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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Oh Tari, your Baaaaaddddddd :evil: :evil: :evil: But, what you say is true. There is serious Risk. It's not so much whether someones had a Parrot of any type sitting on their shoulder for years with no incident. It's just that the incident, hasn't happened ......YET As with all risks we take in life, and there are many. Some chose the freedom of taking the risk because the gratification that comes from it. Outweighs the consequences........at that moment. The important thing, as has been expressed on the forum so well by it's experienced members. Is that you KNOW the hazard's, so you can decide if you wish to take the risk. I don't personally think a new Parrot owner realizes there is any risk at all with one sitting on your shoulder. We see it in movies, advertising etc. and it IS Cool B) and you assume it's just normal. I am so tempted with Dayo sometimes, when he wants to inspect my face up close, breathes in your ear, wants to touch your lip etc to just let him stay there. But, I gently move him down (I know I should not have let him up) and rub him :-) , knowing I do not want him on my shoulder. So, with Dan's philosophy posted. :laugh: I'll get off the Box and let the next person up. :woohoo:
  2. dblhelix, Thanks for sharing a little about your trip and especially those photo's of Fipo. He looks like, life just doesn't get better than a good rain-shower to make the Day!! :woohoo: He is sure a beautiful and healthy guy for his age.
  3. Dinkanber, Thanks for posting this Video! Francis is quite the funny Grey :-) and obviously has the Andy Griffith show whistling down pretty. I love cool videos :woohoo:
  4. Connie it certainly sounds like you have things well under control. It looks like it will just take time as you indicated for her to come around to the level you desire. She really sounds like a Great Grey with a good loving personality just waiting to come out the rest of the way. Your posts of her progress and what she is doing are great! We love to hear such things :-)
  5. Thats ok, were hoping for ya Lovichick ;-) Thanks for becoming a member here!! YOu can tell us then, how NOT to get bitten hard :laugh:
  6. It's very good to hear your introduction and also meet your extended family with photo of them on top! :-) Intro's just don't get better than this!! Thank you.. And Welcome to the Family here:laugh: :woohoo: :laugh: ...
  7. Hi Loviechick, That is great progress and Kudos to your for getting the check-up and found the root of the problem. I'll bet the change in personalty must have you grinning from ear to ear. At lest you seem to be so in your post. This photo is great! We'll look forward to the video and more updates :-)
  8. Hi Connie, Sounds like they are SLOWLY becoming accustom to each other or just put with with on another :-) I understand some Greys, may never desire to be held close or cuddle, but they are great in all other facets. To upload a photo in your post, at the bottom, Click on the IMG button first, then browse to the photo on your PC and select it, then click on Submit. That should get your photo uploaded :-)
  9. They are all wonderful!! Karma + for you! :-)
  10. Snow - Those Bites all sound horrific. Especially the number. I just want to commend you on enduring them and continuing to take care of Boo regardless. Not many people would do so. Maybe try a couple of things. This may sound like a stupid question, but can you replenish the food and water from outside the Cage? If not, then perhaps instead of doing the food while Boo is in the Cage, wait until he comes out. Then go change it. If he is in the cage he knows you are coming to change his food. So beat him at his own game....If he says "No", turn around and walk away. If he does not say no, but gives you the body language or Growl alerting you to the fact that he is going to Bite. Walk away. Stay away until he realizes his fresh food is not coming until he lets you in without harm. If the time period extends beyond what you are comfortable with, try coaxing him out with a snack or something you know he likes. Then make sure he See's you replenishing his food. Just some idea's, I hope may work for you. :-) Keep us posted. There are many people here with Years of experience, that I am sure one will have the right fix for Boo.
  11. danmcq

    new cage?

    Wow - NIce Cage Beccy :-) Yes, this will give your Grey plenty of room!!
  12. This is beautiful Mandiskem!! Thanks for sending it in :-)
  13. Thanks Karla!! :-) I am sure this is plenty :woohoo: It's great to have this kind of participation!!
  14. danmcq

    new cage?

    Hi Beccy, In that case, the 92.5 cm is just about wide enough at the very front of the cage for full wing extension. If you can find one bigger, the better :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/25 16:33
  15. danmcq

    new cage?

    Beccy, Could you explain the dimensions, they are not given in Width, depth and height as here in the us, they are given as: LENGTH 92.5cm WIDTH 62cm HEIGHT 157cm BAR SPACING 20mm Which of these is the depth from the front to the back of the cage, Length? The Width of the Cage is what needs to be 100CM. 62CM = 24 inches. That is not wide enough for wing extension. If the width is truly the left to right dimension as shown in the photo. A Grey should have at least 32 - 36 inches for wing span, varying a little due to the size differences of the Grey's.
  16. Wow, I had never heard of a cat over 30 :ohmy: Does it seem to perhaps run in a specific breed?
  17. danmcq

    new cage?

    Beccy, just a thought, but 62cm wide is not quite wide enough for the wing span. If you can afford it, since your looking at new cages, a 100cm wide would allow full wing extension.
  18. A Sun Conure for 12 and up. They are great little fellows with a HUGE personality and from the ones I've been around in households that have children this age. They are not very "Bitey" and are they center of many families with younger children's attention.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/25 15:44
  19. Oh My God Talon!! I think that may be a World Record for the oldest Cat. I have never heard of one living that long :ohmy:
  20. Thanks for sharing that Talon! Our Dog's , Greys and other Pets Death, impacts us all, as much as a human family members death. It is great to remember them and reflect on the time spent together. They will never be forgotten!! Karma for you and a Hug!
  21. Carrying this topic a little further... Whos got the oldest Dog and a Photo??
  22. Thanks Tari! Thats a great Photo of Kiwi :-) Karma for You!!!
  23. Good questions Lidia! Also, I read somewhere if I remember right, that Greys will "nail bite" kind of like us humans if they are nervous, scared our anxious over something. Does it seem related to any event like your leaving, or you put a new toy in or some other change?
  24. Mmmmm Mmmmmmm I would eat those too! I can just see Me and Dayo snackin together :lol: Seperate cakes of course <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/25 14:49
  25. LOL - Ice - Yes, you can enter them by "Proxy" ;-) Hey, you may have just started another Topic "How many unsuspecting guests has your Grey Nailed" :woohoo: I think some Grey's must Bite notches in their Perches for each good Bite, much like the Gunslingers of old notching their Guns
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