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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Awww, thank Judy....BTW - I dropped a bomb in one of the posts in the main grey forum too on women...I just feel like stirring things up today :whistle: :laugh:
  2. Hahahahahahaha , yep I am guilty as Hell Judy!! :-)
  3. I smoke too, but I did quit from 1982 to 1992...had a very stressful job, went to a bar one night and woke up with a pack of ciggies next to me. I guess the good side of the story, is it wasn't a woman :laugh: When I quit cold turkey, the only thing that kept me from smoking was staying busy. I mean REALLY busy all the time. Work, home wash the car, wax the car, mow the lawn, chase wifey around the house paint house, paint neighbors house....anything to stay busy. After about a month, the desire to choke the living hell out of someone or something finally passed :-) From then on it was no sweat.......until the bar.......do not go to a bar when trying to quit smoking, in fact, don't go to one after you have quit that has a ciggy machine!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/31 21:02
  4. That is a considerable amoujnt of plant growth in just such a short amount of time. When are you going to stock it with some new fish? :-)
  5. What a crazy bill to try and get in to affect. Hopefully the good people of Missouri will impeach this moron, that has nothing better to think about than this? That's why I would never vote a woman into office, they just haven't reached the intellectual level yet to truly understand what needs attention and what doesn't
  6. Beautiful photos of Harrison Heather. Thanks for posting them. :-)
  7. Nice photos Steph!! I have heard that human Females are starting to catch up with males on the intellectual level now B)
  8. Terri - I think you have covered all the steps and it sounds great. Thanks for bringing this up and taking the lead on this!! :-)
  9. I bought the BirdTricks.com DVD a year ago when I got Jake my wild conure in hopes it would help me in training him to step-up and also just get him to even like me It was a waste of money in that sense, but the tricks training "How To's" are pretty cool and work over alot of time and practice. I had to cancel the bird food pellets they push just like BMustee. They do seem to spam you all the time once they have your email. I personally would not recommend them or their DVDs though from my experience with them and seeing all the free advice on "Tricks" offered on line in forums and other such free avenues of information. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/31 17:56
  10. That's great news Terri! You have done your homework and found a way to bring this together. The hard part, is going to be getting this off the ground and running. Perhaps with your contacts and Muses marketing abilities, it could come to fruition fairly fast. There should probably be an "All Call" sent out through this forums service by one of the Admins to get everyone alerted to the fact that this is being put forward as a "Community" effort. We need a large group to get the funds rolling. The bigger the group, the less the financial strain on everyone. Great idea Terri, I hope this really takes off!! :-)
  11. Tears.....for our loss and your gain. Thanks for sharing that story. I feel honored that you chose to share such a personal expression of your feelings regarding this part of your life. That's what makes this forum so vital in most of our lives. Parrot owners are a different breed and not many "outsiders" understand us. This is a place of an extended family meeting, sharing and loving each other unconditionally. Again, thanks for being a member here and sharing that. :-)
  12. Thanks for the update Muse. :-) It sounds like you handled your Grey well and she dealt with it good also. Sitting on the cage door and being exposed to you and the "outside" world is a great first step to her becoming confident that her surroundings are safe. The fact that you had her out and on your shoulder interacting with you is also a HUGE first step. Congratulations on taking on this "High Anxiety" task. You and your Grey did GREAT!!
  13. danmcq


    Here is a good link on non-toxic people and pet-safe paints: http://www.eartheasy.com/live_nontoxic_paints.htm
  14. Great post BMustee, the flat test is also what we go by. It seems to be the best indicator that is listed on this topic in most books and Internet posts. Another source of helping you trim your birds talons until you are comfortable with doing it yourself is your breeder. This of course only works if they are near by, but it is a thought. Our breeder trimmed Dayo's nails the first 2 times and taught us how to do it using a roto-drill, which Dayo seems to like for some reason. :-) Karma to you !!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/31 14:46
  15. danmcq


    Hello Bailey, The plans you have outlined for your Grey sounds good. I would suggest looking into the many "Pet Safe" paints that are now available on the market now, if you haven't already purchased the paint. The plus is, they are also "people friendly" and better for your families health as well. :-)
  16. Oh Amberyn, how sad. :-( I can only imagine the pain, hurt and tremendous feelings of loss. I am so sorry this happened. We would love to relive Bella's life through you and your hubby and welcome any conversation you would like to carry on with us here. We do understand, as outsiders of the parrot world do not. We're here for you guys!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/31 14:29
  17. Welcome Volux!! Yes, please tell us more of your experience with your new Grey and how the two of you are getting along. :-)
  18. Welcome perfectparrot!! It's great to have you and your 2 Greys here. :-)
  19. Welcome Angela!! Man, some drugs left over in the system and couple of Vodka's, wake up the next day and "What the Hell?"....VERY smart of you ;-) Just don't broadcast this secret you discovered about us men when were "Happy" :-) I wouldn't want Kim (my wife) tho catch on to this little known secret. B) Seriously now, it's great to have you here and I am happy your dream of having a Grey came true for you. We'll look forward to hearing much more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  20. Welcome Karen and Gracie!! It's nice to have you here. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  21. Welcome Kahn!! Nice looking Grey you have there. It nice to have you officially join the forum and start communicating with us. We'll look forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  22. Welcome Misti!! It is a GreYt experience to have the opportunity to visit and handfeed your new baby Grey, isn't it. We'll look forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you have a chance to post them. :-)
  23. Thats wonderful news Ronda!! I am soooooo HAPPY for you. You deserve sweethearts love and she deserves yours too, she is just learning to appreciate that. :-)
  24. Awwww, what a beautiful baby grey. Thanks for sharing those photos. :-)
  25. Y0u could take a small Roto type nail trimmer and just take the sharp tips off. That's what we did. It worked great and only need to do it every 2 months or so. Also, as others said, if you have concrete perches or such, it will slowly dull those sharp tips. :-)
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