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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Rodney!! You definitely have your priorities right, at least in my book :-) You will find that we are a very open family of members here and would not try to sway your opinion...too much! You are doing the right thing by researching each Parrots characteristics and determining the one that will be a "Best Fit" for you and your Family. We have many members here with more varieties of Parrots than a Pet Store or Breeder :woohoo: So ask away with all your questions and concerns. It sounds like you have spent some time researching to train your Parrots properly now and are reaping the benefits of it, along with your Parrots that now view you as a friend, instead of a foe. Again Welcome !!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/09 15:14
  2. CD - Thats great news!! I am really looking forward to it, as I am sure everyone else is. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/09 13:57
  3. Welcome Fran!!! It sounds like you have years of experience across a broad spectrum of "Critters". :-) We are a Family of caring members here and welcome you unconditionally. We do look forward to hearing all the great stories you must have, sharing of your experience and of course, we love photos. :woohoo:
  4. danmcq

    Sticky Beaks

    Yes, your right Beccy :-) Ok, here is one that I have, but I will get a better one soon! Dayo after snacking on Pumpkin:
  5. OoOOooOoOOoooOhhhhhh - Your not right Judy!!! Thanks for the laugh!! But now, I,m Green with envy....:sick: :unsure: :sick:
  6. I just checked out the Photo of Tucker you placed on the Gallery. What a great looking little guy :-) Thanks for uploading that!!
  7. Thanks Judy, Yes, thats on my mind and thus I play for a couple hours, back in cage for a couple hours etc. Then I finally put him in the cage about two hours before Kim gets home and she gets the grand entrance welcome from Dayo. He just loves her to death and I believe she has replaced the Breeder as the Official feeder :-) He will take two or three spoons of oatmeal or baby food from me in the morning. But when Kim gets home after work, you would think I had starved him all day :ohmy: He Just takes spoon-full after spoon-full from her.
  8. Hi Geoff, That's is a great idea, using Balsa wood! He looks very happy, healthy and excited :-) in these great photos. Does your Psychedelic Poster make him dizzy
  9. Welcome Noel! As Judy said, there is a lot of information here, experienced people and a Family atmoshpere. Post photos when you can...we love photos :laugh:
  10. danmcq

    Sticky Beaks

    Hi Lidia, We took the Female back Sunday evening. She was not eating or drinking water and lost 50 grams by the end of the day. Now, after experiencing Dayo full-time since Saturday, he requires more attention than we imagined. :blink: So, based on this, we decided that it will be best to stick with just one Grey Baby for now:laugh:
  11. danmcq

    Sticky Beaks

    Oh Boy, just AFTER I went to all the trouble of wiping the baby food off his Beak this morning...... I'll get one on the next one though :-)
  12. LOL - Judy!! I am definately trying to get him Poop trained...He goes all the time :ohmy:
  13. I'm working on a trick, but Dayo isn't wanting to do anything except cuddle, get scratches and play. Of course He's only 3 1/2 months old though :-)
  14. Welcome Sandra! Yes, there is a Ton of information contained in the Posts on this Forum. We consider everyone here Family and love Photos :-)
  15. You are following destiny Nooey! Yes, let the Grey pick you. I say this, because that's what we did. We went and visited the Greys 4 weekends in a row before we decided on Dayo. Everytime we were there He came to us and after viewing photos we took each visit, if he wasn't with one of us, He was right by our side. :-) Dayo has been the perfect Boy since we got him. He would literally run and follow us if we walk away from him from Day one. He has never even beaked us stronger than just feeling a little pressure to ensure the hand coming up under him was a solid, trustworthy perch. I know your already off to go see the Babies.... Please give us the low-down and Photos...we are as excited for you, as you are :woohoo:
  16. I am very sorry to hear of the shocking news on your new Baby As Loviechick said, destiny has a Grey baby hand selected for You! :laugh:
  17. Very Cool Makena, Thanks for posting the link :-)
  18. It's good to hear that they are shipping you new replacement parts :-) I know how you are with your new Baby. I'm the same way. I must force myself to put him back in the cage :woohoo:
  19. That's a good way too Judy :-) But, I am purposefully having Dayo step up to exit the Cage when I want him to and I then place him back in the Cage the same way when I want him to go in. I need to get the ground rules established. This way, it is not up to him to decide if or when He wants to come out :-)
  20. Hi Makena, It is sad to hear about your Cage purchasing experience But, just so you know, the cages (if medium to large) weigh a 100 pounds or more and unfortunately the shipping transporters in truck and plane just throw the things around and the end result are some bent up parts. I had the same experience in receiving both my cages in regards dented or bent parts and used a large rubber hammer and flat surface to straighten things out. The Cage door is an issue you will need to deal with. They all swing open and closed easily. I have big snap rings that I hold the Cage doors open with. So the incident you experienced will not happen. I hope the Cage Company does you right, there should be NO RUST at all! Keep us posted on your results :-) WE CARE!!!
  21. I guess I will purchase Green T-shirts...then you won't be able to tell Dayo let go on me ;-) I already have several holes in my t-shirts now.....But I love em, everyone of them :-)
  22. Judy - Your right! There is nothing we won't do or buy for our Greys :-)
  23. I bought some Collard Greens this morning due to seeing them mentioned in this room. I took 2 whole stocks and all, washed them and placed them in the Cage. Dayo has eaten both stalk and all :woohoo: To say the least , I was shocked :ohmy: I guess to many greens can't hurt him, other than change the color of his stools <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/07 20:03
  24. LOL - I can't imagine that your Daughter didn't wake up scared too :woohoo: When they Growl, it's one of the most gawd awful sounds I've heard!! I'm glad things are back to normal now though :laugh:
  25. Tari - That is a very pretty Unicorn! Thanks!! :laugh:
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