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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq


    I buy bags of frozen mixed veggies and feed both "As is" and nuked until warm. So far, I have not noticed a difference in how much my Parrots like them either way. I give Dayo either some warm Oatmeal or various Baby Foods like squash, peas etc. He only eats around 3 spoonfuls, but I guess it satisfies the Baby in him :-)
  2. That is strange behaviour, unless something is pricking it's neck on that side? Did the Breeder have any comments on it? Perhaps others here will know something on this specific behaviour.
  3. LOL Loviechick - Is the "Whats Up?", like the Bud Commericial on Youtube "Wuuuzzzz Up" in a petshop amongst a bunch of Parrots? :-) Heres the link: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9jO0dZxULY
  4. Yes, I may try some Harrisons. After he finishes the zupreme I presently have. Which is what the Breeder was feeding along with seeds, fruits, veggies etc. But, as you saw in Harrisons contents, Sunflower seeds and peanuts ground up were the #1 and #2 main ingredients. So why not just feed them the real deal? :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/15 20:08
  5. Yes, dowels or spare perches work well. I had to do this with a wild Peach Front Conure I got a year ago. Slowly moved my hand closer up the Dowel each time I picked him up and then eventually got him to step up onto my finger, with just a few really good bites from him :-). Thanks for starting this Blog!!!
  6. Oh, I forgot to ask, due to your forum name, do you work an emergency room, paramedic etc?
  7. Welcome Eileen!! Thanks for such a great introduction and a photo of your new Grey along with it. :-) We are a group of caring Forum Family members here that just love our Greys and other Parrots to death. We look forward to hearing more from you and seeing more photos. We love photos !!! :woohoo:
  8. Good advice Judy, I mix in some Sunflower seeds with Dayo's fruity smelling fruit shaped pellet food. Dayo eats some of the Pellets that way. I want to ensure he is getting all his vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in the fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts I give him.
  9. LOL - Yep, thats an Oscar alright :-) They are fun though :woohoo:
  10. danmcq


    Lovemygreys, Those are beatutiful fancy's and a nicely setup aquarium! Thanks for posting them!! Karma for you :-)
  11. danmcq


    Judy, ok, you can come over and visit mine in the "Jungle Room". :laugh:
  12. Nice Photo of the Tank and Gold Fish :-) I had an Oscar for a few Years in my 100 G. He was HUGE and a very intelligent fish. He recognized me, would come up and eat out of my hand and just follow me back and forth across the Tank as I moved like a little puppy Dog. But, due to his Hugeness, I could not house any other fish in the tank. He viewed them as great snacks I provded for him :-) So, I traded him to a guy for 2 Discus..they were beautiful :-)
  13. danmcq


    I'll just bet you do have plans for it Tari!! But, once I get it, it will have a Plecostomus for cleaning the Glass, a few bottom dwelling catfish, Striped Lace and Black Angels for middle level and probably 15-20 Neon's to start with. Landscaping will include all live plants, some big Lava Rocks with Holes to swim through and of course hide in and just other cool stuff.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/15 18:16
  14. Hi Greylover, Wow, what a great story! That poor distraught fellow sure had the Parrot God shining on him, to have found an experienced owner like yourself, that will get him checked out, fixed up and provided a good home :-) Please keep us posted and post photos when things calm down. When you do Post photos and follow-ups, you should post them in Tari's "Other Birds" Room. I don't want to steal any members posts from Her, though I am VERY tempted :evil:
  15. Hmmm, I don't have too much of a problem taking the shells off. Give the chickens less Calcium so the shells just peel off like a plastic wrapper?
  16. Lidia, Thank you so much for posting this topic and photos. They are wondeful. My Favorite of course, is Joshua the Viking :-) Karma for you !!
  17. danmcq


    Tari - Karma BIG time for you.!! I love this topic and the Aquarium photo! If anyone else has an Aquarium, speak up and post Photos!! :woohoo:
  18. danmcq


    Tari, I really like the way you have Landscaped your Tank. It is very pretty. I always enjoyed tanks, they impart peace and serenity. They are just a pleasure to watch. I may setup another 200 Gallon Tank, now that I have a "Jungle Room".....Kim still calls it the Family Room, but I have other plans including some Bamboo on the walls :evil: Judy - You don't know what your missing ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/15 17:50
  19. Snow , Now You need to teach him the Duck waddle to go with "Aflac". ;-) Adios........ I mean see ya later :-)
  20. This all sounds great Snow. YOu did what it took to get Mr. Boo under control. LOL - I am positive the scratching may be a little "IF'Y" right now :laugh:
  21. Hi Snow, That is a good long list, even though it does not included all that you cannot remember. He must be a real joy to have around. :-)
  22. That is great news Snow!!! You had to figure out what worked for Boo and did it. I love the way he communicates, "No Boo", meaning he won't Bite you :-) We miss your posts!!! Please keep us updated on his future progress and antics as your relationship keeps growing, as I am positive it will.
  23. danmcq


    LOL Tari!! Guppies do make LOTS of babies, without any coaxing !! :-)
  24. danmcq


    Hi Tari, I kept Betta's for years and also bred them. However, it has been a few years since I sold all my tanks, 200, 100, 30, 20 and 10s. I also bred Gold and Striped Angels. Great looking male you have there! :-) Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/15 15:57<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/15 16:00
  25. Hi donste2287, It sounds like you first need to block her with your other hand from running up your Arm to your shoulder and head. Keep her perched on your Hand and try to just talk gently to her and slowly giving little head scratches etc. She needs to feel comfortable with you and your hands especially. Was she hand-fed and interacted with by the Breeder? It seems she has mainly had contact with her clutch, but not much human interaction. The good news is, she is so young that she is still pliable and reliant upon you for food and learning. :-) Please keep us posted and ask as many questions as you desire.
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