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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Welcome Corissa and Razmataz!!! Wow, 6 years, thats a long time. Hopefully the Lip bite was not too severe. That is VERY soft tissue. Did He perhaps just get excited and playfully did that or do you suspect he was mad or wanting something? I have often wondered about receiving such a bite myself, when eating and not sharing for example and my grey keeps trying to "Lip Dive". :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  2. Thats wonderful Kaskoo!! :-) YOu are making incredible progress in a very short time. Of course, Kaskoo is too. ;-) That is a GreYt photo, thanks for sharing it. Most of us also use photobucket bucket for posting photos. It is easy and you can post multiple photos in one post, rather than having to post one at a time using the forum photo options. Now, I'm going to go try the "Pillbox" foraging idea, thats a GreYt one!! :-)
  3. Welcome Jesse!!! It GreYt having you here. The good thing is your Grey does not know it has any type of disability. She sounds perfectly happy and seems to be thriving in your loving care and home. Looking forward to hearing and seeing more. :-)
  4. Welcome Tigerlily!! It's GreYt having you here and just spill you heart out. Thats what we all do here. :-) In regards your workmate with a Grey, take her outback and "Explain" things, if you know what I mean...no witnesses. :evil: ;-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  5. Very nice video Jan. I love the way the way Tobe has your laugh when getting the under-wing scrathes. :-) Thanks for posting that video.
  6. Best wishes to you and Zahzu this weekend Sameera. Hopefully the two of you will be able to just comfort and snuggle with one another and have a "No Pluck" good time together. :-)
  7. Hahahahahahaha, thanks for the laugh. Karnak the Hat and I thought your comments were hilarious!!! <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/22 15:04
  8. Hello Marcia, Thanks for the update. It is good you made it through that rough time. I do hope your pre-cancerous cell's issue is resolved quickly by your Doctor. Don't be such a stranger, we care!! :-)
  9. Awww, what a cute baby. Congratulations Fairymyst!!
  10. Thanks for the update on Alfie steve and for the photos. He is a beautiful Grey. :-) Are his wings clipped? I assume no since you are indicating he is trying out his wings.
  11. I agree with LMG and Siobha, 7 weeks is way too young to be left alone. Also, depending on the length of time you are gone, it could be too long between feedings at that age. I know it's probably too late now, but is there any reason the breeder had you take the Grey home before it was weaned?
  12. danmcq


    I'm with Suzzique on this one. Dayo had 5 flights cut on both wings before the breeder would let him come home. He could still maintain a level flight for about 20 feet before slowly losing altitude. It didn't take long after building those pectoral muscles up that he could gain altitude for short distances. I am not certain why your vet described grey's flight abilities, as he did. The are very good and graceful flyers. Your Greys clumsiness will go away as he matures, learns better balance and coordination. They learn and build these abilities as they grow just as all creation does. :-)
  13. danmcq


    What a joy Blue must be when you get to have him stay over. :-) Looking forward to hearing how things go with him there and any fun things that happen.
  14. matt314159 wrote: Praise the Lord!! ;-) :-) Great comments Matt!! I agree wholeheartedly.
  15. Welcome Elaine and Tigerlily!!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  16. What a sad ending. It would have been much better for them to give you all the details up front. I am actually surprised they are trying to find him a new home, in his condition. Did they say if they had the tumor biopsied to determine if it is malignant? It could be non-cancerous and simply needs removal. Thanks for the update and i hope you enjoy your Cockatoo and find find a Grey when the timing and circumstances are right. :-)
  17. Congratulations Satchel and Tango!!! It's been long distance love affair that has know finally come to fruition. :-) You did the right thing in letting him out of the cage to be with you. It sounds like the only thing important to him, is to be with you regardless of the new surroundings. Looking forward to all the additional photos coming. :-)
  18. Kaskoo wrote: Your absolutely right. These Greys pick up on our feelings as if we were carrying them around in plain view. It's good to hear you are making progress. :-)
  19. What a nice compliment janfromboone. :-) This is the only place anyone will listen to us The rest of the World thinks we're Nuts!!! B) :laugh:
  20. Ok Judy, your back and boy are you full of it. But , you know I love being harrassed.......... BIG FUN!! {Sports-000200E1}
  21. Those are HUGE accomplishments BaxtersMom!!! Great Job!!! Baxter is sure enjoying the new home, love, freedom and entertaining atmosphere you are providing. I doubt that he ever flapped in the cage. Therefore his pectoral muscles have atrophied during all these years. Just like humans stricken to bed for a month or more, all muscles become very weak quickly and strength wanes. Obviously, by nature he knows he is built to fly with those wings. :-) In allowing him to flap, build muscle and figure it out. You are encouraging his natural instincts to kick in and be explored. To help him along safely, you can do a few things. First, try to get him to flap while perched on your hand in a blade fashion with it vertical. Clasp his Talons with your thumb to lock him down. Then encourage him to flap by slowly moving your arm down then back up repeating until he is flapping each down cycle. he will get the idea and build those pectoral muscles and have fun at the same time. Doing this in a small room such as your bedroom is probably a great spot. Which seems to be the room you are in, in the photo. This does two things. You can release and allow him to try and fly down, yet safely since his drop will be cushioned by the bed/blankets. Secondly, the room is not long or wide enough for him to build up too much speed before he gets to a wall and realizes he does not know how to turn . The slower speed will keep him from being harmed, other than his pride. :-) Once he is able to fly horizontal, gain altitude, turn etc. you can go to a little larger room where he can build a little more speed and have greater maneuvering space. Also, help him gain control and confidence by encouraging short flights to targeted landing spots such as your arm from a near by perch. repeat it several times so he can get speed, slow down and landing perfected. It is certainly wonderful to hear of the real Grey that is blossoming out under you care and love. He sounds like a real character and is finally learning that life is fun and playing due to you showing him how. Thats how they learn from infancy, by the example the flock sets through their actions.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/08/21 14:35
  22. Welcome Nesha and CJ!!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  23. Most brands of Aloe Juice does not require refrigeration after opening. Check the container to ensure you store it properly. I store min at room temperature in the gallon jug it came in and pour into a mister as needed. Aloe juice 100% solution is used in spraying our Greys down with to ensure their skin is kept soft, supple, unirritated and also to drench all feathers until soaked good outside and in. It is used by humans as a health drink straight up. :-)
  24. Thanks for the update on Alfie. It's good to hear you got to the bottom of the problem and are treating it. First words are so special, congratulations!! :-)
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