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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Beccy, I appreciate your "twopenneth" as well. You comments are spot-on and no, I could not imagine 2x the terrible two's :woohoo:
  2. Hi Snow, How interesting. First he tells you NO, then he seems to be letting you know, that NO BOO means he is indicating HE will leave to the other side. God, the intelligence and reasoning of these Grey's just amazes me everyday. I will be interested in seeing if he continues this behaviour and I am certainly glad you averted a bit this time :-)
  3. Jane, As others have already posted, we do not think a grey owner with a feather plucking Grey is at fault. It is a known issue with them that perplexes the best of owners and at times can never be stopped. You did indeed come to the right place to receive great advice from Grey owners here that have faced or even still live with Feather Plucking. You will find if you would just spend one second and perform a search for feather plucking on this forum, that everyone here supports the owners, gives good advise and they do so with compassion and empathy for the Owner of a Grey that is experiencing it. I think, the out call for you stay as a member of our family here. Is a showing of our care, compassion and empathy for you and your Grey.
  4. danmcq

    Avian Fast Food

    The closest thing that might be considered junk food given to Dayo so far, are nutriberries. He seems to really like them and they come in a variety of ingredients. The content listed on the packages seem healthy and I have so far not read anything negative regarding them. I think this area of diet all boils down to moderation.
  5. Hi All, I appreciate all your feedback and reasons for keeping it to just Dayo. :-) Your reasoning makes perfect sense. I put a weighted value of 99 percent on your expert opinions based upon the many years of experience you all have with Greys. Now, I am reducing my wife's Karma for trying to bribe you all into voting her way. :angry: I commend you all for maintaining your integrity under heavy pressure of personal gain <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/27 11:40
  6. Lidia, Great post and information. I really like the term "Calibration" for fine tuning to ensure they have it just right. God, that really illustrates how intelligent these Greys really are!
  7. Quote Tari:"Dan Sorry didn't mean to hurt your head. lol She talks when she THINKS no one is around. Feel better." Yes, much better!! :laugh: In that Case, Dayo was talking at 10 weeks..saying "Come and Get Me" in his Head. When he was sitting at the cage door just waitig for us to pick him up
  8. These are great Ideas Connie! Could you possibly post a photo, to give a visual of your description? Thanks for posting this!! :lol:
  9. Thanks Tari, They are from Different Clutches and Parents, so inbreeding would not be a problem. But, you just confirmed what I posited, in that Dayo would not be as close to us if we purchased the second Grey. So, right now, It's just Dayo in my mind :-)
  10. Hi Loviechick, Purchasing an extra cage wouldn't be a problem. But, they are already so friendly with one another, if we left both their cages open at the same time, they would end up in one before long probably :-) I really agree with your NO response too :-) I think just Dayo can consume all the spare time we have :-) But, I'm giving my Wife a fighting chance here :-) although, she's not really fighting...
  11. Tari wrote: How is it confirmed a TAG talked when no one was around??? You just hurt my little Brain, BAD, Tari {Emotions-0002007D}
  12. Ok, you know how it is when your around babies :laugh: As you all know we have already purchased Dayo. But, there is one other Baby from a different clutch one week behind Dayo's that always comes and sets on myself or Kim when we go over and visit Dayo. This last Saturday when we took Dayo back to the Breeder. He went into the Cage and him and the Female (other clutch CAG) touched their heads together and Dayo just closed his eyes and stayed in that position with her for a while. :-) So, I know this will bring several different opinions, but what if we took BOTH home? As I have read here, we run the risk of them deciding they like each other better than us. Also, since we would just keep them both in the same Cage, they may end up as a pair once they reach that age and produce babies. So, what are your thoughts, other Family members? I already said NO, but I figure I owe Kim (My Wife and DayosMom) the option of hearing opinions other than from her "Dumb Husbands" .... I will give Karma to anyone that say's NO
  13. CAG :-) ... of course , I am prejudiced I have seen Posts here of CAGs talking way before 12 months also here on the forum.
  14. Great Photo Connie. They look liek they are getting along well outside their cages "Posturing" at each other :laugh: Thanks for posting this Photo!
  15. Hello Jesus and welcome. Do you presently own and African Grey? Thanks for joining this forum! :laugh:
  16. Quote: "Play it by ear, ladies and gentlemen of the jury! --------- Lidia" A one sentence answer of perfection Lidia! :lol:
  17. Thats is Cool TalonSIS!!!! You are awesome :woohoo:
  18. Wow !!! These are all beautiful Photo entries be all. :woohoo:
  19. Wow Sandra!! You must take great care of our Pets for them to lead such long and happy lives :-) Plus Karma to you for being a caring person and helping all these guys!!!
  20. Hi Sandra and Welcome! It sounds like you have quite the menagerie there in your present rescue. I also wish to thank you for providing such a loving and important service! I can't wait to hear about your new CAG. You could rename the CAG, but you might want to see how attached he is to his present name also. They are very intelligent and would pick up on your words and actions when put together in relating to the fact that you call him something different :laugh: Thanks for joining. You came to the right place with many members that have an extreme amount of experience for advice.
  21. Hi Ian, If your family member's are there everyday, as young as your CAG is, he should start viewing them as part of the community. If they are there everyday, maybe they don't handle him as well as you and therefore your CAG has lost confidence in them? The more interaction, with many different people is critical, at this young stage to ensure good socialization. If not, you could end up with a "One Owner" CAG.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/07/26 16:39
  22. Good question posited Ian! Dayo is presently 12 weeks old and is still at the Breeders. So, I am of no help on this topic. But, many here are, that will chime in here. Speaking of the Rain and Flooding in England, I have never seen this before. It is really devastating to those of you that live there and my best wishes go out to you. Has flooding of this nature ever occurred in the past 100 years or so?
  23. loviechick wrote: LOL Loviechick - Now that's a Sun with attitude and determination! :woohoo: It sounds like you have a lot of experience with the many different Parrots you own. I will look forward to your posts on how you overcome these attitudes :lol:
  24. Hi Ian and Welcome to the Forum! That was an informative post on the results of studies that have been conducted by several different groups. As you can see by the experiences of Grey owners here, real life seems to be different depending on the segment of people you poll. Here we have a worldwide group, that so far seems to include the opposite of the study you referred to. I am hoping, when Dayo, my CAG reaches maturity is proven true, because right now, He favors my Wife over Me :pinch: But, he does love and play with me all the time too when were are with him. He just gravitates to her before me right now. Thanks for joining the forum and posting such a good topic for debate! :laugh:
  25. LOL Judy - Stop it!! Thanks for another laugh in the morning :laugh: This is getting to be a habit, I like it :woohoo:
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