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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It's good to hear he is improving. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to hearing what the Lab results show. :-)
  2. Thats GreYt Progress. :-) Can't wait to hear more updates!!
  3. Hi Di - 106 is too hot for a Grey.
  4. Beautiful photos of your TAG Ashley. :-) Thanks for sharing them. I do see that you have your TAG's Talons held in some of the photos you posted. It also seems to look as though atleast the outer primaries are fully intact. Is Ace fully flighted or "Show trimmed"? As others have expressed, a harness is a wonderful outdoor device for ensuring the safety of your Grey. Looking forward to hearing more from you as you get settled in to your new home and city.
  5. OH Boy, that is a tough one. Apartment living is a "Communal" environment that always must look out for the "Good of the whole". You may want to first go to the Apartment Manager or Owner and voice your concerns not only of concern for your Grey's health, but also your own. Dealing with an unknown toxic substance being sprayed that affects your general healthful feeling and your households should raise "Red Flags" to the Management/owner of that complex. They are liable for each tenants living conditions when it falls under a health departments jurisdiction. If you can determine where it is coming from, first go ask the tenant what they are spraying due to concern for your and your exotic pets health affects. Perhaps it can be resolved in a one on one fashion. If not then go to management and health department if necessary.
  6. Hello and Welcome Katie!!! As the others have said, time and patience will be needed for the trust and relationship to grow. Since He is 8 months old, he has been somewhere he considered his "Home and Flock". He will now take some time to realize that he is now in a new home and part of a different flock. Right now he is very scared and overwhelmed with all the new visual and auditory input he is receiving. Things you can do to make the transition for him as smooth and acceptable as possible: During this time, you should observe your new bird and, to a large degree, let him set the pace of your getting to know one another. Many parrots, especially those that are coming from good breeders or homes, manage to make a quick, easy transition to their new surroundings. If at all possible allow the parrot to keep its old cage during this time, even if you want to get a bigger and better cage later. The old cage is "home" and gives the bird a feeling of security, especially if it still has his old familiar toys and perches. The same is true of food, whenever possible, bring along some of his old diet, even if it's not a well balanced one. The changing from seed to pellets or another whole-food diet can take place after the bird is settled. It's best to find a quiet place at first, yet not too far removed, particularly for a shy or frightened parrot. This way, he won't have to deal with the rough and tumble of daily family life, and can get to know you during "quiet" times as you read beside his Cage or watch television, listen to music or spend some time surfing on you PC\Laptop. With a shy bird, make a point of moving slowly when passing the cage, and speaking softly before opening the door or uncovering the cage so he knows you are there. If the parrot is dealing well with all the change and seems curious about you, you may then try to start handling him/her. This is a judgment call and not always easy to make. One thing to keep in mind with a parrot that has an attitude problem is that first impressions can be lasting ones (on both sides.) Do not attempt a "step up" if you're not willing to hang in there even if you are badly bitten. Otherwise, you will just be reinforcing what the bird has already learned: if you don't want to step up, just bite and the person will go away. It's normal for a bird to feel "clingy" about the only familiar thing in its life at this point: its cage. So once you do get the bird out, you may want to move to an area where the cage is out of sight for further interaction. It's best to let him/her bird decide when it can deal with stepping up onto your offered arm or hand. Never push a frightened bird, even if that means a few days or weeks going by without being able to get a step up. They are usually this frightened with good reason, and forcing yourself on them simply reconfirms all their fears. Looking forward to hearing more from you and don't be shy about asking any questions you may have. We have tons of people here with years of experience with Parrots. :-)
  7. Di Wrote: "has anyone got any suggestions on how to get him to stop screeching and talk back .. he is only 4 1/2 months old tho is he a bit to young to understand yet?" Are you kidding? He's a 4 1/2 month old baby. ;-) He does understand at this point that 1) He loves you 2) He wants to see you 3) He wants to be with you 4) He wants to ensure you are still within Ear shot 5) He lets you know when he is excited when he see's you. I may view vocalization a little differently than others. I have always encouraged Dayo to communicate with us. I also ensure he learns when he uses the correct whistle or word through association and acknowledgement from my end by my return call, word or action. I want Dayo to communicate all his needs and concerns as effective as possible. Just as I would a young child. It is the only way we know if something is 1) Wrong 2) needed "Water"? 3) Causing fear 4) Am I in the house 4) When he is silent, when normally he would be vocalizing, I know something is wrong with him or his surroundings or he is into something he is off-limits ;-) I treat him just like a 2 or 3 year old child that is constantly learning to interact and communicate with an adult. If he uses something incorrectly, I respond with the correct answer. Dayo will start contact calling when I drive up in the Driveway and open the electronic Garage door. As he knows I am getting closer by the succession of sounds such as the Car Alarm Chirp, The Garage door closing, he becomes increasingly excited and vocal. Just like a young child dancing up and down, smiling and saying "Yay, Daddies Home. Daddies Home!! :-) Your baby is still very dependant upon you and needful. He will grow out of this soon enough. You will actually start missing some of the baby sounds like the "Panting" and constant "Hand tugging on your shirt tail" as it starts subsiding and your Baby ages into teen and adulthood. Enjoy the "Baby" moments". :-)
  8. Welcome Julie. You Wrote: "I would like for this to be his home until one of us croaks!! Any other advice will be much appreciated!" I am so happy you have reached out to a community of Grey owners to try and find some relief and understanding, instead of just re-homing Webster. It sounds like he has truly flourished in the home and love you have provided him. Like all relationships, there are sunny and stormy days. I know when too many things are happening at once and they are all stressful, sometimes something as minor as a loud chirp can become amplified to the point that it seems to be an insurmountable problem. I would imagine, if you have the time to reflect on this small issue with Webster, that it really pales in comparison to the other stress inducing matters you are dealing with. There is no reason that you home can not be Websters home forever also, as you desire. You won't give up on your Nephew or any other family member. Webster seems to be considered a loved family member also. So, just know that this will pass and time will resolve and heal all wounds. There are tons of members here that have dealt with many issues and over come them in regards their Greys. Just keep considering this your "Grey Hotline" community for interaction and understanding from people that "Know" what your going through and the support you need. :-)
  9. Satchel wrote: It is not possible to spend too much. ;-) I took the same path as you when finding, visiting and waiting for months to bring Dayo home. Those moments you are spending visiting and getting to know your new Grey, are invaluable. You get to watch them grow, build the relationship, trust and take lots of photos at each stage. You are very fortunate compared to many other Grey owners, in that sense. The time also allows you to research about your Grey, Cages, Toys, Play-stands etc. and purchase them prior to their arrival. It would be great if you could post some of your experiences and photos as the count down to the "Date of Launch". :-)
  10. It could be insecurity or just the need to be with/on you because she wants to. Greys truly remind me of smaller children. Sometimes they do not want to come near you and others they will just walk up and want to sit calmly on your lap or lean next to you and sit. I see the same characteristics in Dayo. Sometimes he just wants to be left a lone and sometimes he just wants to hang out and be close. I think it's "just because". Now there are instances they could be feeling afraid, insecure or even perhaps a little under the weather and want some comforting. It is hard to discern at times with out directly asking if behaviours, temps or eating habits change. Then you have an underlying issue that needs attention and investigation.
  11. Interesting, Dayo never has said his name. I guess I will just attribute that to the fact that most intelligent creatures do not talk in the third person. Dan, hows it going. Dan mental note, you need gas.... ;-) Dan, Dan Hello Dan B) He does call the Dogs by their respective names though. So it does seem they definitely understand names are attached to each sentient being in the home. So, changing a name may be a little difficult, but any critter usually adapts to a new one very rapidly when they realize you are addressing them as such every time you interact with them. I have rescued several Dobermans that came in with "No Name". So they were named according to their sex and personalities. They picked up on the new names very rapidly. As, smart as these Greys and other Parrots are, I would expect the same to apply. As far as Homie goes, he could have lived in a house that everyone was greeted as "Homie". :-) B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/01 14:01
  12. Thanks Kath and others for the great comments. :-) Fid means "Feathered" Kid. So you have a FID :-) Some people have Fid's, as my self and many others. I have decided the Fid's are more fun than Kid's. ;-)
  13. Welcome Raiderbabe !!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you as your questions start rolling in. :-)
  14. Great photos, thanks for posting them!! :-)
  15. danmcq

    Rex day

    Thanks for the update sweet. It sounds like your baby grey and family are getting on well and exploring new toys and foods daily. Enjoy those little baby pantings they make when young. They are precious and rarely heard as they mature. :-)
  16. Welcome Tonya!! Tycosmom has given you some good advice on a re-homed Grey. With the history you have indicated. Your Timneh is a very frustrated bird that has been pretty much cage bound for many years with minimal interaction. They need attention and a good relationship everyday. It is not surprising that a bite needing stitches was required on an off the cuff take the birdy out and cuddle. As I am sure you know, it does not work that way. Time and patience will be the first order, to build the mutual trust and respect needed between the two of you before the relationship can go to the next level of touching and interacting on a much more personal level. There is nothing to fear as long as you pay attention to his body language and respect the fact that he is an adult Grey with thoughts, wants and desires of his own and he will decide how much space he needs at first to feel safe and secure in this new home and flock. Regarding a Beak trim, unless it is truly over grown, it is normally not necessary and can be very painful to them. They do have a very sensitive beak tip, which most people do not realize. Just give plenty of toys made of wood and hard nuts such as Almonds in the shell for him to crack open and his beak will be fine. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/07/31 14:44
  17. Well, would suggest that you stop offering your hand as a chew toy. :-) he is starting to think it is a game and you are taking part in it. Are you only able to interact with him from outside the cage at this point? If you can open the cage and ask him to step up, while bringing your hand up from underneath slowly, what does he do? When he does beak you (as they always will, due to it being their way of testing things) if he does so too hard, look him straight in the eyes and say "No Bite" in a firm voice. Then slowly remove your hand and walk away from him. he will catch on that he is applying an unacceptable amount of pressure. One thing to note also, sticking you fingers or hand through the cage bars is intruding into their home and space. Many will give a hard beaking just to let you know they do not appreciate it. Many have become this way due to the first thing someone new wants to do is run up and stick their damn finger through the cage bars and play with the birdy, if you don't catch them before hand. So the bird views it as a small threat and annoyance they deal with by giving a hard beaking. :-)
  18. darth_mint wrote: Welcome to the Parrot World. The bigger the mess they can make, the more they will go at it.... BIG FUN :-)
  19. They make up their own tunes and sounds. They also put together a combination of several at a time mixing words, whistles, clucks, knock s etc. It is very amusing isn't it? :-) Sometimes just makes you laugh. B)
  20. Thanks for the update michelle. I believe your Grey is 3 months old, not 3 years. Is that right? You are certainly looking after Adanna well to ensure she is in tip top shape. :-)
  21. Welcome Elozano and yayo!! Those are GreYt photos. Thanks for sharing them. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  22. Welcome Meg!! It's great having both you and Patrick here. Looking forward to here how the homecoming went with Refund. :-)
  23. Welcome Amanda and Stitch!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  24. Welcome denisp, Without any more background information. The first idea is to keep your hand away from your Grey. :-)
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