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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi All, Thanks for your congrat's and scepticism on my bringing home the Female too. I know what most think of having two Grey's :ohmy: and believe me, I have taken ALL the great information and opinions in to account received from the Family here on the forum. What we decided to do, was to bring the Female Home for 2 Days and see how it goes. If she accepts the new home as well as Dayo and we don't find any issues between them, we will purchase her. With that said, we brought them home, put the Dogs in a Bedroom, then took them out of the carrier. Dayo was out of the carrier and all over the place instantly due to having been here the last 3 Weekends for 4 to 8 hours each time. The Female was content to just sit on my hand and take a tour of the house and check out the new surroundings in a very reserved fashion. After a couple of hours, she was starting to check out the cage, floor and us. After 3 hours of play time, we put them in the cage for familiarization there. I let the Dobies out of the Bedroom for a breather to let the Female see them as Dayo already had. They went out for a potty and run around the yard, then came back in to sit be me. I was posting my announcement here, when I heard the loudest, gawd-awful, spine chilling growl/scream ever. I turned around to see my female dobie one inch from the cage looking at the Female. She was all fluffed up, head down with Beak open at my Dobie, of which I removed from the cage area immediately. That was not a good intro to my Dobies for this Grey female. I will see how she reacts to them being around the general area at times during today. Dayo was just fine with them even at close range. He just cautiously watched. We put the Dobies back up and opened the cage, Dayo road the cage door as I opened because he can't wait to get out. The female however, was very hesitant and I had to coax her to step up and slowly removed her. As, of bedtime last night, she was still VERY reserved about this new "Home". She will all of today with us and then, depending on how she is, we will either take Her back Monday or purchase her. They got up at 4 am while I am writing this and are HUNGRY, eating out of their bowls, but still wanting their "Mommy" to feed them. We have purchased Baby food and are spoon feeding them with it. :-) I have been weighing them every 3 hours throughout the Day to plot a trend and am presently seeing a sinusoidal trend of + - 20 grams as they feed and then go up to 2 to 3 hours with out eating due to being busy playing. Overnight after weighing them before feeding, they were down about 30 grams. I will continue to track this which will give me rock solid statistics on weight variance through out the day and night. One thing we have noted, is when we are constantly in the room, they do not eat, they can only think of how to get back on us or playing with toys. When we leave the room and peek, they start eating after a few minutes. Well, it's time to play with them again, I'll post more later. Here's one photo of them together...
  2. Dayo and Female are Home. Dayo is of course right at home and playing , eating and following Kim around since he has been here for the last 3 Saturday's for hours each time. The Female is staying with me, looking at rooms and didn't eat anything for the first 2 hours. Now she is eating and Kim is spoon feeding them both. Still enjoying them and will post Photos after while. Got a Grey now...gotta go :woohoo: Maybe two...??? :ohmy:
  3. LOL - Talon...just watching today and if all goes well, well... we love her...what can I do, send her back to the Breeders? It has always bothered us that BOTH of them chose us and we picked Dayo because he is fearless and an explorer. :-) And I have said, everytime we go visit Dayo, she has always wanted to be with us too...probably hoping...
  4. True Judy - You got me on that one .... Shot through the Heart ---> {Characters-0002005E}<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/04 18:40
  5. HI Robertskitty, Grey's do not need cuttle bones for calcium. Their diet, if varied enough with Veggies and fruits is sufficient. Too much calcium causes serious health issues in Grey's. Millet is a great snack for them :-)
  6. sashagirl wrote: Sashagirl, I and my wife have been considering purchasing two Cags. Dayo is one for certain we have already purchased and brought home for 4 to 8 hour visits the last 3 weekends and are hoping to bring him home for good today if the breeder gives the green light. But, there has also been and CAG from a different clutch born 1 week later and they have been caged together. This Female (Dna'd) has also always wanted to be with me and my wife and every time we go to get Dayo, she wants out of the cage too and just loves to set on one of our arms or laps and be close to us. It's almost as if they both chose us as their parents. I posited the question earlier on this forum about getting both and housing them in the same HUGE cage. Of course everyone has different opinions on whether they would talk as well, interact with us as well and want to be with us as much if we had them both, versus an isolated Dayo by himself. With the large number of Grey's you have, I seem to be getting a different opinion from your experience with them and am interested in hearing your take on this. We may bring the Female home with us today too, to see how she and he act at our house together.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/04 17:47
  7. Great history CD! It sounds like we have a lot in common. Wow - Two 15 year old twin Daughters. So you have a Queen and two Princesses in your Castle. :-) High maintenance I would assume and I'll bet you don't spoil them either ;-) Thanks for sharing this!
  8. LOL - Shawzy Hopefully there won't be any chewing on guests fingers.. Unless they deserve it, for having bad manners ;-)
  9. Wow, you've had your Greys a long time! Their are others here with many more years of experience with Grey's also that will chime in. I am sure they will be able to help more, since they have dealt with issues such as yours during the years they have had them.
  10. Yes, you are getting the hang of resizing them now :-) Keep those photos coming!!
  11. There are several very active members of our Family here that we would like to here more about you!! Come on folks, share with us.. CD...Talon..and ALL????? :woohoo:
  12. Very beautiful Cats Tricky! We had considered obtaining a Maincoone about 10 years ago, after we had gone a year from losing our previous Calico. But, we searched here in California and found they were very hard to find and finally just decided to stay catless for a while. Now, with Dayo coming home, we will probably never have another Kitty... Thanks for bring the joy of your new baby and photos to us!!
  13. Great Photos Heather! Harrison is a great looking Girl :-)
  14. Welcome back Greylover! Sounds like Chico is letting you know He missed you too ;-) Time mends broken hearts :-)
  15. Hi Mark, Where do you get raw Pine Nuts from? I have already purchased the bagged and dry type, but raw would obviously be better :-)
  16. Hi Christina, Thats a good looking Grey! Thanks for posting it. :-)
  17. Hi dleesmitee, If I am following your posts correctly, you just got Capricorn 4 weeks ago and you have a 4 month old CAG. If I could ask for a little more information? How long have you had Henry? Under what circumstances did you adopt Capricorn? Does Capricorn step up for your husband and interact with him? Do you spend most your time with your new baby Henry? You have really jumped into CAG ownership with both feet :-)
  18. OK, I have one more... All Men are Animals........but some make good Pets :woohoo:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/03 21:03
  19. There are theories on this, yes.... But, if you want to be certain, get your Grey DNA tested for 99.9 % certainty :-)
  20. Hi Goosie and Welcome. Has your Partner also been in the picture since you brought Montie home? If so, was Montie playful and friendly to both of you at that time. If he was, when did the situation change and can you link it to anything out of the ordinary taking place? Is it safe for Pauline to let him out while your gone? If so, that might be a beginning to trust between them. Post photo's when you get a chance...We love photo's :laugh:
  21. Hi Sampson and welcome. It sounds like waiting is not going to gain your Greys trust again. You may need to bite the bullet at this point and just force yourself upon him by bringing him out of the cage on hand and keeping him locked down by holding his toes pinched with your thumb. Hold him like that for 30 to 45 minutes until he calms down, relaxes knowing nothing bad is going to happen. This is tricky to do and the best advise I can supply is to go and check out the techniques on this website: http://www.thebirdwhisperer.com/ I had a wild Conure that after 9 months of patience, would not let my hand near him. I found this website, familiarized myself with all articles and photo's and then applied them. That Conure now steps up and stays with me no problem now... So hopefully, this may work for you. :laugh:
  22. Hi Julie, It sounds like the two of you are learning each others body language. It also sounds like he is familiar with Towels ;-) One other body language movement you can add is a Grey flying at you with beak open and squawking ....prepare to be bit :pinch: It does not sound like he is nearly that aggressive, nor mean spirited, He is just getting settled into his new home :-)
  23. Congratulations Mark! They could not have chosen a better candidate :laugh:
  24. Welcome Eve! It sounds like with the CAG's you presently have and your experiences, you will have much to share with us also! We love hearing about the adventures of Grey ownership from others :laugh:
  25. Victoria - Thanks for the further details on your new CAG. It sounds like you are very excited and your enthusiasm is already inspiring your friends :-). That's wonderful. Also, on our Other Birds Room, Tari is a Quaker Breeder and I am sure you can swap stories and photo's We all love photo's here :woohoo:
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