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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. She sounds like a happy and content young Grey. It is funny that she wants to be covered after a full feeding. :-)
  2. I agree with woody, they make all types of sounds and semi-vocalizations at times. Cute aren't they. :-)
  3. Thanks for the update Bailey!! Shay is certainly fortunate to have come into such a loving and caring home as yours!! :-)
  4. Yes, most hand raised and well socialized Parrots are very cuddly and dependent on their human companions at that early age. Some will continue to be cuddle muffins and some will still enjoy it occasionally, but not all the time. They start making their own calls as they age, much like a human child. :-)
  5. Great posts and links shanlung. Thanks for posting these!!
  6. I'm interested in hearing more on this and see how it develops. It would be a great way of helping out the birds and those who rescue them. :-)
  7. As BMustee states, I agree, it depends on the pet store and the staff it has looking after the birds. Their are 2 in our city I would not hesitate to purchase a Parrot or any other bird from. This is due to my personally conversing with the store owners/managers and their aviary staff that weans and cares for all the birds. Their are 2 other pet stores that I would not recommend anyone to purchase a bird from due to the unknowledgeable staff and poor care the birds receive. It is best to check out the stores and staff for yourself and see how they treat the birds and how knowledgeable they are. It is also good to know if they purchase their birds for example from local breeders. The reason I say this, is I know 3 breeders in my area that sell their birds to the 2 local pet stores that know how to treat and handle birds. The breeders only do this if they have any birds left over from the small quantity of clutches they produce each year of various species they breed. So use all the wisdom and knowledge you have picked up Ronda and go interview the pet store owners and staff!! :-)
  8. Welcome Rickster!! It certainly sounds like the two of you hit it off from the get go. :-) It may be that she prefers men and thus, the instant attraction to you. Or, she could have "Chosen" you which is what most of us wish and look for when acquiring a new Parrot of any type. Looking for ward to hear what you decide. Are going to make anymore visits in between now and Friday to see how you are received again by her?
  9. Welcome Jopalis!! Falling off the perch while asleep is not normal as their Talons actually "Lock" to avert such an incident. That would indicate some type of physical problem. As others have said, an avian vet visit is in order. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  10. Yes, as you have all so well stated. Dogs are sight animals, some breeds more so than others. But, the bottom line is, sooner or later, with just the right timing and action of the bird, any dog will snap. It is basic instinct for them, no matter how well trained, tame or loving they always seem. That's where the saying "Don't wake a sleeping Dog" comes from.....B)
  11. danmcq


    Oh that's terrible news Steve. :-( Mandi has been through so much and yet gives so much even with the physical adversities she faces that most of us will never know. Please give her our love and let her know she is in our thoughts and prayers.
  12. That would depend on the temperature extremes Rambo. Too hot or cold and you will have a dead Grey. This would affect him, as he is used to being in the Big Cage that his cage resides in and he can hear you even if he isn't with you at the time. Out in the shop would mean total isolation for him when you do not bring him in the house with you and family when home. I personally would not recommend moving him out, but that's me.
  13. It has been proposed by some in the Parrot world that African Greys ALWAYS prefer the opposite Human sex when they reach adulthood. There is no true data indicating this and in fact it seems to be a falsehood completely or at least not true in many cases. They do sometimes change their "Favorite", but not all that often. So don't sweat it Lillipilli, enjoy her love and just enjoy her unconditionally. If in the the future, she did change her favored person (Unlikely) just love her for who she is. :-) I bought Dayo for myself, but my wife is his cuddle muffin. He does however interact and cuddle and get scratches with me too. But, in the evenings when it's an hour or two to bed time, he just wants to lay on her chest and have her pet and baby him. :-) I just enjoy his presence and company no matter where or whom he is with at the time. B)
  14. Great thread Tari - I started my Bucket list the minute I saw the movie ad too :-) Just a few of them: 1) Go to Africa for 2 Months. 2) Return to Austrailia for 1 Month. 3) Take a 3 week cruise to Alaska. 4) Climb Mt. Whitney and the walk the entire John Muir Trail in the Seirra Nevada's. 5) Hit Hawaii again and visit all isalnds, then on to Samoa, then all fiji's etc. 6) Tour Europe again for 3 months 7) Go up on the Space Shuttle for a week 8) Go out in a Nuke Sub for a week 9) Fly in a Stealth Fighter 10 and up ..........EVERYTHING!!!!!
  15. Hi Hannah - It's wonderful to hear you have such an adventurous baby grey there. As Judy said, play on and enjoy!! :-) You gotta post photos of this fun stuff!!!
  16. Well Lisa, that is Red Palm Oil, but it sounds like it also contains pieces of the flesh. The RPO I use, I purchased from Swanson's Health and it is an orangy paste that I melt by nuking and then dripping a quarter teaspoon or so on to whatever I am mixing it into like scrambled eggs, oatmeal, a little on the pellets etc. You probably imagined, as I did at first, a bottle with red oil in it. :-)
  17. Wow Muse (yes, I truncated your name for typing sake only)an M2 has one of the worst bites you can take!! As you know, their bottom Beak is split like a fork and when they bite, it cuts deep and fast. I would say you are the leading bite of the life time so far Posted in this topic. I have heard of worse bites, but not by someone it actually happened to on this Forum, so far and keeping fingers crossed it doesn't. :-)
  18. Nychsa and Lisa - You are both spot on. A few months before we brought Dayo Home, I had read on another Forum a member posted on regarding the death of his young Grey. The dog snapped, the Grey was dead instantly. I guess over time, that ugly picture and fear had crept to the back of my mind. I will never fall into that feeling of comfort for "Just a second" again. That's all it took - one second.
  19. This is great advice I had forgotten about Lisa, thanks for posting it. :-) I used this on Jake my wild Conure to get him to relax. The theory is, if you stare wide eyed at a bird, that is a predatory sign of your about to get eaten to the Bird. As Lisa's posts suggests, closely the eyes definitely transmits that all is well, your comfy with him and he will probably blink back as Jake did to Me. Dayo, my Grey does not seem to play along with this as Lisa also. I figure it is due to them already being comfortable with us as their parents that fed them from the early beginning s of their lives. I have also seen the Bird whisper not only blink, but grab the wild Parrot, flapping away, raise it above his head, release his grasp and then turn his head around and downward slightly looking away from the now wild eyed Parrot. It settled down, sat willingly on his hand and after a few minutes, fluffed up, stood on one foot and started preening!! These guys read body language BIG TIME and give body language also that you need to pay careful attention to.
  20. Congratulations Ronda on you first step and brave adventure into a new zone!!! Keep it up and don't sweat small set backs if they happen. Your confidence obviuosly impressed sweetheart as Nychsa pointed out. You go Cowgirl :-) Yeeee Haawwww
  21. Welcome michadka!!! Well for just a week plus, it sounds like he is adjusting well to his new home and Flock. I would first recommend not using a Glove. That will instill even more fear, though it protects you from some bites. It would be better to interact inside the Cage with him on a less aggressive schedule and try to avoid getting in his "Safe Zone". If you have been able to give him head scratches, that is a great stride forward. Just be patient and sit next to his cage while reading. listening to music or watching TV. Keep his cage door open and let him climb in and out at will when you are present in the room. He is a very mature fully Adult Grey that has baggage of what ever nature he has accumulated over 16 years. I think for one week, you have made good progress and so has he. The only thing that will keep this progressing is time, patience and lots of love and understanding on your side. Does he have plenty of toys in the Cage to play with and help get rid of some of his energy and frustration? A vet check would also be a "Must Do" if you have not already done so. This will insure he does not have any underlying health problems that could be bringing out his grouchy side also. There are a lot of members here with tons of experience that will chime in and help you also with plenty of great advice. You came to the right place for help and a great community of members that are caring and loving people. :-)
  22. Oh thats right Bailey, you did say you work at home. :-) LOL - Now you know you need to share. :-) Your right, this forum is addictive, but at the same time, a wealth of knowledge with the combined experiences of all it's members.
  23. Awww Hannah, what great photos of your Hubby and Juji. :-) Thanks for sharing more photos so quickly. You know how we love photos!!!
  24. Many good points have been brought out here. Dog obedience training is a must, but even with that said, one incident can kill or mame your Grey or any other bird. I have 2 Dobermans. One is "Ok" with the attention Dayo gets, the other is NOT. He is VERY jealous and I have made certain to pay attention to him and include him in any praise or play I may be giving to Dayo. The first few days Dayo was home, I noticed "Bentley" would lay and watch Dayo out of the corner of his eyes. Then if I left the room for a minute, he would get up, walk over to the cage and bark aggressively at Dayo. He was jealous as Hell and wanted to do something about it! It took some firm commands and discipline, but Bentley now just "accepts" that Dayo is part of our Family, but still resents any attention Dayo gets, especially from Me. Just yesterday, Kim and I were going in and out of the house doing a "Quick" task out our Patio Slider. The third trip out, Dayo flew off his play-stand to watch from the floor out of the patio door window. Chloe (female Dobie) slowly walked over and got about an inch from Dayo and was just looking. As I started back in the door, Dayo took off out of nervousness. The natural instinct of any dog, is to snap at something fleeing and Chloe did!! Fortunately for Dayo she just skimmed his back and ruffled one feather out of place. I almost had a heart attack and checked Dayo over VERY closely. What scares me to death, is that that IF Chloe had made better contact in that instantaneous SNAP, Dayo would have been dead. Those large powerful jaws would have collapsed his little bones and crushed his internal organs instantly. The moral of my story is: Even if you are only going in/out for one second, cage your bird!! The unthinkable happens in the blink of an eye. I felt comfortable with my Dobermans due to their training and instant reaction to commands. But, when the "Commander" is not there, you have a very BIG danger that something will go wrong in the blink of an eye. So just be VERY careful and don't think nothing will happen in just 2 seconds. It can and will at some point in time. It does not matter either if your dog is scared crap-less of your Grey, because you have a small dog. A Dog will bite if cornered or scared just out of reflexes for what it perceives as self preservation. So please never think your dog or any other animal will not in some circumstance harm or kill your Grey, it will in the right circumstance.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/27 15:58
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