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  1. we have just remodeled out house and it is small but nice, the room my grey stays in has only one window and we don't have room in the living room for his huge cage. my grey has been living inside in his own room for eight years. we have a really big shop and their are alot of windows in the room i want to move him in but there is no heat in there.Except for his electric heated perch, wich does provide some heat also he has an acrylic cage so that too, holds in heat. I would bring him inside to the playstands when we're home, but can he stay in the shop during the day and night when it's bedtime and his own playtime? will the change in the temperture change from inside to outside make him get sick or can he stand the changes? ( of coarse I would have a radio or tv on during his awake time.) and also, I home during the day and he stays in the living room on his playstand and my boyfriend is home at night and also keeps him in the main room too.<br><br>Post edited by: Rambo, at: 2008/01/28 13:55
  2. I feed rambo, veggies, and fruits and his kaytee fruit pellets. he loves to eat what we eat, i don't use a lot of salt on my food cause i know it's bad for him. He sometimes is so picky it drives me crazy that he waste stuff, like he only eats the red pelets and throws the rest. I have a little trick to get him to eat what's good for him, I mix a little orange juice or grape juice in with his veggies and he loves it, and does'nt waste as much, but he won't eat anything new, unless he see's us eat it first. just like a child! he also tells me if he wants an apple or a pretzel. so funny!
  3. Thank you for being open minded and looking at everything from both sides of the perspective! I do know that he was very well taken care of. I don't believe that he was mistreated or abused except for the overtraining and overworked which i felt it lead to his early death. I do believe that he should have had a better balance of training and playtime. I just wonder if he had any other time outside of a laboratory environment? My boyfriend did an experiment on me, by stricking me in the nose repeatedly with a pencil and tried to make me say something. it was aggitated me until i finally said the word, so then he stopped. imagine little alex and that technique that they used? it must have been frustrating for him too. day after day. after day after day. please watch the video and maybe people will see things the way i do. click on ...entertaining parrots.. with alan alda and irene pepperburg. thanks ..... http://www.pbs.org/saf/1201/video/watchonline.htm
  4. about his name, Alex, rememeber people pepperberg bought the bird for experiemnts! not like all of us, for pets.!!!! I saw on Alex's site a few years ago that his name Alex stood for (Avarion. Laboratory. Exeriments. It was took off her site i guess because she may have gotten some bad feed about it from animal activists. i did see it on there! I got my parrot 7 years ago, and before i got rambo i did alot of reserch on what type of bird i wanted. i knew african greys were very communicative and responsive to people and learning. (not only from pepperburgs research but from other grey owners.) i wish she still had his name and why she named him that so i could prove it!!!! don't get me wrong, i loved little alex and i love all birds, and animals!
  5. here is the website of one of the videos on Alex. click on entertaining parrots. it's alex. and why is his name.Alex? Avarion.... Lab.... Experiment!... My Grey does tricks and communicates back to me and i hav'ent drilled him or constantly struck him on the beak to get him to respond! I'm not a scientist to figure out how he can communicate. it was over love, time and affection! and if you read the truth, the article says. "Pepperburg said,the good night routine, in which she told him it was time to go in the cage and she said "YOU BE GOOD. I LOVE YOU. I'LL SEE YOU TOMARROW, AND ALEX RESPONDED, "YOU'LL BE IN TOMARROW'? they only told us what they wanted us to know! why did it take so long to report his death? OH... TO DO AN AUTOPSY AND DECIFER HIS BODY PARTS. SCIENTIST!? PLEASE PEOPLE, READ THE FACTS CORRECTLY AND LOOK AT VIDEOS AND PAY ATTENTION TO HIS BODY, AND PERSONALITLY AND HOW THEY TRAIN HIM.!!!! here is one video and click on "entertaining parrots" http://www.pbs.org/saf/1201/video/watchonline.htm
  6. I do think alex was cared for as far as feeding, and cleaning. But I wonder if he was just overworked, stressed and some sort of abuse. Such as, the article said he was worked 8 to 12 hours a day, he was struck on the beak with the object repeatedly until he gave the answer to the questions and the object was forced close to his eyes, was he blind? and surely his beak was sore after being struck on it for hours a day, for not communicating like they wanted him too? and also, where were his red tail feathers in some of the video clips, and notice in some of his other videos he was missing alot of feathers and they were all ruffled, (that is a sign of stress or unhappiness) and also, remember Irene P. did not buy the parrot to be her loving pet, she bought him to conduct experiments because she was a scientist.The facts are... Alex only lived to be 31, he should have lived around 50 in captivity, What we don't know is, how he was being treated and trained without the camera ON!
  7. I;m so sad that alex died. but also sad that he had a life in a laboratory for all those years. he was proabably stressed from being drilled 10 to 12 hours a day. where are any of his videos.? i only found 1 clip of him. and what kind of life did he really have? and also Einstien the talking african grey that was on animal planet? where is he now? and who is his owner or laboratory? please help. my bird may not be as smart but he sure is loved and enjoys his life inside the cage and out!
  8. i have some pictures on my page and they did'nt upload correctly. just showing an "X". how can i delete those but not all my good pics...???
  9. will my grey ever lay down to sleep? he stands all the time and how can i get him to lay in his tent hammick, or how can i make him a nest. looks like those legs and feet would get very tired or arthridic!
  10. Rambo


    Thanks for those leads, I'll check them out.
  11. I had a plexiglass cage, it was awesome! the top was wire so there was ventilation. the whole front slide off or just opened. he felt he was part of the room even if closed. he did love it. I'm trying to find another!
  12. getting one wing clipped with trow the bird off balance if he does fly and possibly get hurt bad!!! trust me, cutting both wings below the flight feathers (which are the long ones at the end) they can still fly about 4 feet, not to enough to escape forever!!!
  13. please get clipped soon!! the first 3 flights feathers, do not clip, and watch out for the bloodvein wing, do not cut, make sure cut both wings below the flight feathers, only three or four feathers to cut!! rambo flew away and came back after 13 hours!!! no i cut his wings every 3 to 4 months!!!
  14. Rambo


    Im looking for an acrylic cage made by lucky parrot.this company went out of business i think. it was a quality cage and kept out the dust and dander, does anyone know the company and how can i find it or how to build one. my alergies are terrible with the normal wires and grids!!!!!!
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