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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Mahalo Makena! It's to have you here too and it seems you have already been reading some of the great posts here from our Family of Members. We Love Photo's :-)
  2. Hi Victoria and Welcome! You will find a ton of topics here and also that all here are more than eager to give you advice and help. Apollo sounds like a wonderful CAG that needs some time to adjust to his new family and mourn over the loss of his original. Does he allow your Husband to take him out of the Cage?
  3. It does seem like a good experience for your Grey and the Children. As long as the school and the parents are ok with it as already indicated by Talon and others. The main thing to pay attention to, will be how you new TAG feels about it :-) You are certainly jumping in with both feet in providing an exciting and loving atmosphere for your new Family member!! He could not have adopted a better Mom :-)
  4. Hi Pryde, It sounds like it started off with a great day for both you and your new Baby :-) Great photo, what a fine looking Grey. She sounds like a very exploratory and fearless personality type. Which is great. I know you have a FULL schedule now, but we all love the updates you are taking time to Post! :-) Keep them coming.
  5. Excited is a graceful description, when in reality, we are bouncing off the Walls , NERVOUS and can't sleep ... {Feel-bad-00020079}
  6. danmcq

    new cage?

    Thats a great looking HUGE Cage Beccy! I'll bet he'll never get bored again in there or on top :-)
  7. Dayo is going to start potty training Camp this Saturday :-) Thanks for all the good ideas!!
  8. Awwww, what a gentle Girl she is. The video shows her temperment well. It looks like you have a great new family member :-)
  9. That is a great buy. Judy asks a good quesion, why is he selling him?
  10. Hi Lisa, I am certain your heart was pounding watching your TAG Fly off. That is sight no owner wants to see. It's great to hear that all is going well now. That is a very good and appropriate name! :-) Thanks for updating us, we are enjoying your adventure as much as you!!
  11. Hi Lisa, Thanks for the update on your new adopted ;-) TAG. That is one bright fellow you have there to learn so quickly that shoulders are not acceptable to you. You are absolutely right, consistency is the key.
  12. That is a cool video ... that breeders has MANY Birds!! Thanks for posting it Beccy :-)
  13. Congratulations Heather! Wherever you go, there you are :-)
  14. No Judy, it wasn't :-) It was just a different method or means he might want to try. Your comments were correct also!! There's no kicking to the curb around here
  15. Welcome Kauser, It sounds like the environment or atmosphere in your home has changes drastically due to the sickness of your other Grey. Your Greys were together, separating them is the first major change because they were "friends" and possibly mates? He is the Male and the Protector of his Mate and is trying to let you know that he is not OK with this change in living arrangements. To him, I would imagine this is an act of aggression on your part and the chasing him around the room with fabric just put the icing on the Cake. I would give him his space for now and once the Female has overcome this disease, you will be able to place them back together. Once the reuniting takes place, I would think He would start lowering his aggression and protection mode regarding the welfare of his mate.
  16. Beccy, Thanks for this video. That Grey has a lot of Red too and looking at it's eyes, it's not young either.
  17. Steve - Thanks for the update. One would think that with the knowledge and technology available in the Medical profession today, that this would be a routine task for them. Let Mandi know she is in our thoughts and were hoping the best for her. :-)
  18. Lidia - What an interesting fact! The positioning of seeds etc. via the internal ridges makes perfect sense. Man I love this forum and it's members. There is not a day that I do not learn something new. :laugh:
  19. Thanks for the update! It is interesting to read the different reactions these intelligent fellows have to different situations, environments and human gestures :-)
  20. Welcome Donna, Only time will be able to answer this question. As Capricorn becomes accustom to his new home and social network, his true personality will slowly emerge. How close are their cages? When both are outside of them, how are their postures, inquisitive or aggressive?
  21. dblhelix - GREAT post with your answers :-) Karma + for you!
  22. Eve, Thanks for getting permission and sharing this photo! The Red on this Grey is shaded exactly as the Baby Grey at our Breeders that my Wife (Dayosmom) described in this thread. It is not a Red/Red as when one feather goes in place of another. This Baby had Red from the time we first visited the at 8 weeks of age. I have never seen a Grey, with as much Red, as in the photo you have provided. The Red factor is still a mystery, that has not been seriously researched scientifically yet, as far as I can find.
  23. Talon - Thanks for resurrecting this!! This such a funny story. :woohoo: As others have said, once I get Dayo here, on the back he goes :-)
  24. Heather, You just keep out doing yourself with these fantastic photo's! Have you ever thought about submitting them to a reptile magazine or such publication? That is an interesting comment by your Vet on keeping your Grey away from them due to possible disease. It starts to make one wonder about people who have other various types of pets, barring cats and dogs, that disease could be an issue with?
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