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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It's good to hear that your mother is listening and considering your reasoning. When's the next BBQ?? ;-) :-)
  2. The baby pant or similar noise you have described is rarely heard, except by the most loved one of the Grey. I love that sound and only hear it now when Dayo see's Kim after being gone all day or when something frightened him that he needed comforting from. As always, Dave hit the nail right on the head. :-)
  3. What a wake call!! It's great to hear everything turned out well and Mika is back to normal in no time. They do pick up our feelings and also the strange noises and flashing lights you described. Your Grey was a frightened and alarmed as you. The clinging to you was for safety and security in your most loving arms. When emergencies like that happen, everyone pulls together and does what they must to get out of a dangerous situation. You did well and thank you for reminding us all that we should always be prepared and also have our birds and other animals used to going into crates or other modes of safely transporting to another location. :-)
  4. LOL!! He loves you and is just wanting to play. That is a very trustful position for your TAG to allow himself in and in fact put himself in it. They will only do this with their most trusted and closest companion. Dayo (CAG) will only do this with my wife (Kim). He will not do so with me. Scratch his belly and play with him. Just let him know when he beaks too hard. They are very intelligent and will pick up on what is acceptable in a very short time. They will of course get carried away in the play sometimes and forget how hard they can playfully bite. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/29 15:04
  5. Good Morning Timnehmommi!! :-) That is a peaceful and wonderful "Kodak" moment you have shared with us, thank you. :-)
  6. darth_mint wrote: LOL!! Stranger things have happened on this forum. :-) Glad we are back to ourselves now. ;-)
  7. Welcome lmarinukjr!! Rescuing is a wonderful and challenging thing to do. I am not certain what is meant by being "Broke", but must assume you are referring to the process of "Breaking" a horse. I would suspect the Cockatoo had been hand fed and previously used to close and consistent human interaction. It may not be the case for your Grey. You can not put a specific time limit as Bird Paradise seems to in hours of how long this process may take. It is by no means a forced and bad experience for the bird, with disregard for it's interactions, emotional damage and loss of trust. It is a slow process of first allowing both your birds to become comfortable in their new home, surroundings, cage and family members. Once they are feeling comfortable enough to come out of their cage, they are feeling a bit more trust of the environment. The next trust level is feeling comfortable with you being close to them and eventually them stepping up for you or allowing a head scratch etc. I hope all is going well and look forward to an update on you two new birds. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/29 14:12
  8. I guess I will not put a "Spin" on this one......................................................... It might splatter people.
  9. LOL Berna!! Sound "FX" well said and a great defense. :-) I do love to put a spin on things when the opportunity is there. :-) Thanks for being such a good sport and allowing all of us having many smiles over this thread as we think back on....................................................... Did this highly initelligent creature possibly learn this from me?? :-) B)
  10. Thats a good report on Zahzu. Hopefully the collar and meds will resolve the issue over time. She is such a wonderful girl out of the cage cuddling with her "Mom". :-)
  11. Dayo loves Ice Cream, Fruit Pop cicles etc. We only allow him to have a little of ours as we eat it. he also just likes to "crack" Ice cubes and "bob" for them in our glass. :-)
  12. Welcome Nith!! It's GreYt having you here and I'm glad you are finding the information helpful and informative. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  13. Happy "H" day Lyric!!!!!!!
  14. Hmmmmmm, my bod's that of a 22 year old, my mind is that of a wise 40 year old, my real age is ........................ hmmmmmmmm
  15. Awwwwww, what a beautiful little princess you have there. :-)
  16. HI Makena!!! It's great having you back!!!!! :-) Hopefully you don't have the bug problems anymore now that your back in the Mainland.
  17. Well, most Greys do many things that makes us go :ohmy: One of the many that stands out and is, clever, funny and amazingly illustrative of their intelligence of cause and effect: We were training Dayo to "Go Poop" when we take him out of his Cage, place him on a stand and expect him to do so. He picked it up in just a few days and does it on command. A few weeks later after learning this, he was sitting up on a high perch one afternoon, looked down at my wife standing under him and told her to "Go Poop", then he watched the floor to see if anything "Dropped". :-) My wife, for some reason, did not comply.
  18. Welcome Pugnacious and Smoke!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  19. Awww, such cute little babies, keeper of your babies, babies person ;-) Note: I got the warning on Granny, Gandma etc. But, if a title fits........... :-) The title is no respector of age. Thanks for sharing those wonderful photos. Amazing how fast they grow and change each day, isn't it?
  20. You have made great progress in showing and teaching Baxter that life has many things to enjoy in a loving home such as yours. Karma to you Erika!! :-)
  21. Very nice photos of Joey playing with those bagels on the playstand. Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  22. Nice stands you made there and I see they are already being used. Thanks for posting these photos!! :-)
  23. Great playstand and toys broomer!! Loki is going to have a blast. Thanks for sharing these photos and looking forward to seeing more of Loki after your next visit. :-)
  24. BMustee wrote: I understand berna, those women are called lesbians ;-) Siobha - That was hilarious. I atleast tell Kim to drive herself to the doctor to get checked. ;-) :-)
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