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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Terry!!! I'm sure you will hear plenty from Talon about Rikki on this Forum. I assume you have gone and looked at the photo's in the newsroom. It's GreYt having you here. :-)
  2. Welcome Megoni and Johnboy!!! GreYt having you both here. :-)
  3. danmcq

    Rikki is Home!!

    Hello Terry!! We would love to hear any stories you have to tell of Rikki. :-) That had to be a VERY hard thing to do.
  4. Congratulations Siobha!!! It's GreYt having you on the Team. :-) I know you will start blessing us with your posts even more often........ Looking forward to your communiques<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/15 13:41
  5. Welcome Stan and Tequila!! It's GreYt having you here. oking forward to hearing more and seeing wome photos. :-)
  6. Welcome Georgie, Daen and Will!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance to post them. :-)
  7. Thats all good news. Thanks for the update on Refund and Joey. :-)
  8. Congratulations fairymyst78 !! Waiting to see those adorable pictures. :-)
  9. Maybe, maybe not. here is a snippet on this: Many experts have questioned the existence of the Princeps African Grey. The Princeps African Grey is said to have originated on two small Islands off the coast of African in the Gulf of Guinea. These islands are the Island of Principé and the Island of Fernando Poo. The debate to its existence centers on its distinction from the Congo African Grey. Many maintain that it may have at one time been a distinct breed, but interbreeding with the nominate variety (the Congo) has wiped away any genetic variation between the two. Others hold that there has always been much migration between the islands and the mainland that there was probably never any distinction to begin with. Whichever the case, most hold that if the Princeps African Grey was ever a distinct species it is probably not today. Today, there are only 2 the Timneh and Congo.
  10. LOL!!!! VERY Funny!!!! I love it. :-)
  11. What a wonderful quote Carolyn. Thanks for passing that along. It sounds like a was wonderful Symposium.
  12. It would depend on the amount of rust and how much of the metal is actually eaten away. You would need to thoroughly strip the Cage down to metal to insure there was no rust remaining. Then you would need to get it Powder Coated. If possible, it would be a lot less, work and time going with a new Cage. :-)
  13. It's great to hear all went well and your both back home and happy together. :-)
  14. Welcome Jim and Sarah !! GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  15. Welcome thecoffeesnob and Coco!! Nice to have you here and thanks for posting a photo of Coco. Beautiful Grey you have there. :-) Looking forward to hearing more.
  16. Very sorry to hear of Barleys passing. You have my condolences. I wish Dogs lived as long as our Parrot friends.It would alleviate all of us losing several much loved canine companions through out our long lives ........ Love and best wishes to you.
  17. Toni Wrote: "what do you think Im going to do? " Use Loo Rolls!! :-) Yeah Roger, but then we wouldn't get the satisfaction of just burning money on our loved ones. :-)
  18. Hahahahahahahaha Nychsa. Thanks for the morning laugh. ((((Bing)))) .......... :-)
  19. If it ends up Dakota, you'll need to pick up a Cowboy Hat and some Spurs for him. ;-) Yeeee Haawwww, ride em Cowboy :-) Of course, that might work out well, since you have them as Breeders. ;-)
  20. Glad you like it Kitty^3. :-) Nothing like waking up, powering up the PC and then spitting coffee all over your screen laughing uncontrollably at the first funny post or joke on this forum you read. B)
  21. Ok, I missed the deadline, but what the heck..... <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/10 14:58
  22. You always post the nicest photos Roger. :-) Regarding talking.... they will talk when they are ready and after a lot of calibrating under their breath as you strain to listen in and try to figure out what all those faint, yet unrecognizable mumblings are. One thing I have noticed with Dayo, is he picks and chooses what he says. It is all related to actions, foods or endearing types of words or sentences that he chooses to use. We have said the same things over and over since he came home over a year ago. Most, he does not say. He will say his favorite food items for example when he wants them or he will ask to outside, when he wants to do so. On the other side, he will only say "I Love You" when he is interacting closely or going night-night. They truly are much more than just mimickers on Que for a treat. They have a level of understanding far beyond what the outside public thinks when they see a Parrot in a show just responding. The way you are so into the development of your Grey. I know you have no worries of IF he will talk. But, get ready for the requests and demands that will soon come once he has associated all his favorite things to words.......Then the demands start ;-) Oh!! Had to edit this to say "Happy Half a year a Birthday Congo"!!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/10 14:41
  23. Dayo is not a "Dunker" either. It does seem common among many members Greys though. :-)
  24. Your new baby is beautiful CalGal. If he/she grows in to those feet, you may end up with a Condor size Grey. :-) Thanks for sharing this photo.
  25. Nice photo Roger. Dayo has the same exact rope and wood toy and loves it. :-) I think I got ripped though. I paid 13.99 Maybe mine has "Special Wood"
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