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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. CAG Guy!!! It sounds like your already having fun. It will only become more so. :-)
  2. Sorry to hear of the deformed spine Zooky. Please keep us updated on his progress and of course his cuteness.
  3. I didn't mention any , so they don't exist.... I wish there were more women on this forum ;-)
  4. Ok, thats enough to continue this contest then. Let's start hearing more ideas! :laugh: :woohoo: :silly:
  5. Unfortunately, they Rose that pierced through the breast of the Cockatoo retired the poor thing.... I would like a root beer float....102 today
  6. But, the delivery truck crashes and burns on the way to deliver it. I wish I had some Enchiladas right now..mmm...mmm
  7. Maybe you could make friends with one of your clients Tari, like our breeder did with us? Then you and hubby could go relax sometime while your new friend looks after your Parrots . :-)
  8. Hi Pryde! It's great to hear your Breeder is that way. Mine is also and will keep Dayo anytime we wish to go out of town. We will also take care of all her Parrots and Breeders when her and her hubby go out of town. It's nice when you make "Friends" like that, isn't it?
  9. All, WE really lacked the participation by several forum members in this contest. We can do one of two things. 1. Just post your votes for your favorite of the ones existing. I will then go down and have one special made for that winner. WE did not receive enough interest in this to get any type of good price breaks to say have 50 made. So, once is decided on, you would each need to go down and have yours made at a local T-shirt shop. 2. We continue this contest and see if we get more entries and more users interested in purchasing a T-shirt and have that quantity made....hopefully 50 + I will leave this in the members hands based upon popular opinion. :-)
  10. That is Great news and what an awesome Avian Vet to make a house call :-) That is pretty much unheard of here in the USA.
  11. I guess Toni, Pryde, Geoff and I have the Youngest and Miltie will be with us in a few weeks... :-)
  12. Hey Joe, hows the schedule looking for us USA Grey owners? One thing for sure, You have a captive audience :-) I'll pay you a $$$ bonus for early delivery.....just between me and you ;-)
  13. Would it be possible to leave the new Grey at the Breeders until you get back from vacation? This might be better. Then when you bring him home, you will be around hopefully for months before your next week + vacation. Then your bonding and relationship with your new baby would not be interrupted. :-) Also, Welcome to the Forum!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/24 17:45
  14. Granted, but it's in antartica and you freeze in 30 minutes. I like being on the alien ship, but wish they would beam my wife and Dayo up to enjoy the galaxy.
  15. <<<<Poof>>>> Your a penicillin Pill.... I wish I could tour Area 51 as I asked previously....
  16. Congratulations to you both!! I know you two will continue to just make things better with your respective talents and backgrounds. You both deserve it :-)
  17. <<<Poof>>> Your 16, you crash your car into a Pimps "Pimped out Ride" in the Bronx. They come out of the woodwork after you and you are now wishing you were 48 again. I would like to tour Area 51.
  18. Poof, you do, but now you can no longer hold Josey. The Talons, though trimmed, still painfully tear the skin when you try to hold her on your hand. I wish I has a 15 foot wide HD plasma screen.
  19. Greylover, The procedure a vet will perform if something is truly stuck or his crop is impacted. Will be to disinfect the skin, slit through skin with scalpel, pull skin aside and slit through crop, clean out the crop and stitch it up. Then you must isolate bird and keep wound clean until it heals. Please keep us posted. :-)
  20. No we know what you do in between posts here Tari ;-)
  21. You do, but you find you were never born and vaporize... I wish the next poster has all their dreams come true.
  22. Hi Imran, Thanks for the update on Polly. It is great to hear that all is well now. The provides some very good information on this illness and a few others. Did the vet prescribe any drugs or just advise you to increase vitamins and or more veggies containing Vitamin A?
  23. You will have them, but only when you go to the ever after.... I wish I could contain myself to only posting informational, dry posts, that just state the facts...
  24. Welcome Sue! :-) Thanks for introducing yourself and offering to post photos. We will certainly look forward to seeing them.
  25. Congratulations Beccy!!!! I can not add any more to what has been said already, regarding your helpfulness, kindness, perseverance and love of life and people. Thanks for being you and calling us your friends. :-)
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