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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations on getting rexxy into his first bath. It sounds like he had a good experience with it. This should make the next time even easier and more fun for you both. :-) As others have said, Wheres the Beef (Photos)? ;-) :-)You know we love photos!!! B)
  2. It's good to hear all is well this morning with Zahzu. :-) I agree with TT, that there should be cushioning around the cage if you are going to allow her to get back up on top of the Cage. You could surround it with soft blankets or large towels fluffed up several inches thick to cushion another fall. The optimum solution would be to get her to a lower level as TT suggested and even sitting on your leg or lap and spend some quality bonding time. :-)
  3. Welcome Bonnie and soon to be home Pogo!! Great photo of Pogo. Looking froward to hearing more and seeing tons of photos. :-)
  4. Welcome Bbrew!! It's nice having you here. Thanks for posting the photo of your Grey. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  5. Welcome Mareeee!!! It's nice to have you here. It sounds like your new TAG may have been wild caught. Do you know if this is so or if he was raised and hand fed? From your description on his living conditions in the place you got him. It sounds like he will indeed need a lot of time to become accustom to human contact and better foods than just corn. He will be unsettled until you get him to his final location and in his new large cage you are going to provide. It is a very scary world of change to him so far in his short life. he does indeed appear to be around 6 months old from the photo. Regarding diet, others provided good topic rooms to check out the wealth of information there. You can provide him a superior diet without the need for pellets, as you will find in the food room. Looking forward to hearing more from you as you have the chance to get on the internet. Also, my hat is off to you and your husband in the important and self sacrificing work you are doing over there. :-)
  6. Assuming that "Mo MOney" is fully flighted, he/she could have flown a loooooong ways. I checked all the bird associated online boards and found nothing on a missing nandy. Sadly, I could not believe how many different types of Parrots Were lost just in and around the Michigan area. Everything from Cockatiels, Macaws and Greys. It is really sad to see these and know how devastated the families must be at the loss. It does seem like destiny may have had it's way and especially considering the fact that your neighbors knew you were the type of woman that keeps a Parrot. ;-) Good luck with your new flock member. :-)
  7. whiteflower23 wrote: Hmmm, Oatmeal, without Oats. ;-) :-) Any type of nice, warm and tasty meal they like such as this is healthy and good for them. Dayo Loves Honey-Nut Oatmeal. I make it with Oats, Honey and slivered up Almonds. Of course, I eat the largest part of the humongous portion I make. ;-)
  8. LOL - Thanks for the photo and description. Dayo loves to eat off my Plate also. :-)
  9. Thanks for the great recipe. Seperately freexing it in Ice cube tray's or "Snack Size" freezer bags works great. Just pull out the daily portion, let it thaw or warm as your Parrot prefers and your good to go. :-)
  10. If the metal parts are shiny like chrome, they are safe. Though they may have iron or zinc inside. If they are not basically "Chromed" or anodized and are magnetic, trash them. YOu should also check the wires that run down the center of some toys. The are raw metal and contain zinc/galvanization.
  11. Good comments everyone. Normal tap water with the governmental approved levels of Chlorine is perfectly safe for human and critter consumers. :-)
  12. Big scare, then a little touching moment. One certainly offsets the other. Congratulations on the progress!! :-)
  13. OMG Sameera!! You and your Grey have sure been through it the last few months. You have done all the right things. I would suggest a vet visit to have that split keel looked at. How large is the split? Only you know how bad it may be. I know you take stellar care of your Grey and if you thought a trip to the vet was needed, you would already be headed that way. It sounds like Zahzu is handling it ok and relaxing. Thats exactly what she needs to do and stay that way for a few days to ensure the keel heals properly. Looking forward to hearing how all is progressing.
  14. Hi Greg, Boy, there are sooooo many "Moments". ;-) Here is a link to get you started that several members here contributed to: http://www.greyforums.net/component/option,com_joomlaboard/Itemid,27/func,view/catid,5/id,37659/ There are also many more threads with similar information. I would write out a "Book", but am a little pressed for time right now. I know others will post some stuff directly and I will too later. This is a great thread for you to have started. You will not be disappointed, I'm sure. :-)
  15. Hahahahah Tarnold!!!! On the serious side though. This is not a hoax and as the CNN story states. They are DNA testing and performing other analysis on the corpse they found. This is very intriguing to me, because I have followed Big Foot sightings for years. They seem to be plentiful, but very intelligent and illusive where they seem to have populations. I do hope the fellows that found the communal living area of that Big Foot clan does not disclose it to the general public or anyone that does not have every intent on keeping them safe from harm and out of the public's knowledge of even a close whereabouts. You know people, they would be like ants all over any disclosed general area.
  16. Your Grey will be fine. I leave town for 3 to 5 days every week. Dayo is always happy to see me when I get home. One thing you could do, if it's an option. Is to call home and have whom ever is there put you on the speaker phone and talk to your Grey. I do this and Dayo kisses the phone, rubs his head against it etc. They know your voice just like they do their parents in the wild among the thousands of similar contact calls. :-) I think it will be more traumatic on you then your Grey. ;-) I know I have a hard time with leaving for days at a time too. I have really been trying to figure out how to never leave home again. But, someone must work and bring home the funds for the extravagant lives these Greys demand. :-)
  17. Hi Broomer, The way you are both interacting with him from week 4 on, he will settle in be a part of your home and family as if you were his birth parents. :-) With that type of associate and strong bond, he will be paying attention to how the family interacts and communicates together very closely. The only time he my put his head under his wing, will be to hide his laugh at the last statement someone made. ;-) The link and all your videos of him are wonderful. Thanks for posting it. :-)
  18. Welcome Oppie!! It seems you received a good answer. Hopefully you will hang around and ask more questions. :-) Looking forward to hearing from you again.
  19. Hahahahahahaha thats hilarious. She is probably making sure you correctly communicate the thought or situation. ;-)
  20. Congratulations chezron!!! The Day has finally arrived. It will be a LONG one, but once your new baby and you are safe and secure in your home. Things will settle down and the process of familiarization, socialization and love for everyone will begin. :-) Please keep us updated with progress and of course lots of photos!!
  21. Im starting to Dig Beijing too..... B) Laure Manaudou is 22 years old and French, but we won't hold that against her. Apart from holding the 400m and 200m freestyle world records shes a previous gold medal Olympian - expect her to blow away the competition. :laugh:
  22. Heres one thats easy to see. Nothing is really moving. But, it sure appears to be: <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/15 16:02
  23. By optical recptors just are'nt working on this one. I see a weird girl with an eyeball on the side of her head.
  24. This is a grat topic to revive Tracy. Thanks for doing so. :-)
  25. Very cool photos TycosMom and Lyric. :-) One thing is for certain. When the Video is produced, it will be feature length....... So don't forget to pop some popcorn, settle in with your Fids and enjoy the, coming to a link near you soon.... B)
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