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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hahahahahahahaha, I love a good morning laugh!!! You are all hilarious!!! {Communicate-000200D6}
  2. Thanks for re-posting your write up on this Mark! Very good information and reasoning for allowing your Grey to become and remain flighted. I am in the same boat you were. The Breeder would not release Dayo without a minor wing clip. The good news is that He was allowed to fully fledge before the Clip, so he still flies fairly well with out gaining much altitude. I take exception to your "Evolving" flight abilities, since I am a firm believer in creation. But, we are on the same page in that, they were designed to Fly :-)
  3. EEeeeeEEeeEeeEEewwWwwWwWWwWWwWww ..........That is a mental image I could have done without.
  4. Hi Lady_Gwennivere, Thanks for sharing the vet checkup with us! I noticed in the Photo, Jordane is riding ON the carrier, not in it :-) That is one Greyt looking Grey.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/15 14:03
  5. Isn't it amazing how this community of members worldwide take care of each other so well? It truly say's Tons about all of You!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/15 13:58
  6. Hi Dareuk, It's good to hear all went well with your move and everyone has adjusted well to the new surroundings. Keep us posted and send some Photos when you get a chance :-)
  7. CD - What a great inspirational moment that you experienced and shared with us. :laugh: Thank you so much for that!!! I will need to consider, which of many I have experienced and write later.
  8. Thanks Lidia!!! Extremely Cool and I'll bet there is a little celebrating going on down at the Warf area :-)
  9. The only health risk I know of, is if the owner of the money has a Gun!!! ;-) Actually, they would never be able to get any trace elements off a coin by beaking it or licking it.
  10. Hi Lidia - hmmmm,hmmmm, hmmmm Waiting patiently for photos..... {Emotions-000200C1}
  11. Yeah Loviechick.... or if you have children running in and out of a sliding glass door.....:laugh: Dayo has tried to make a run for the door a few times!!
  12. LOL Judy....Thanks for the ribbing :-) Just wait until I bust out a $5 word or two ;-)
  13. Thanks Loviechick, Now thats a good temperature variation :-) Do you know if it shocks their system for example to go from an Airconditioned 78 out into say 95 for a 10 minute romp?
  14. Hi Geoff and Tari, Thanks for the offer to look up existing information in your library of Books and also the good tips on carrying a mister. Acclimatisation makes sense, as that also is how it occurs in the wild.
  15. Hi April and Welcome!! We have some members here that reside in the UK, that I am sure can assist you in finding a Sitter for your Greys. :-)
  16. LoL!! I can just imagine the shock on your Beagles Face :-) I don't think either of my Dobies would have a non-reaction, such as that. As I am sure you know, they are a pretty high strung breed. When startled , they nip first and apologize later, if necessary. :ohmy: It will take some time to get them calmed down and used to Dayo and his activities inside the Cage. He has gotten now to where he goes to the side of the cage, opens his beak and say's "Ya want some of this" :angry: Then he walks back and resumes what ever he was doing :-)
  17. Hello Pompous and Welcome!!! :-) It sounds like you have done all the right things so far. You are letting the Parrots get acquainted with their new home and Flock. If you and the Grey are comfortable enough, you may try opening the Cage door and slowly moving your hand in and trying to get the Grey to step up on to your hand to remove him/her from the Cage. There is a Ton of information on this Forum that covers Topics you need to familiarize yourself with such as Diet, Training and Health Etc. If you have any immediate questions or in need of urgent assistance, post them in the African Grey Section and you will get many replies from very experienced Grey owners. We are very much a Family of members here and love our Greys and Members to death. We also love to see photos of your Flock when you get a chance. :woohoo: Again - WELCOME!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  18. I have searched for some solid facts on the temperature range an African Grey can handle. There is no real factual information I can find other than topics written on the web by Grey owners like you and I. Does anyone here know of a solid resource that is based on scientific studies? Obviously, normal inside home temperatures are fine, but outside trips are what I am concerned with here. The temperatures here vary from 112 in the summer afternoons to lows of sometimes 16 degrees in the winter (rare, but sometimes). I know the extremes would be unacceptable, but there is a normalized range, I am certain that would be "Ok" for short reasonable periods of time.
  19. Talon, I am positive you are right. :-) The risk of hurting ones Grey would not be worth it. But it would be a cool experience, wouldn't it? Maybe a Helium filled Balloon ride then, but those are very hard to find that offer rides around these parts.
  20. Ha Geoff!! Your as bad as me, damn wrong Eye ;-) When you say you need to towel Mirek, is he actually trying to bite or is it for better control over legs and wings? This is great information you are giving us all. I am sure when one of us has a situation where dispensing of meds are required, we will remember your post. :-) Of course you know we are all rooting for Mirek and his speedy recovery! He's one of our extended Flock members :laugh: I am glad I do not keep track of what $$$$$ amount I have spent on my Animals and Birds. I would probably be in shock and awe :ohmy: But then, there is never a price you won't pay for someone you love.
  21. LOL Lidia!!! Now that was a Coffee spitter hahahahahahahahahaha Karma for that morning Guffa {Feel-good-0002006E}
  22. Pryde - How are your Dogs doing with your new Grey? Mine both sometimes will go to the cage, watch for a while and if Dayo does something that alerts them they starting barking at him like mad. I scold them everytime and it's not working so far. I put them up everytime I let Dayo out. I do not trust them NOT to hurt him, though I think they are more inquisitive than anything. They have been fine with my Conure and in fact he has flown down and landed directly in front of them. Of course it frightened me and I have done some serious acrobatics to get there and swoop him up before they have a chance to think about the possibilities. :-)
  23. The Flame device is rather loud since you are standing directly below it, but not that bad. A little cuddle with the Grey would reassure it. It is a wonderful experience :-) that everyone should do at least once.
  24. The hidden room turns out to be an old basement long abandoned, filled with nothing but Moss and in-grown tree roots. I would like to live high in the Sierra Mountains, near a Clear pristine lake at 10,000 feet and not see other humans unless I desire to go down for some entertainment.
  25. You wish for something you already have, therefore the Forum God deals you a fateful blow for ungreatfulness. I would like to go on an Alaskan 2 Week Cruise.
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