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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Barbara!! It sounds like you are doing a great job of taking care of your new baby Grey. It nice having you here and hope to hear more and see some photos of your baby when you get a chance. :-)
  2. Yep, hair preening is BIG LOVE. :-) I just bat Dayo with my ear if he nibbles/bites it. That stopped him.... Dumbo the elephant. ;-)
  3. EEEeeeeewwwwww, no, that is not a NORMAL grey behaviour. Must have learned it from ....... somewhere. :whistle:
  4. Welcome Aveloz!! It seems you have received good answers and suggestions to yoru question. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  5. Hi Erika, It's great to hear that baxter is progressing well at getting his "Wings". He has been dormant in that cage for so many years, that his pectoral muscles have atrophied. By the flapping exercises he has been doing while out of the cage with you. Those muscles are staring to slowly build. A startle as he experienced will take place from time to time, but it seems he handled it well and started slowing down for a landing before hitting the wall, which shows he is a smart flyer and saw it coming. To get him to learn control. Start with small hops from a perch to your arm or from one arm to the other. You can do this by holding one of his favorite treats like an Almond, Pine Nut, Grape etc. and enticing him to flap/hop to get it. This will teach him targeting, control and distance approximations. You can also start walking off and calling him. Stop before to far away and he will start trying to fly and land on your shoulder to go where you go. he will eventually just fly into the room you are headed for and perch while waiting for you to catch up. With full primaries in place, it won't be long before he starts doing some more serious acrobatics. :-)
  6. They definitely show their feelings regarding likes and dislikes when it comes to photos, videos of other Parrots or watching TV. If Dayo likes a Parrot he see's on video he will wolf whistle and give kisses to it. Others, he will turn his back and start paying attention to something else in the house. He will watch movies very intently with us and give wolf whistles and kisses to people or animals he seems to enjoy, make his little baby chirp if something or sound scares him, say Uh Oh when something happens like a fall or shooting etc. These Greys and other parrots are amazingly in-tune with whats going on in videos and movies, as you can tell by there reactions. :-)
  7. Oh Mas, what a battle you and Zahzu have been gong through. One note on beak and feather disease. It is not necessarily a death sentence if she is in fact diagnosed with it. I would never advise anyone one to put a bird down due to it, unless it was suffering and there was no hope. The are many stories of birds making it through the disease. They may be almost featherless after the battle. But, they are still a joy to have, enjoy unfeathered life and are great companions and members of the flock. :-) Zahzu sitting with you and just enjoying the head scratches from her loved is a touching picture. :-)
  8. Welcome Renee and Sonya!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  9. "melts if treated like a God." The only truth in the entire post. We only respond in a positive manner when given the respect we know we must demand and deserve. :evil: B)
  10. matt314159 wrote: Ha! I have watched everyone one of Pontis videos over the last year and a half. I am a Youtube-a-holic I guess. I am always watching for any new Grey or other parrot videos to be posted. Both my CAG and Conure sit and watch them, just like we humans watch TV. Sometime Dayo will Wolf whistle and give kisses. I assume this means he would like to date a few he has watched. :-)
  11. Welcome Hrund and thanks for rescuing that poor frightened TAG!!! It sounds like Nökkvi is actually taking to the change and you both pretty well, since you are already able to touch him. I can not express how HUGE that is from your description of his previous 6 years. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  12. It's interesting to hear the first time some have experienced this loud Growl. To fully simulate it, turn your speakers up almost full blast and you'll appreciate the spine tingle it gives you. ;-) Dayo has never Growled at the vacuum. I can only attribute this to having had experienced the vacuum from the time he was in the brooder form just a few weeks old at the breeders. Thus, the advice we all hear to expose them to as much as possible when they are very young and building that neural network called their brain. :-)
  13. That sounds like a wise path to take Sameera. Sleep well. :-)
  14. Hi Nims, Yes, those ingredients are fine. They are commonly used as perservatives.
  15. Well, if a collar is a must for a temporary time until the offending irritation goes away. Then it may be the only solution. It does not sound like your vet is keen on the idea either and is only offering it as a LAST resort. Unless the meds kick in or he finds something in the blood work he can treat. It may be the only solution unless you want a completely naked Grey. Only you ultimately can make the dicision and I know you will not make it without a lot of thought, consultation and prayer.
  16. OH, I am so sorry to hear that Dutchputch. What a tough decision you must make. I appreciate your posting this warning regarding microwave popcorn. My wife loves those quick convenient little bags. They will be no longer in our home!! This will undoubtedly save other parrots. I do hope your Parrot pulls through. Please keep us posted on your situation.
  17. Found this while youtube surfing. It is a perfect example for new Grey owners to know when their Grey is definitely upset... :-) NOTE: I do not subscribe to the thought of ever purposefully scaring your grey like this lady apparently did.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/24 16:39
  18. Beautiful photos and Grey, thanks for sharing them. :-) Some as young as 4 months, most Greys start mumbling and speaking around a year old.
  19. Those are GreYt photos of Ponti and Maggie. I think you still need to add a few more Toys to Ponti's box. Is this the same Ponti on YouTube? I suspect it is, being that your user name here is the same as that of Ponti's owner on YOutube. :-) I have watched all those great videos of the last year and a half.
  20. LOL Tracy - I have asked the same of her Siobha. For some unexplained reason, she will not post a video of herself doing the "Bop". :-)
  21. Welcome Natasha!! It's GreYt having you here and hearing that you are finding the site useful in acquiring information to base your decision on. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  22. Well, hopefully the blood work may indicate some nutritional deficiency that can be addressed. Plucking is such a difficult thing to get under control sometimes. The list of things that can cause it is staggering, to say the least.
  23. danmcq

    noisy baby

    What a cute little Guy/Girl. Normally, when that age, they are still with their clutch and not left alone or away from them. They will indeed cry out when hearing/seeing someone close by. If time permits, it would be great to just let him/her sleep in a towel in your lap for the comfort of feeling safe and loved. :-) Not all day, but perhaps more than now, if possible.
  24. Judy - I take the 5th.... B) You definately must watch what you say around these Greys, no doubt about it. ;-)
  25. How are things in your area today Berna? Jesus, it seems like Fay will just not go away. She just keeps circling as if lost, like a woman driving. ;-) :-)
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