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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Mazy is right on. Spend lots of time with your new Grey out and even if it means just sitting next to your partner while the new Grey is with them, it will still gain his trust and confidence in having you close. Try to interact with him as well at that time and offer treats, head scratches etc. Just don't force it though, if he gets defensive just back off slightly until he is no longer "Alerted". The key is try, try ,try and tons of patience in developing this bond. He is still only a baby and should adapt well to both of you over time, but one will end up being the favorite cuddle muffin, while the other will be looked upon as a member of the flock and given the privilege to give a scratch, when they decide it's ok. :-)
  2. Great article on plucking Tracy. Karma your way. :-)
  3. Wow, wonderful photos Steph!! Thanks for posting them. The entire "Flock" seems to love each other. How lucky you are. :-)
  4. Thats wonderful news Terri!! Watch out, Bella is trying to take over the rescue fund, but I couldn't think of a better CEO for it :-)
  5. Congratulations Rik!! Really looking forward to seeing the photos of your new CAGs!! :-)
  6. danmcq


    The only reason for Clipping the middle 4/5 is some people think it gives them a more "Show" look with the first two left intact. I personally do not subscribe to that thought, but it is a personal preference each of those that are going to Clip need to consider. There are many links around the web that discuss the pros and cons of the "Show" type clip.
  7. That is great progress Tracy!! It is really heart warming to see a success story such as Soldiers with the right person rescuing and bringing them into their home. Well Done!!{Communicate-0002011B}
  8. Dayo is DNA sexed Male, he does have the flat head top (Lets not get this going as a male thing, I have a nicely rounded head ;-) ) But, he has not gone through his first Molt yet, so that could be why he does not have the white tips. He is presently 9 Months old. It would be interesting IF the experts and scholars missed this all this time. You may be earning your PHD on this one Connie, once you prove it in your Thesis!! :-) {Characters-0002007C}
  9. Wow Ronda, sorry about the bite and small set back. :-( Just keep on keepin on, with what you have been doing and don't relent. Consistency is critical to gain any ground or respect with these highly intelligent creatures. Maybe try not telling her to step-up and just try pushing your hand under her. Maybe if she doesn't have previous notice of what is coming, she will go a head and step up. This is going to be a trial and error scenario until you get this one nailed down.
  10. Hmmmmm Judy and Nychsa, no comment :ohmy: I take the 5th B)
  11. Could we get a videoB) of you teaching your Greys how to Dance Tracy, a video is worth a thousand words. That way we can all see how to "Get Down" properly. :-)
  12. It is a scary thing when you see someone like Beth Lowe take something to an unlogical conclusion. The Quaker is a good example to see how this misguided Beth Lowe could have come to her conclusion. In the last few decades Quaker Parrots were brought into the United States and Europe, where wild Quakers have become considered a pest. This is because they are a very hardy bird, and prolific breeder. In their native country of Argentina, Quakers are reportedly responsible for 30% of the corn crop destruction. In the US, they have been known to build huge colony nests which interfere with utility cables and towers. Because of the potential of becoming a major agricultural pest and they view Power Poles and Towers as the perfect place to build their apartment like communities. This has the potential to cause massive power outages and fires, thus they are banned or restricted in several states. Given this example, one such as Beth Lowe comes to the formula "All non-native birds and animals are a possible risk. Therefore all should be banned". It is this type of extremism and irrational thinking that causes the problems in the governmental rule we have today. Thank god we as voters have a right to vote these insane bills out and the ones that have the audacity to even propose them. I do agree with the well documented and thought out ban on species specific introduction to new areas where they could have a huge environmental, health, other species local extinction and monetary impact. This goes with any type of animal, bird or fish etc. Some would flat out devastate a region if introduced. So, the bottom line is, good research and reasons to ban is being a good steward our local and national environments to protect all the resources, other species and plant fauna from destruction or extinction. This must be analysed and weighed out on a case by case basis. Not a one Bill just carelessly gets rid of them all attitude.
  13. Best of luck Laurie, I know you can do it!! :-) LOL Bailey - No comment B) :laugh: Tari - Well put, bless you dear!!
  14. Ok Hanna - It does not sound like your Grey hates him, but does not have the close loving connection with your fiance that he has with you. At least your Grey is not screaming or growling at your fiance. If he was, then you would really have a big issue on your hands. Maybe your fiance could start giving him treats like nuts or a single grape or apple slice to start building a closer relationship with your Grey. As far as the screaming you are describing. Does he scream when he is sitting with you getting cuddle time or is he perhaps sitting else where and you and your fiance are together? If it is the latter, your baby wants your attention and is calling for it. :-)
  15. Your Grey is certainly a Ham! :-) Thanks for sharing these nice photos!!
  16. Wow, that is a beautiful shot Bruce, thanks for sharing it!! That is just tempting enough to make me want to come up just to view that in person. :-)
  17. Welcome Hanna!! It does seem that it may be related to your fiance. Does your Grey interact with him at all? Does he scream or growl if your fiance approaches him?
  18. Lol Judy, your really keeping me going today!! :-)
  19. Yep, Judy is right, she is associating the words with actions and things. :-) Thats cewl!! :-)
  20. LOL, that was a good blonde joke :-)
  21. Thats great news Cindy, I am so happy for you. Keep the updates and photos coming. :-)
  22. Welcome Brooke!! Macaws are wonderful too and as you know, we Parrot owners all relate to each other well, since the outsiders just don't get us Parrot owners :-) We'll look forward to hearing more and seeing some photos of your Parrots in the "Other Birds" room.
  23. You are definately one clever women and write a great story to boot. I'm happy to hear there are spouses that would go to such extreme sacrifices for their Husbands sake. You set the example for all the other women here on this forum ;-) Looking forward to seeing those photos!!
  24. Thats great news Coachdes!! You are so patient and loving. It is good to hear it is paying off and a relatioship is developing. Thanks for updating this post. :-)
  25. hahahahah Judy, you found this!! I fiured you would after my "Hint". Yeah, I needed to stir things up after the tearful post of the new member that lost her dad, then the Parrot that was sold the night before.... I just had to switch gears
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