Hi Ian,
My reason is simple - My interest in all the wonders of Nature.
Amongst all the previous animals, fish, birds and reptiles I have had over decades. The Grey is probably the finality and most intriguing of it...
Expressing my social or political stance has nothing to do with it. My opinion, is that neither should....
I was never ostracized, spoken Ill of or experienced any other type of prejudice held against me, over having any of them as pets, by any of the very different social , religious, scientific or any other groups I spend time and interact with.
Most, over the years, have simply been intrigued by these natural wonders.
My only negatively perceived social or political stance by some (which never expressed it). Would have been from, My Drag Racing, Motocross, Boating, Street Bike and Street Rod group of friends I socialize with and enjoy very much. We just do it, because it's FUN............:woohoo:
Most Electronic Engineers, are not this wild, but I always have been, yet professional at work...
{Characters-0002005D}<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/28 04:44