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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. What Bone, I don't see a bone? ;-) Apparently, he knew what to do and loved it!!!
  2. Wow!!! Those look like Parrot Disneylands. :-) Very nice and great concepts for building BIG FUN into a playstand. Whats with the "Dumb Test" links imbedded in your photos? Kinda strange, but fun. B)
  3. Great photo of your Grey and congratulations on figuring out how to reduce the picture size. :-) Thanks for posting this. He truly looks to be a BIG fellow. How much does this Guy weigh?
  4. Thanks for the update Christian and Congratulations!! Of course we are as excited as you. Don't you realize we all feel ownership by association of every Grey on this Forum? Looking forward to the Sunday Photo Bowl!! B)
  5. Very nice Photo of Tyco all Topsy-Turvey. :-) Thanks for posting this!!
  6. Jane08 wrote: LOL Jane08 - Greys are characters that never leave us without a smile. But hey , don't expect too much from us "Men" ok. We work hard all day and thats why we ask for things to be brought to us. :whistle: B)
  7. kittykittykitty wrote: Kitty^3, no one here posts too much. I believe that would be an impossibility. ;-) This is a social community mainly geared towards talking about our parrots and asking questions. I believe we all look forward to seeing new posts and chatting with all are GreYt friends here. :-) Most of us can not talk to our local "Friends", Co-workers or even some family members......They just don't get it and don't want to hear about them as we watch them yawn and look around if we bring up our Parrots. So, we stop and ask "Hows the weather", "anything new".... you know, all the real exciting stuff most people talk about. :whistle: B)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/15 14:24
  8. I agree with Tracy. When or if in doubt, don't buy yhe toy. If you won one that you suspect, toss it. Here is another link with good information you can use to determine what types of chain or quick-links are most likely ok for your bird: http://allbirdclinic.net/uploads/Metal%20Poisoning%20Booklet.pdf
  9. Welcome Suzzique, Alex and Martini!!!! It's GreYt having you here and seeing photos of your flock. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more. :-)
  10. This was on CNN this morning and I found it interesting. It will be something I will follow to see what the "DNA" and other evidence reveal during the scientific communities study. Here is the article link: http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/08/14/bigfoot.body/index.html
  11. Suzzique wrote: Hi Suzzique, Thats how they start talking. Those "Almost" muzzled words you thought you heard, is him "Calibrating". It will go on for a few months and you will start hearing clear and recognizable words and then sentences. Most Greys start talking between 12 an 18 months. A few are quicker or slower to learn. You have probably noticed him "Mumbling" very low when he thinks no one is listening. :-) This almost imperceptible whispers are him calibrating too.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/14 21:18
  12. A guy playing a sax, then a women's face. This is cool stuff. Thanks for sharing these folks!!!
  13. They live to make us all look like fools to the world. They learned this over millions of evolutionary years. It leaves them as our ONLY friends. So they get all our attention. :-) Thanks for sharing your embrassing moment with us. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/14 16:53
  14. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha, what a character Elmo is becoming. She has truly asscoiated everything correctly and using it to let you know "It's not ALL good". ;-) Thanks for bringing a BIG smile and chuckle to me this morning. I love this forum and it's members!!!
  15. LOL - They do love fingers and toes!! Tracy is right, they do just sit, eat and preen alot. You could try adding a few things that might "Pull" your Grey in to action. Throw some wadded up newspaper or printer paper on to the bottom of they cage floor. They love to grab and shred paper. Place a 12 empty soda box on the bottom, They will go in and hide, chew holes through it to peek out in "Secret" etc. Many toys we hang and place in our Parrots cage seem to just sit idle. We all go through this. It seems, just like a young child, the simple cardboard boxes, toilet paper empty rolls etc are the "BIG FUN" items. :-) Your webcam is proving to be a very valuable tool!! Your right, your Grey needs to be out with you and family when your home. :-)
  16. The others have given excellent advice. In reality, safety concerns will be geared more for your Parrot, than for your new born. Your Grey will stay away from the baby and will remove itself from an uncomfortable position by flying/running away, rather than trying to harm your baby or young child as he/she grows. The biggest danger is to your Grey. An infant has no real concept of their actions harming another creature. Any infant/child nearness or interaction must be monitored very closely. It would only take a second for a baby to fall over on a Grey and smash it resulting in death or very crippling injuries. I know you will do this and also train your child as it grows on how to interact with all creatures, as we all do as our children grow. Parrots can smell and a plethora of new smells will fill your home once baby arrives. You can start familiarization a head of time by using baby powder now and then and other product smells related to young babies. You can fore go the poopy diaper scent. ;-) As the "Arrival nears you could also hold, bath and diaper a doll in your Grey's presence. Play CD's and DVD's of cooing and crying babies so he can become accustomed to new baby noises. You asked about jealousy occurring in your Grey. You can convince your Grey that the baby's arrival is not going to make him lose his place in your family flock. Frequently, owners make the mistake of only paying attention to their parrot once the baby is down for a nap. The obvious conclusion in your Grey's mind will be, "Baby gone, life is good." It doesn't take an animal scientist to figure out that the displaced parrot will get jealous and angry, if the owner does not take actions before hand to ensure this does not happen. You can do this by ensuring you pay attention to your Grey as you always have, keep a schedule, share your time with BOTH present, not just when you put "Baby" down for a nap. I am sure others will also chime in with many more things you can do and think about with so many months left before the joyous day of arrival. You will be well prepared, I'm certain. :-) It is truly wonderful to see a Parrot owner thinking and planning far in advance of how they are going to keep their "Flock" together as one unit living and loving together as new arrivals come. It should always be a Celebration, not a debarkation event of a much loved Flock member, as some chose t do. :-)
  17. Hi Jimmy!! It's GreYt to hear from you and know that all is well with you and Cosmo. Grapes are a "Favorite" of Greys. :-) I know going to school and trying to maintain some type of normalcy in schedules, friendships, work and all the other things we love to do is very difficult. But, it's great to see you hanging in there and getting your foundation in place for a rewarding career in whatever you are pursuing. It's hard, but once your done, it will be worth it and you will look back and be glad you did, when you see how others fair that did not get the strong educational foundation needed to reach higher levels in their careers. Again, thanks for making the time to update us!!!
  18. Welcome LindaMary!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more about Max and seeing some photos when you have a chance to post them . :-)
  19. pumpingironchef wrote: I and my Wife can only describe our Grey as being our "Child". He is endeared as such, when he needs us we're there in an instant, we love him as such and are already sitting into motion the care-giver/Parent he will need when we pass on before he does, given their human like life spans.
  20. Nice thread on Phelps.... I mean the olympics. ;-) Thanks for starting it Berna!! :-) Now, where are the women swimmers photos to post....hmmmmm B)
  21. Hello She, Is that in a magazine called "Parrot Magazine" or do you mean BirdTalk? I would love to read it. :-)
  22. Nychsa Wrote: "it isn't an instinct thing that she's doing in order to learn some skill that would assist her in the wild. So, the concept of "fun" is something they seem to understand.. I would also venture to say - they have a sense of humor as well." 1) All Critters play and have fun, it is an "instinct or God given right for all to have fun and the intelligence to do so. He did not leave out the critters while doling it out. 2) It does help them survive in the wild due to their learning balance, coordination, build strength in all their muscles and sharpen their reflexes and speed. 3) They all have a since of humor, whether they can communicate it or not. Example 1: Dayo likes to tumble down from our shoulder and land on our lap while we're sitting and not paying attention to him. He then laughs a BIG BELLY laugh (In my Voice) as he climbs back up to do it again. Example 2: Our male Doberman thinks it's "BIG FUN" to go over and poke our female Doberman as hard as he can with his nose while she is sleeping on the couch..... Then he runs for his life!! Because she turns into a creature that truly looks like the "Alien Creature" from the movie "Alien". The end of her Nose flips up and backwards, exposing nothing but Teeth and Wicked looking eyes as she jumps down and pursues him at lightning speed. We are all truly blessed by having such intelligent and funny creatures in our homes and lives. :-)
  23. Hi Lusya, it's greathearing from you again!! It sounds like Izzie is becoming quite the vocal character. I know it's hard to find time sometimes, so I appreciate your thinking about us out here in digital space. :-)
  24. Hello and Welcome Bellas_Buddy!! If Bella is eating normal, thats a good sign. How does her poop look, is it normal? How is her weight doing, staying steady? Is it going down? Is she sitting fluffed up more than normal? Does she seem to have good balance? If any of the above is true, you should take her to a vet for a check-up to determine what the possible underlying cause could be.
  25. Hi Mary, It does sound like she is contact calling her old flock to see if they might be around. It's a whole new world and flock to her presently. You and your husband are doing the right things in talking to her, holding her and perching her. The trust and realization that you are her new flock will soon set in. You said: "My husband says it's because she's a female." LOL - Well, we all know females do talk a lot more than males. ;-) but, I doubt thats the issue here. :-)
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