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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. OMG!!! What a horrific experience so early on with your first Grey. It is great to hear he is back home and safe once again. :-)
  2. I know Mickaboo very well!! They are just over the hill from us here in the Bay Area. :-) They offer many classes in cities around the bay area on different days/times. Very well run and organized. Great organization and people. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  3. Sounds great Kevin! Looking forward to the update and photos. :-)
  4. Hey, ask Cnn :pinch: You do have a point though....... {Emotions-0002011C}
  5. I have seen rawhide used on Parrot toys. I have also seen those get wet from my dogs and they seem to last mold free for months. :-) I sounds like BIG FUN for Nicky. I think I'll pick a couple of small ones up for Dayo and see what he does with them. Thanks for the idea!! :-)
  6. Dayo now weighs a consistent 430 grams. When he was age 10 weeks to 16 weeks, he weighed between 515 to 527 grams. It could be that Roscoe is going to be one very big boy. :-) You will start seeing a normalized weight after he has fully weaned and around 24 weeks old eating a normal diet.
  7. It's GreYt to hear all is well there for you Berna. :-)
  8. LOL!!! Talon - I think between the two of us, we either scared them off or they are all down getting professional photos taken, as you did.{Feel-good-00020069}
  9. Very Cute Loki photos. :-) Thanks for sharing them!!
  10. Update - It was a hoax!! Turns out it was TArnolds Mother-in-law. ;-) :-)
  11. Tracy gave good advice. Birds are not comfortable at the lowest point where predators can devour them. They always feel threaten unless trained otherwise as Tracy indicated. Our Grey would play on the floor when young and we were also on the floor with him. Now, he has no desire to be lower than the counter tops. I would suspect this is due to the large Dobermans that are ground dwellers. ;-)
  12. Very good thinking Sameera on the juice and example of you enjoying the liquid coming out of it!!! They do indeed learn by role playing and example. It's good to hear all is well this morning. :-)
  13. danmcq


    As an example of keeping a regular schedule, which is the most important thing for your Parrot: We put our s in his Cage and cover him at ~ 9pm every night. Weekdays he is uncovered at 530 am and let out to interact with the family until having to leave for work at 630 am, at which time he is placed back in his uncovered cage. They do need 10 to 12 hours sleep a day, but not all in one sitting. They will sleep during the day when things are quiet. The will usually take naps during the day varying in length from half an hour to an hour three or four times. The point is, you don't need to put your bird in his cage at 6pm and cover him because you are going to uncover at 6am the next morning. :-) So spend the hours you have with him in the evening until you retire to bed. He will get his needed extra sleep during the day while he dreams of you coming home and the fun times he's is going to have when you get there. :woohoo:
  14. Awwww, Roscoe is so cute!! Thanks for sharing that. :-)
  15. Awww, congratulations Mansley!!! They are closet tlakers until they believe they have it all calibrated properly. Once they have that down, they will be telling you what and when to do it. :-)
  16. Welcome Tilie and Tillie!!! It's good to hear that she has had her first vet visit and is taking the meds well for you. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance to post them. :-)
  17. Hello Sallas, How you and your Flock doing today? Still having any reactions to the mold?
  18. Well, back at ya Pat!!! {Love-00020116}
  19. As Judy stated, keep offering a wide variety of veggies cooked and uncooked, fruits, nuts, oats etc... anything and everything. They may not eat something one day and two days later just tare it up. :-) Regarding flight, let him learn by trial and error. Thats how all of creation learns balance, coordination, distance judgement and limitations. I try catching him in mid-air. That could cause an incident that would not have happened otherwise. :-)
  20. Hi Acappella, It's good to hear Dorian is doing better. The storm probably shook him to his core. Please keep us posted on Dorian. :-)
  21. Awww, congratulations SweetFX. Rexxy is amazingly young to be talking already. :-)
  22. Looking back, I was not prepared for the Love that developed. I never dreamed I and my Wife would view Dayo as one of our birth children. But, it happened and we could not imagine life with out him. He truly is one of our children and we would do anything for him. We have always loved our dogs, cats pets etc. very deeply, but nothing as intense as this.
  23. My only thought on the Cage plucking issue is, maybe she does not like being covered? Some birds like to be and some not. In regards bring her out for 20 minutes when you snack. If you hear hear wrestling around, yes, I would take her out her giving her some attention and loving. Then put her back in letting her know your going back to sleep and so should she. :-) Only you can make this judgement call by her actions.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/20 14:59
  24. Oh Sameera, I am so sorry to hear that. I would contact the vet and see when those meds are coming in. They may be the only way to get Zahzu calmed down to the point that she will stop plucking due to the irritation from all the feather damage and removal she has suffered through. Hopefully, once all new feathers are in, she will no longer pluck. :-)
  25. Welcome Milks!!! I am uncertain of the "Certificates" you are referring to regarding TAG and their prices. Perhaps things are different in the UK. That is a huge price difference. Is it also possibly price difference from a breeder versus a pet shop? Pet shops are always outrageous in pricing compared to a breeder. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
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