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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Great photos of yoru new Grey Atticus HilaryQ! Thanks for sharing them. As others have said, the digging is normal. :-)
  2. Great photos Christoph. The name will come in time. Get to know him better and chose the name wisely. He will appreciate that ;-)
  3. danmcq


    Hi Lynnr, I would suggest the same as Tari, if you have the Aviator Harness, it comes with a DVD that very clearly demonstrates how to get you Parrot familiar with the harness, touch training to get him used to you touching him under his wings, spreading his wings etc and how to slowly go through the methods of putting on and taking off the harness. It is not natural for them to have a harness on, even if they are young. It is more difficult though with an older bird. Good luck!! :-)
  4. Yeah, just put a patch over one eye and no one will question you <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/21 21:46
  5. Dayo does that too. The first time I saw him do that, I wondered if he had dislocated his leg's :-) It looks like it would hurt!!
  6. Thanks for the tip Tracy. I ordered some fresh Palm Nuts from that link in this thread also. Can't wait to get them and see how Dayo responds to them. I did read that they recommend freezing them immediately upon arrival to ensure they do not spoil. Then just take out a few a day, thaw, wash and give them to them. How many a day do you give yours Tracy?
  7. Hi Vanessa, You mention your 19 year old step-son. When you say that Chester is fine with him, do you mean that behaviour completely stops when your step-son is there? Did your step-son just come home or become a part of your household perhaps beginning a year ago? The reason I ask, is if the behaviour stops when he is there, it could indicate Chester is smitten with him and throws a fit until your step-son is home. Just a thought. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/20 15:05
  8. Shoot him Kat....AWK..LOL It could happen I guess. :-)
  9. IT is a very STRANGE Thread... :-) Here are the nutritional facts on Sunflower Seeds: Nutrients Sunflower seed kernels, dry roasted without salt Amount % Daily Value* Serving Size 1 oz (28g) Calories 170 Fat Calories 130 Total Fat 14g 22% Sat Fat 1g 5% Trans Fat 0g Polyunsaturated Fat 9g Monounaturated Fat 3g Cholesterol 0mg 0% Sodium 0mg * Potassium 241mg 5% Total Carbohydrate 7g 2% Fiber 3g 12% Sugars 1g Protein 5g Iron 6% Vitamin E 35% Thiamin 2% Riboflavin 4% Niacin 10% Vitamin B6 10% Folate 15% Pantothenic Acid 20% Phosphorous 35% Magnesium 10% Zinc 10% Selenium 30% Copper 25% Manganese 30%
  10. Hi Johnyboy, Reta has given you excellent advice and your taking the action of spraying him down with Aloe juice should help soften the sheath and also relieve some of the skin irritation you have observed.
  11. I ditto all the others comments regarding bring your Fathers bird home. It would at least be around someone it knows and would be well cared for since you are both already experienced bird owners. The big plus, would be as you said, hearing your Fathers voice and having a remembrance of him around. :-)
  12. Hi Chasey, As I answered in the welcome room.... I am not certain what you mean by pairing them up? If you mean placing them in the same cage, that would be a big NO unless they end up being a breeding pair. They are VERY territorial of their cages and in most cases do not like sharing there cage with another bird. They could harm each other severely. You will first need to introduce them a part from each other and see if they get a long together at all. Please be very careful when introducing them.
  13. Hi Chasey, I am not certain what you mean by pairing them up? If you mean placing them in the same cage, that would be a big NO unless they end up being a breeding pair. They are VERY territorial of their cages and in most cases do not like sharing there cage with another bird. They could harm each other severely. You will first need to introduce them a part from each other and see if they get a long together at all. Please be very careful when introducing them. :-)
  14. Good luck in your search for a Grey!! It seems it will take a lot of effort to find one, but it will be worth it!! :-)
  15. Welcome Chasey!! Short introduction, but it's great to have you here. :-) Why don't you tell us a little about you and if you own or are thinking about getting a Grey?
  16. Welcome Cooper!! We'll look forward to hearing more about your grey and his progress. :-)
  17. Welcome Yanek!! Nice introduction. I look forward to hearing more of your babies progress and seeing some photo's when you get a chance. :-)
  18. danmcq


    Wow TAJ, that is a scary bite to have your Lip ripped open!! I can not imagine the questions and thoughts going through your head. It does seem that, as others mentioned since the aquarium is the only change, it is HIGHLY suspect as being the root cause of this behavioural change. Especially since he closes the Cage door if you leave it open. He has no desire at this time to come out into the zone of fear that now exists in that room for him and he is taking his frustration and resent out on you for bringing it into his realm of comfort and safety. No telling how long it will take for him to get used to it. Did he used to spend a lot of time out of his cage previously with you?
  19. Hi Yanek!! As others have said. Twelve weeks is still young and you could start reducing his hand feedings to just 2x a day. Have seed, nut and pellet mixes and of course water available at all times for him to just play and eat a little of as he gets bored or hungry in between hand feedings. When you take him out, offer various veggies and fruits for him to explore the texture, taste feel and all the wonderful ones available. he will make a mess of them, but it helps get them on the way also. :-)
  20. Hahaha Bmustee, Elmo looks like he's building up speed runing down the back of your truck for take-off like a Duck does. :-) Great photos!!
  21. Dayo tries to get in my mouth if I have just taken a bite of food. He never succeeds. He also just gently lays his beak lightly resting in between the lips and sometimes does the lttle baby pant. but thats normally if Kim or I say "Kisses" :-)
  22. I give Dayo Millet as a treat every once in a while also. He seems to enjoy it as does my Conure Jake.
  23. Wonderful news shanlung!!! Thanks for letting us know. :-)
  24. Very nice Tracy!! I love the way you have the shading done well to define a 3d look. For not having done this in a while, you are picking it back up very quickly!! :-)
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