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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. As others have said it's a decision that requires much thought, modification of house to "Bird Safe" it and respect for the birds natural travel modus operandi i.e. flight. Personally, I view a none flighted bird in more danger than a clipped. The reason: I have in the past, turned around and accidentally kicked my Grey when 16 weeks old and freshly clipped by the breeder because while making coffee, he had ran from the family room to the kitchen and was standing directly behind me next to my feet. I of course did not know that and could have seriously damaged him with a broken leg or caved his chest in with my first step. They advantages to a flighted bird in terms of mobility, balance, confidence, safety and health from batting those wings and getting good cardio workouts from it, far out weigh the security the owner receives by knowing if they leave a door wide open, the bird won't fly out. My wife still disagrees with me and wants Dayo clipped, but she is not persistent on demanding it. Dayo even with his wings clipped has developed strong muscles and can now fly, gain altitude and maneuver very well. It is actually shocking considering that he has 5 of his primaries clipped and has not molted a single full primary back in yet.... I learned a hard lesson from thinking my Conure could not fly due to a wing clip as I watched him fly off one day when startled. Thankfully, we found him the next day in a tree after searching for hours and hours. Still, it's ultimately the owners call to make. :-)
  2. Hi Talon!!! It's wonderful to have you back and also in knowing that you are Ok, even though still getting settled in and beginning a new life path. It's your new path to adventure and to blaze the trail yourself in the direction you wish to go. Just make sure we are a BIG part of it !! :-) You were greatly missed!!!
  3. Hi Tee, During the Vet visit, did your Grey have it's Wings and nails clipped? Even if they were clipped, you do not need to be rough in handling any bird when doing so. They may freak out, but good beside manners are always a MUST in my book. As Nychsa said, I would switch Vets if possible or even find a local breeder that can clip the wings and file the nails for you. If the wings and nails were done and the Vet was rough, It's no wonder your Grey is acting funny. They are VERY sensitive creatures and it may take a few days to get over that. High stress levels can cause them to lose appetite, get diarrhea etc. I read a post on this forum a few days ago, that their Grey dies of a heart attack do to the rough handling it received!! Please keep us posted on your Grey. :-)
  4. Oh those are BEAUTIFUL photos BMustee!! I can see why they are your Favorites!! I want a Sun so bad, but then I would probably ignore Jake, my Dragon Conure from Hell. :-) I really love Jake though he is a character and fun to have screaming, flying at my head and biting at me all the time. But, Jake's making progress and does now fly and land on our knee or close proximity when Dayo is with us. I can see Jake wants that closeness too, but he is still having to slowly let go of the wild and natural fear he has with-in himself. They have had a Sun they weaned at the petstore for about 3 months I go to every weekend. I love interacting with him through the Cage bars. They are so loving, sweet and comical, who couldn't fall in love with them!!
  5. Wow Tracy, very nice. It's wonderful to have an artist on here!! Can't wait to see more!!! :-)
  6. Hello Kathy, You are certainly going through a trial with the tests, surgery necessary and no employment. Then to top it off your now worried about Lulu. I feel for you and you hang in there and don't give up on Lulu, as it sounds like you have no intention of doing so. You have taken all the right steps with the Aloe, Red Palm Oil and frequent mistings. It will help in alleviating the discomfort Lulu is feeling from all those little pin feathers coming in and dry skin. The way she is eating, tearing up toys etc. sounds like she has plenty to do and is not bored. Just keep up the good care you have been providing and Lulu should do just fine. Keep an eye on her as you have been, but don't let it stress you out and cause you arrhythmia problems, which is why I assume you need a pace-maker. Take care and don't be a stranger. There is always someone here online for you to talk to and a ton of knowledge with all the combined owners here.
  7. Hi Matt - Just keep a close eye on the Poop and see if it changes. One dropping is not enough to tell if there is a propblem. Also, the Link LMG posted for you is a great source of poopological information. :-)
  8. Nice Photos Heather, what a character you have there!! :-)
  9. I love that Avatar of you and Otto BMustee!! :-) I let Dayo on the shoulder also and so does Kim. He likes being a part of what we are doing. The only times I have received a quick "Nip" was..... One time he was on my shoulder when a grandchild came running in the room and straight to me. Dayo grabbed my ear quickly to encourage me to get out of the scary situation. It did sting a little, but no piercing. :-) The others are when he gets "Playful", I can feel him start ducking and weaving from the pressure points moving around from his Talons and he will do q lighting strive on the hair, then a quick peck on the neck on the sometimes chirp or whistle. I guess it's his way of saying "Hey, lets play". But, it never inflicts damage, just like a quick pinch from someone. He does run to the middle of my back if he doesn't want to get down. So I just grab his Talons and lift him off whether he likes it or not. It is definitely a personal decision each person must make. There are risks as others noted also and you should always be aware of where your bird is and what their Talon pressure is indicating they are doing.
  10. LOL - Acappella, Mazy and Toni, these guys are certainly characters aren't they? I have a sound recording of the entire Mayberry whistle song. I have played it over and over for the last 2 weekends. So far, Dayo puts in three or four notes of it while doing his " whistle grumble, click, clock and noise effect I know" half hour concerto. :-) I'm sure your Greys all do the same at different times of the day. :-) It's entertaining to say the least. Sometimes, I just can't help but laugh at the experimental combinations. :woohoo:
  11. Welcome biteable!! Sounds like and appropriate name, considering.... :-) At least you do have a sense of humor about the situation with Puddy. Hopefully as you keep interacting with him at his level of toleration and personal distance he must like to keep, unless he "allows" you to come and give a snack or he comes to you, he will mellow over time. Looking forward to hearing more!!
  12. Welcome Vickybird!!! Looing forward to hearing more about you and your flock. :-)
  13. Welcome Giggles!! Looking forward to hearing more on wht you find out regearding the person with 2 Grey's in need of a new home. I don't suppose they are with in driving range for you to check it out.
  14. Just ignore Charlie and if he is on you when starting to display that type of behaviour, take him back to his cage or play-stand and let him chill out for a while. This should start slowing down that behaviour.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/13 23:47
  15. Hi Selmae, It's great to hear you are already making progress and so is Gomez. It sounds like he/she would like a little closer contact too with the flock there at your home. Gomez will keep letting the guard down little by little. Especially with you and the rest now focusing on that. :-)
  16. HI Snow, it's great to hear from you again!! LOL - I can just imagine Boo saying that. He is so smart!! At least you know the ground rules of what you are allowed to touch in his cage and whats off limits. :-) How does Boo do outside the cage with you now? I still remember your first posts and how he learned to say "Boo No" letting you know it was ok to have him step up without biting you. He is such a character, I would really enjoy hearing about him more often as I am sure others would too!! Nychsa - Alexander is definitely fitting of Jiggy!!
  17. Nychsa - Sure, uh huh ;-) Well, I am glad Dayo didn't hear some of the words I was saying this morning working on my Camaro!! I love that car, but the way engineers placed items I wanted to "Tweak" gave me fits... Oh No, not Sponge Bob Square Pants!! My G-Kids watch that annoying little guy hours evertime they are here. Just the sounds of his voice is like chalk screeching on the board to me!!:pinch: :ohmy:
  18. Welcome longtallsallie!! Wow, you made out. How long have you had your Grey now? Why don't you go to the welcome room and introduce yourself to everyone officially? Looking forward to hearing more!!!
  19. LOL!! Thats hilarious Terri. Yes, as others stated, try a large pie pan or something, nothing to lose except a little sweat clening the water off your walls. :-)
  20. Sorry - Dupe - Must have switch bounce <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/13 22:31
  21. LOL - You all - Yes, now the fun and WORRIES begin of what I MAY have uttered from time to time. Then of course there are my evil gran children. We caught one the other day telling Dayo "Austin is a Brat.....Austin is a Brat" :blink: That's all I need is to have guests hear something "I" never said.....could be very embarrassing, to say the least. I guess the saving grace though, is they imitate the persons voice they learned it from :woohoo: :silly:
  22. Well, Dayo just said his first word very clearly today and in My voice ((((beaming)))) it was "Hello". So atleast it wasn't something movie related, as I was starting to worry about after Acappellas experience. :-) He mumbles several sentences and words while he is "Calibrating" them and we believe we know what he is saying, but are waiting for the day when we hear the "Final" product before we claim he is saying something like the entire theory of relativity ;-)
  23. We are gone at least 9 hours on weekdays, but sometimes I work from home Thursdays and Fridays depending on business factors and if my presence is needed on those days in-house. Dayo our CAG and Jake our Conure have been just fine with a varying schedule. The minimum out of cage time they get is 3 hours a day and the maximum is 12 to 13 hours on days I'm home on weekdays and weekends. They are a little timid around our young grandchildren due to the way they run with their arms flinging arounding and yelling,laughing and just cutting up. Both our birds usually want to be on one of our shoulders or in their cages when the young ones are here. The children's ages go from 3 to 13. When our Son's or older grandchildren are here, the birds are comfortable with them because they have been trained by us on how to properly interact with Parrots and how to properly read their body language. As far as strangers go, with adults they are more reserved, but not aggressive or frightened. Just more curious than anything of these strangers entering our home. The key to having a well socialized bird is in having and introducing people of all ages to them constantly (if possible) so they become accepting to having other people over as a "Norm" for their flock and home.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/01/13 18:44
  24. Welcome Crazybird!!! Great introduction and very nice photos of your at-home zoo. :-)
  25. Welcome Pieter!! Great to have you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
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