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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. This is normal as Tari stated. When Dayo hit about 15 weeks old, he and the other clutch members (6) would act like they were dying. Then when you tried to feed them they would just gurgle most of it back out and down the sides of their cheeks making a big mess of themselves and table. :-) Aren't they just adorable!!
  2. As the others have said, just keep offering them everyday, change the way they are prepared - cooked - raw - chopped small - medium - leave them as-is, hang them, make toys out of them etc. The important and HARD thing to do, is keep doing it everyday and sooner or later, the fruits and veggies will get nibbled on. :-) The Link LovemyGrays providing is terrific. She is the resident dietitian!!
  3. I agree, watching all pet interaction is a MUST. The important thing is to never leave the room, even for an instant. You never know when, in the blink of an eye, something happens that makes animal instinct kick in and you have a 911 on your hands. If you are going to have them out together, make sure, as you are, that they are used to each other and you know that one will not attack the other in normal situations. I almost lost Dayo just stepping out through my patio door for 5 seconds. The minute I turned to go back in , Dayo had flown down to the bottom of the patio door. Then one of my Dobermans walked up to see what the commotion was about. Dayo became intimidated and flew. When he did, out of instinct, my Doberman snapped at Dayo in mid-air and just got him enough to pull a tiny feather out. Fortunately, I was already opening the door as I saw this happen and gave Chloe the DOWN command and she stopped dead in her tracks. This is just to let you know, that you should never fall into a sense of "all is good". It's not unless you are right there controlling and supervising the interaction. Also, it is very important that your pets are all trained to respond to commands instantly. You just never know when one animal might startle the other and all hell will break loose. Ok, off my podium now....next :-)
  4. I think they definitely associate laughter with something funny, not certain if they are ticklish, they probably are just as other creatures in spots. :-)
  5. Welcome Marty and Cahrlene!!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  6. Welcome Jesse!! As others have said, there are a ton of topics here to search and read before making a decision on getting a Grey. The most important thing is a consistent schedule and at least 2 to 3 hours out of the cage spending quality time with you each day. Ask all the questions you wish, we are more than happy to help. :-)
  7. Welcome Justin!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  8. Wow, great posts by everyone! Icegudi - Thank you so much for sharing the story of the battle your mother has been going through and how it affects you and other loved ones, I'm sure. Now that brings up the collateral damage, that I don't thing most of us smokers really consider. I am care not to smoke around non-smokers, certainly not even in my own house and not in the car. But, you bring up such a good point of the damage and pain family members go through if and when health problems arrive. I am so sorry to hear of this very long and painful trial your mother, you and family have` been suffering through. Laurie - Great Job!! You are an inspiration to the rest of us considering stopping and I am going to find that book!! :-)
  9. Penny - Darn it!! I thought I could be very sly and slip this one by while you were pre-occupied. B) :whistle:
  10. Hopefully Que will view it is a nice day out with you Tari. Spending the day out roaming around with you, will hopefully more than make up for the vet visit. :-) Let us know how the day went!!
  11. LOL - Thats funny Tari. :-) It's as if Que is thinking "I wish my servant would answer the phone, okay, this time I will just do it myself".....Hello?
  12. Thanks for that GreYt link Tracy. I have never seen a week by week photo/weight/comments before like this. It is the first and most complete I have ever seen and provides great guidelines for normal feeding and growth. I have saved it to my favorites. :-)
  13. It's great to hear that it worked out so well between the two of your Greys Shazbaby. Has their interaction changed with you at all? What I mean by this, is are they paying more attention to each other and less to you and family?
  14. LOL Tracy - Rub it in, rub it in. :-) I still think it is so cool the way the put 2 and 2 together and come up with an answer that makes sense, once you (the dense owner) finally figure out what new logical deduction they have come up with. I am suspecting they have many things such as this, that we just are not paying enough attention to realize that they are actually communicating TONS to us. I am hoping Dayo will stop with the sound and body language soon and just TELL me. :woohoo:
  15. Cool Video Kristin, thanks for sharing this. :-)
  16. What a funny story Penny. :-) LOL - You reached the point of "I don't give a damn" and "I'm ripping these suckers out wires and all until the sounds stop!!"" :pinch: Since Talon picked the sound up, you better watch out. You may wake up in the middle of the night to beep beep beep ...fire fire fire...... ;-)
  17. That's good news volux!! It could be either sex. The regurgitation definitely means he/she likes your BF. :-) So, it sounds like your BF can take him out of the cage and interact with him/her? If so, maybe you could sit right next to him and let the Grey get used to you being right there and maybe getting in a head scratch or two. The progress is happening very fast. It sounds like a wonderful CAG you have taken in. :-) Thanks for updating us and we look forward to many more!!
  18. LOL - I think Kim would disagree with you, except for, we don't get it!! B)
  19. LOL Judy - I am glad my sloooowwwwly catching on to what Dayo meant has amused you. B) :laugh:<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/02/07 02:02
  20. Hello RayCat and Welcome!! Oh Boy, the breeder evidently wanted to unload this highly skilled and important task off to you. :-( Well, it's too later now I guess for you to have them do the weaning. So, basically keep feeding him ALL his daily feedings and start introducing food items like veggies and fruits of different kinds for him to just pick at and be`come familiar with. Also include Pelleted Parrot food etc for him to try out. This is called abundant weaning and it exposes them to a plethora of foods, with different textures, colors and tastes. It is also important to start socializing him with other people to ensure he becomes a well rounded and fearless bird when it comes to new people and experiences. You have quite the task ahead of you, but you came to the right place for great advice. Please introduce yourself in the Welcome room also. That's where others watch for new members joining. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/02/07 01:54
  21. Hannah_Rae, Yes, they usually use the wolf whistle from the time they are weaned as a "Contact call" to see where you are. Their flock then calls back so they know which direction their in and if they are in hearing distance at all. The phone ring means, he put 2 and 2 together that Phone Ring = They come and answer. Broken down it means "Come here!!", not where are you. :-) Just like Kibibis Microwave beep, means come here!! B) Their intelligence and association with things amazes me each and everyday!!!
  22. Welcome Krystin!!! You are in for a life long adventure and relationship you will never regret. :-) It's wonderful to be able to purchase and visit your grey weeks before you will bring them home. It gets them comfortable with you and vice versa. It also gives you the opportunity to gain much knowledge and tips from your breeder as you watch your grey wean and fledge as they learn to fly and gain confidence and balance. We'll look forward to daily updates and photos ;-)
  23. No, thank you, for joining the forum Leigh!! Ask away, thats what makes this place exciting and sometimes funny. :-)
  24. Congratulations Darin!! I'll bet that took you by surprise, as the first word always seems to. :-)
  25. I would suggest, if this is not a behaviour he usually displays AND he is not acting like himself. To take him to a good avian vet and have him checked out. Anytime one notices their bird of any type is acting different from normal, should observe them carefully and take them to the vet if it continues for the day. We all know every intricate detail and nuance of our birds. Much like we know our child is sick if they act out of the ordinary and the way they look. When their behaviour or looks change, somethings wrong. :-)
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