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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. What nice posts by all you fairly new members. :-) It's great to hear you are finding this Forum helpful and friendly. I believe thats why most of us came here and just stayed. We all love to help others the best we can and we enjoy the friendship and community found here.
  2. Welcome Dexter!! Our male Dayo acts the same as your female, just as Tracy has described. At 18 months, it's mores mommy love and liking to cuddle, rather than a mating behaviour as Reta has pointed out. If I read the books right, they are not sexually mature until 5 to 7 years old. But, I am uncertain if that truly means they can not lay eggs until that age.
  3. It looks like it is a state or country law item. This is a good question and enlightens the rest of us as we see the responses from members in other locations. In California, papers or rings are not a requirement. Congratulations Hannah, I'll bet you won't get much sleep tonight!! :-)
  4. What a wonderful story Lyric. It must be a great feeling to have provided a good home for the wild caught Timnehs and after 10 years of just loving a caring for them, they gave such a valuable gift back to you in return, that we all know ow as Lyric. I'll bet a song plays in your heart everytime you two are together or just sitting across from each other in eye shot. Thanks for sharing this story!!
  5. Welcome Teluhlasmom!!! Awww, they are so cute and needful at that age. It is wonderful that you are able to see her everyday and take part in the feedings and interact with her. Has she been DNA tested already? Just asking, because that is the only way to know the sex for certain. Enjoy that wobbly baby and watch it grow into the beautiful and highly intelligent creature it is. :-)
  6. Welcome Bonnie and Scarlet!! Scarlet will pick up words you use when interacting with her. Such as Step-up, pretty girl, wanna grape etc. It is best to associate an item or action with words, so they connect and take on a true meaning to the bird. These Greys are smart as a whip and will tell you so, if you teach them :-) They love shredding things like paper, wood, leafy veggies and playing with toys in and out of their cages. They also get a big kick out of simple games like "Peek a Boo". Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  7. Yes, plenty of Toys, fresh food, water and a radio or TV going should keep him happy and entertained while your at work. Our Grey is home from 6am to 5pm alone most weekdays. :-)
  8. I use the Aloe Juice at 100%, no water mixed. It certainly keeps the skin supple and free of dry itchy spots. :-)
  9. I agree with Tari, you have developed a very close bond with him. Let him be a child that wants to be with a flock member he loves deeply and enjoys the security of closeness. He will grow out of that as he matures and his natural confidence and individuality grow. :-)
  10. Oh Ronda, I feel for you. You have certainly been trying everything under the sun and showing such patience while your heart aches. You certainly set a great example for all. :-) This will probably be a shock to some, but if you are not successful with using the "Step-up by force or I'll towel you and snuggle" methodology or you feel it is harming the relationship and trust you have built so far, You may need to clip the wings so she will be reliant upon you and family for transportation to and from her cage. This would be the last ditch effort, but the good news is, feathers will grow back. :-) Some have been successful in doing this and then still having a good relationship once the feathers grow back in and they become flighted. Others have found once flighted again, they start pulling away do to their re-found independence and no need for transportation by others. I hope this helps and I would truly love to see the trust and relationship grow closer than it is presently. Even if she doesn't become a "snuggler", she may atleast want to be with the flock in closer proximity. :-)
  11. I put my Karnak hat on, but so far am not receiving anything ;-) I believe the reason the story died in the 2002 era, is due to no substantiating evidence. :-) I could be wrong though, since my Karnak Hat is on the blink.B)
  12. Welcome Rick! It looks like you received some good tips on finding cedar nuts. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  13. Welcome Tikitimer!! Ask away, everyone here will be more than happy to help you. :-)
  14. Very cool Icerat!! Quite the talker you have there. :-)
  15. danmcq


    Welcome Ak1!! You are right, that is very young to be speaking already, but it does happen. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  16. Ya thinks she a girl? ;-) As Bmustee already indicated, leave the egg(s) in there for around 28 days so she can go through her motherly cycle. Otherwise, you will have problems with her in not being able to complete what her instincts tell her too. :-)
  17. LOL Motomazzo...yes, they do that when they are as young as your Grey. They are curious and everything goes in the mouth, just like a baby. Your Grey will stop that soon. :-)
  18. Welcome FunkyChicken!! Looking forward to hearing more about your Grey and perhaps seeing some photos. :-)
  19. Welcome marlene!! Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  20. Welcome Lyric!! Looking forward to hearing from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  21. Welcome Patsyrat and Smokey!! Thanks for posting the photos of Smokey!! :-)
  22. Welcome Cindy!! Can't wait to hear more about Charlie and seeing some photos. :-)
  23. LOL Jimmy!! Yes, if you start rough housing with them, they do get into the game and do what they do best.....use their beak. :-) I play "get psycho" with Dayo because I love watching him duck and weaver then take his action...run....bite...grab with Talon etc......BIG FUN!!!
  24. Nice photos Jimmy, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  25. Yep, digging is a normal behaviour they all display. They do it at different times and with various levels of fervor.
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