with the fact that you have it on correctly, then you take him outside.
  4. Welcom John!! Nice photo of your Grey. We look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  5. CAGguy, I can feel and read your excitement. :-) We will look forward to your updates and photos.
  6. Makena, I read in your posts, over and over how you two want to go to Europe. That said, I would advise against burning up 75 % of your time being spent on a Ship. Fly to Italy and or France, spend a week in each and absorb the culture,romanticism, history and beauty of it all. Granted a week in each place is not enough time to see "Everything" as dblhelix stated. But, those two countries/cities i.e Venice and Paris are considered the most romantic places to visit and also the most historic and interesting hubs from which you can jaunt out to surrounding villages and cities of interest based on your interests. Do it NOW, once married, most the time "life" starts happening, with children and responsibilities that will limit your ability to do this again for many years possibly, as most Married people with children can attest too. My time on the Podium is done. Next..... :-)
  7. You did the right thing by intervening for your "Dusty Chicken"! It is sad your guest and I assume friend decided based upon his or her bad behaviour that it was you who were rude in the correction. I am the same way, even with my Family members that congregate at my home often. I explain the "Rules" before the introduction to Dayo and if they get out of line, I correct them. Teasing of animals of any type, is not something I tolerate. Even if they are not mine, I will defend the Animal. It's great you have socialized her so well and that she seems to welcome the extra attention. I'll bet she just glows when guests arrive. :-)
  8. Thanks for sharing that Barb. They certainly are observant and intelligent. You must really watch you you do and say in front of them. :-)
  9. One thing of note in the ingredients, Montmorillonite Clay is a vital item in the wild. Some or many of you may already know this, but many Birds and Parrots eat Clay. The reason for this, is it coats their digestive tract. This protects them from the poisonous vegetation they love to munch on as a staple in their diets.
  10. danmcq

    My Grey

    Hi Toni, The others hit the nail on the head in regards talking. When are you bringing your much awaited bundle of Joy and Happiness home, I forget? :woohoo:
  11. Connie you are right. Greys and other Parrots are starting to hit the mark near the endangered species list and some are on it. They will have to enact strong poaching Laws and try to enforce by catching those trappers in the Various countries where these horrendous acts are taking place. I think we have all learned through the years as we have watched the decimation of the Elephant, Gorilla, Rhino's etc. herds nearly sent to extinction for their body parts on the open and now black market. We should not forget the lessons learned and voice our concern over it continuing. I apologize, I took off on a different topic. May the Forum God's strike me for it.
  12. Yes, Connie, it is a sad sight. It also bought a few emotions up in me, sad, then anger at the thought of someone offering skinned and or stuffed Greys, Macaws and Too's as a form of art. Sorry, if my first response seemed like it was directed at you. It wasn't. It was directed at that website owner using something they know will pull Parrot and other bird and animal lovers into their Website for evangelism of vegetarianism.
  13. Yes - Bite = They want you to do something ... :-) Actually there is a thread on Body Language on this forum. You can do a search for it. I believe there are more than one, if I remeber correctly.
  14. Seeing the stuffed Parrots, is appalling. But, this persons website seems to be more dedicated towards chicken and cow consumption than anything else. Personally, I eat meat and will continue to do so. It is just part of the natural food chain. If people decide to be vegetarians, more power to them. But, do not try to use "Shock" and sad stories to try and leverage me over to that side of the fence. Do you know for years, scientists have also stated that plants scream, in their own way at being trimmed or harvested? Anyway, the stuffed Parrots, are certainly a shocking sight.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/25 14:23
  15. LOL Beccy!! Now that is original and witty..... I like it!! Thanks for submitting it. :-) If others are as sharp as you, this could be a VERY competitive contest, which I think we all enjoy friendly competition. :woohoo:
  16. Hi Sampson, Wow, I am sorry to hear that. It sounds like your vet is doing and testing everything he can now. Did he mention what the "Goober" may have been? Does the vet know that he has lost vision in that eye now? None of us are Vets, but there may be someone here that has had a similar experience with sight loss and a cause. Please keep us posted on the findings and outcome of this. It will be very valuable information for all of us.
  17. Harrison's is recommended by many vet's and Grey owners. But, I always believe in knowing what the ingredients are of the pellet of any type of food. I have posted this before, but here are the ingredients of the Harrison High Potency pellets: Ingredients: *Ground Shelled Sunflower Seeds, *Ground Hulless Barley, *Ground Soybeans, *Ground Shelled Peanuts, *Ground Green Peas, *Ground Lentils, *Ground Yellow Corn, *Ground Rice, *Ground Toasted Oat Groats, Psyllium, *Ground Alfalfa, Calcium Carbonate, Spirulina, Montmorillonite Clay, Ground Dried Sea Kelp, Vitamin E Supplement, Sea Salt, Vitamin A Supplement, Vitamin D3 Supplement, Niacin Supplement, Vitamin B12 Supplement, Riboflavin Supplement, d-Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine Hydrochloride, d-Biotin, Thiamine Mononitrate, Sodium Selenite. Though Vet's are starting to advise against feeding seeds to your Parrots, I find it amusing, that the very brand they recommend as "The Best" pellet contains as the #1 (meaning highest quantity) ingredient Sunflower Seeds and #4 Peanuts..... Just some "Food" for thought folks. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/25 13:59
  18. Yes, lovemygreys is right. Introducing the harness to your new grey can be made into an enjoyable learning time activity for you and him. Doing this, includes head, neck body and under wing rubs and scratches that he will find very enjoyable once he gets used to them. :-) I had the harness on my new baby Dayo for the first time at 15 weeks old.
  19. Connie wrote: Yes, they always test texture, taste and firmness of everything they come in contact with. Of course, the Beak is the testing device. It sounds like you are doing the right thing by blowing or perhaps shaking your hand when the test becomes too powerful. Spanky will learn what's acceptable very quickly. :-) One thing to note also, if they want to get you to do something or not, they will communicate that to you via the Beak as they do to their Flock and Mates in the wild.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/25 13:33
  20. Your in the Club Connie! :-) It sounds like you have experienced some good firm warnings, thankfully no serious bites that leaves a scar or two. :ohmy: and hopefully you never will. Thanks for sharing your "Bites" ( I like the Vampire Sun ;-) ) and some information regarding what may have brought them on. Here's a pictorial example of how NOT to react if bitten.....
  21. OK, put you best thinking Cap's on and start submitting you ideas for front and back captions and images to accompany them.
  22. YOu started to, but noticed a small white wiggling living worm at first bite ..... I wish womeone didn't corrupt the nexr "Wish"
  23. Welcome Michelle!! Thanks for posting a great introduction and a Photo of your Babies :-) We'll look forward to hearing more from you. Welcome to our Forum Family.
  24. Genetics, environment, diet, exercise etc. all play a major role in the age a Grey may attain. Much like us humans or any other living creature. It would be interesting to see a study on this, that would provide a mean average life expectancy of the Grey.
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