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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. The swansons link suzzique provided is a great place to buy the Red Palm oil. I purchase it there also. You can heat a little in the microwave for just 10 seconds and drip it on to their pellets, scrambled eggs, oatmeal etc. This will ensure they get a small amount each day. It should only be a 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon and mix it in good. The pinenuts you can purchase raw and shelled at your local grocery store or you can purchase the roasted in the shell at a good petstore on online. They get a little work out cracking open the shell to get that nut inside. :-) Small like them raw, some roasted in the shell.
  2. Welcome Ryann!! Well, you have certainly jumped in with both feet from no parrot to a breeding pair. There is tons of things you will need to know about breeding, what to do when eggs are laid, what to look for, when to take the chicks away from the parents and how to feed. You will not need to worry about them breeding right away. They are in a strange place without the proper conditions to breed, which you will need to learn if you wish to use them as breeders. Just curious, what made you decide to purchase a breeding pair of greys with no previous experience or research? Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  3. Welcome btdaycare!!! It sounds like you have a wonderful Grey on the way to your new home. He sounds like a very well socialized and adjusted Grey. he will continue to pick up new noises and words in your home. :-) Looking forward to hearing how the first day went!!
  4. danmcq

    baby food

    LOL Judy, When Kim does cook, it's ALWAYS the most fabulous meal she ever made. ;-) :-) I must encourage that very rare behaviour at all costs!!!
  5. Welcome D4NGEROUS and MITTU!!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  6. Yes, a wellness check should be done ASAP. It will ensure your Grey is healthy and also establish a baseline at your vets of him/her.
  7. Wow Dave, what a dramatic difference you made in Jazz's life. He is one lucky Grey to have been rescued by you. The before and after 3 years of hard work, patience and love are stunning, to say the least. Karma to you my Brother!! :-)
  8. Hi Bronxboomer - Nice Photos of your Grey enjoying his shower. Thanks for posting them. :-)
  9. You can find themn at almost any online Parrot/Pet Site. They have various radius's to fit your and your Greys needs. :-) Heres a few links: http://www.mybirdstore.com/ACCESSORIES-Boings_and_Rope_Swings.html http://www.birdcagesgalore.com/bird_cages_018.htm http://beakapoo.com/boingsandswings.html
  10. Thats a great report on Merlin. :-) Thanks for that touching update on him. :-)
  11. Having a Rescue Room is a GreYt idea Sandra!! I will put my bug in the Admins ear also. :-)
  12. OMG!! Now thats one form of getting attention I think we would all like to avoid. :-) But, this is a great example of what one pissed off Parrot can do. :pinch: I would not take it so lightly, I would make them crack all my Xmas Walnuts for me as payment. :evil:
  13. Pat - My Hat is off to you too!!! You have done a wonderful and important task in taking in these rescues and giving them a warm and loving home. :-) There's more rescuers here too that will hopefully contribute to this thread. It would be great to see photos or videos of each and everyone of all the rescued Greys posted here by all you great and wonderful people!! :-)
  14. That is very sad news donste. I feel so sorry for her and how ill she must feel. I can only imagine you feelings as well. I can only hope for the best for you both and pray that this somehow miraculously turns around.
  15. LOL!!! Great story of another fooled human, by a sneaky Grey. :-)
  16. Congratulations cflanny!! It's good to hear both those possible adoptions turned out for the better by the owners deciding to keep and love them. :-) That breeder sounds wonderful and it certainly sounds like you will be getting a healthy and well reared Grey on Oct 1st. Thats not too far off and gives you time to by the Cage, playstand etc. and get them all set up before he/she comes home. :-)
  17. A TAG and CAG can certainly breed together. They are basically the same species, like Canines, but just looking a little physically different. There are a few breeders that have and do have TAG/CAG pairs and produce cross breeds. This practice is looked down upon by most. There really is no reason to cross breed them. :-)
  18. Welcome Rebecca and Tilly!! Two days is not much time for her to have settled in. She is in a whole new world, new cage and new flock. So it is normal to experience what you are in regards her nippiness. She may indeed favor your Husband, but you can build a strong relationship with her also. Just learn to avoid the nips by reading her body language like eyes pinning, feathers ruffled or head down with eyes trained on you. If she does get a nip in, don't draw back. Just say No Bite in a firm voice while staring her in the eyes. They are clumsy when young, as most young critters of any type are. Since she does have a small handicap (she doesn't think so) it would be best to let her fledge and become fully flighted to make up for the missing toes. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  19. We get all our pets gifts for Xmas and their B-Days. It normally consists of treats and toys. We let Dayo shred the wrapper. I think he enjoys that more than the toy most the time. :-) I'm trying to convince my wife that we should buy Dayo a 2009 Camaro SS this year for Xmas. ;-)
  20. danmcq

    Gaining Weight

    As long as you are providing a varied and complete diet of pellets, seeds, nuts, veggies and fruits, there is little you can do to make her gain weight. A 10 gram loss is not really anything and they can fluctuate that much in a day or two. As she grows and starts building more muscle, she will also SLOWLY gain weight. :-)
  21. It sounds as though these two have been breeders most their lives. They do mate for life and do not make the greatest "Pets" as you have found. It seems that you have made good progress with them and having successfully separated them, that is out of they way too (Different cages). They loss of a mate happens in the wild also and they seek out and find another. Your uncle taking Lucy should be fine and your uncle sounds like a perfect home that knows parrots. In regards Joey, it would be best to keep him, if you have the time and patience to invest. He will further blossom and become closer to you when he no longer has Lucy around. You will need to over come your fear of being bitten, they can sense that and read your body language. Just try to read his and adjust your hand offering to ensure you do not take a bite if at all possible. I guess the bottom line is, do you have the time and strong desire to keep Joey and provide him a good and loving home? :-)
  22. It sounds like Gizmo is getting used to his new surroundings and flock very quickly. How old is Gizmo? If his wings are not clipped, was he able to fledge at the breeders? He does not sound like he has fledged, which is of great importance for him to accomplish to gain flight abilities, coordination, balance and confidence. If he is not crashing into anything too hard, let him learn by trial an error. Thats how they learn to slow down, bank left or right, judge distances and also to target a perch and land etc. I would strongly suggest you not clip his wings until fledged, if not ever. :-)
  23. The is a perfectly good post sweetfx. :-) That is a great way to get rid of and also find stuff you may need. Many people advertise on Craigs list also in areas all across the USA. They give lots of stuff away fro free also with the only requirement being to come and haul it off yourself. In the more metropolitan areas where money flows abundantly, you will actually find brand new furniture, wide screen TVs etc. that people purchased, didn't like and just want it out of their house. I must say though, to actually get one of these great finds, you must be monitoring the list constantly and get there in just an hour or less or it will already be gone. :-)
  24. danmcq

    Cat Food?

    LOL - He's probably hoping some food will fall from the sky, so he can gobble it up. Just as when he see's the cats waiting below, hoping for pellets to fall when he is eating. :-)
  25. danmcq

    baby food

    LOL - Yes, there eyes pinning, rolling etc. when taking that first bite reminds me of a human tasting something and mmmmming, yum yumming along with facial expressions of how good it is. :-) When eating something I know my Grey loves, I'll taste it and say mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm GOOD!! One of these days he'll say it with true understanding. The next thing to teach him will be "Yuck, it tastes like crap".
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