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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Actually, yes lovemygreys. I will get with the Breeder here and obtain a list of the persons that are purchasing the other 5 Grey Babies she has. Networking with people always benefits all and it is a great idea, Thanks!! :laugh:
  2. They have no choice, especially Dayo. Since I am going back to work next week and he will be home alone for 9 hours a Day. I feel sorry for Kim when she gets home, Dayo will be bouncing off the walls for attention ... :woohoo:
  3. Ha!! Blessings just "Happen" to you. I have no doubt they both Love you very much Nellie. :-)
  4. LOL - Well they do it to make all the rest of us ask "How did they do That?" ;-) I always MUST find out HOW....I know it's time invested, but I guess it's worth it, if I can answer some ones question or just share some trivial information. :-)
  5. Nellie, I view it as just the opposite, you have a heart big enough for several people! :-) But, you need to start tapering off the hand feedings and just placing the normal food in front of him if He's hungry. I can see from your Photos, that you treat him like a King. Which of course, the others of us here to the same.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/16 23:09
  6. Your lovemygreys! I appreciated their reply too. Now Joe, you said you were going to look into building them and also posting some photos of items you make for some petstores.........:-)
  7. I think they also use Vinegar to soften an eggshell and that makes the shell pliable enough that you can actually get it to a coke bottle for example intact..... Now you know how they do it ;-)
  8. Thanks lovemygreys! I have emailed Rob. The prices he has posted are very reasonable. It's going to be the shipping costs that will drive it up, but I am willing to pay that :-) My Master Dayo states that cost is not a concern :laugh:
  9. Those are great photos Nellie! He is a great looking Grey. What is the other bird in the one photo? Nice aquarium too! Thanks for posting these.
  10. dblhelix wrote: That is great advice Mark! It will all boil down to discipline and sticking with the plan once it's laid out.
  11. :blush: Your welcome folks, but I did it for myself as well B)
  12. Hi Becky, Let the questions begin! :-) Yes, my Avatar is a photo of Dayo. Your excitement will only continue to build and once you bring your Grey home, it increase another ten fold! :woohoo:
  13. Hi Nellie, It's good to hear from you again. :-) We will look forward to your questions, comments and the photos! :woohoo:
  14. Thank You !!! I have made that website a favorite!!! Looks like around a 110 US for 5kg, which is the minimum order...which is a lot of Palm Nuts :-)
  15. I have done an extensive search of the web and cannot find one company in the US that imports and sells raw Palm Nuts. It looks like we can get the Oil, but for some unknown reason, a source seems to be lacking here. Does anyone know of a US company that imports and sells raw Palm Nuts??<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/16 19:12
  16. Welcome beckymac!! Greys do not bond with the opposite sex as many website articles tend to imply. They will also be more likely to accept most anyones attention if you have properly socialized with as many people as possible. I have a baby Grey named Dayo, 16 weeks old that has already met and interacted with around 13 people so far. He allows them to pick him up, give him head scratches etc. The more people, items, toys you expose your new Grey to the better well rounded and less fearful of new people or things he will be. The outcome of how well your Grey turns out, rests mainly on you and the environment you provide for him. We welcome all your questions. There are members here with decades of experience. Again, welcome :-)
  17. Just received a reply from the company that makes these in the UK, they can export, but it looks rather pricey once you figure out the conversion to US currency. Heres the reply: Hi Dan, Yes it is possible to ship to USA, but the shipping cost is rather expensive.It will cost £49 to ship Through Parcelforce economy to the USA,there may also be an insurance charge which we will look into.If you need to email us our email is wickedwitch55@hotmail.com. or our phone number is 01723 515776. Regards Janet(sportjam55)
  18. Hi Lady_Gwennivere, We know you do, but if we worry for you, you can just enjoy your Grey ;-) Please post more photos....you know we love them :woohoo:
  19. Your right Toni, if you want to know the sex, DNA is the most accurate way :-) Many breeders, if you purchase from them, will have it done for you for a small fee $20. If you request it.
  20. Yes Joe, please do post some photos!!! I would love to see your work :-) There is nothing as good as hand made products!!
  21. Joe - Once you duplicate this, I will be your first customer :woohoo: Please let us know, you may have hit a manufacturing bonanza!! Of course, you may not want to come out of semi retirement to start producing them either ;-)
  22. Thanks lovemygreys! The Playstand is beautiful too! I have emailed the seller on ebay asking about exporting to the US. I hope he can!! :-)
  23. OooOoohhh Hot Pink...Then I will give it to my Wife :-) You get you 300G in-all tank, but it is filled with Piranha
  24. Thanks Lovemygreys!! :-) Wow, they only want 45 Pounds! Thats a good price. I will contact them on shipping charges.
  25. Ouch .... a Tutu and a mini trike LOL :-) Joshua your Master reads this post and rises in the flames of a Phoenix reborn. He then commands that due to this insolence, you will not only make the Tea, but from now on the Crumpets also. I would like an automobile to have a finish that repels all grime and never needs washing or waxing.
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