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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Jesus, what a story and mental image of cute little Shadow walking out the doggy door and standing on the steps so proud of himself. :-) That is a danger no one has ever posted previously and is a good wake up call for anyone that has one. Thanks for posting this, bring a smile to our faces, shock, awe and then a happy ending. That was as good as watching a drama unfold. :-)
  2. Glad you like some of my suggestions and brought a few good laughs regarding the shotgun blasting. :-)
  3. Congratulations on rescuing and bring that wonderful Grey home!!! It sounds like the trip home and settling in took place in a way that seems to indicate she is a very happy camper. :-) Her disposition and interaction with you already shows a lot of trust and thankfulness for her new cage and forever home. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and reading updates!!
  4. Thanks for taking the time and pain it took for posting this update on the necropsy results. It is a very hard and heart wrenching loss to go through. You have my condolences and best wishes.
  5. You should go to a local Walmart or Vitamonshoppe and purchase a gallon of Aloe Juice (not gel) and mist your grey until she is totally soaked. This will get all the dust and dry skin taken care of. You should also purchase Red Palm Oil from Swansons health foods and mix in a 1/4 teaspoon of that with oatmeal or scrambled eggs etc. This will also help her skin condition and give her other healthy vitamins, oils and acids she needs for good health.
  6. Welcome Jokersmamma!! Well it sounds like you have inherited a fine Timneh (TAG - Timneh African Grey) there. :-) He is obviously not yet real comfortable with you, but over time that will all change. It sounds like he is already interacting with you well in stepping up for you. The bites are his way of letting you know that he does not want to do whatever it is you are trying to get him to do at that time. It takes some trial and error, but once you learn to read his body language, you will know when to just let him be without receiving a painful bite/warning. It sounds like he either thinks himself beautiful or he thinks he has a perfect match in a mate and is using the smooth and slick moves like dropping the wings, walking around a little and using soft and sexing sounds to let the other Grey know he's definitely interested. :-) Looking forward to hearing more about you and Joker. :-)
  7. Welcome Tina and Flock!!! It's GreYt having you here. It is wonderful that you have rescued both your Greys and are showing them the love and affection that a home and flock should have. Looking forward to hearing more about you and them. :-)
  8. Welcome terirose1 !! It's GreYt having you here. I do not know any breeders or rescues to recommend from your area, but others here may. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your 17y year long Grey companion. I can not imagine the pain and grief. But, I think 3 years of dealing with it says it all. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  9. Even if it is enclosed as a huge netted aviary, you would need to vigilantly monitor them every second they are out there. With clipped wings, they can not control their flight very well and fall in the pool and drown or end up landing to hard on a hard or sharp object and seriously injure or impale themselves. I will guarantee you, that at some point in time, they will get spooked and fly.
  10. How terrible and heart wrenching this is. You have my families condolences and prayers. Godspeed to your and family in coming to terms with this. Know that Alfie would and does wish for you to live long, enjoy life and remember the touching moments, love shared and goodtimes you shared, that will never be forgotten.
  11. Lots of out of cage time is fine as others have said. Many Greys or other Parrots for that matter would rather be out, than in. Our Grey is out on weekends, holidays or vacation days when we're home from 6am until we go to bed. Workdays, he's in the cage from 630 am until 4 or 5 pm. They learn and adjust to our schedules fairly well. The key is consistency when possible.
  12. You could also rough up those branches using a saw, hatchet, shotgun blast with small shot ;-) etc. to put grooves and dings in those smooth branches. Doing this would keep the natural wood without putting some type of synthetic wrap on it for traction. :-)
  13. Welcome Ina and Flock!!! It's nice having you here. Ask all the questions you wish. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  14. Welcome Marie and George!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  15. Welcome smaryan11 The others have all given you good advice. Time, patience and slow interaction by your husband will overcome this. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  16. Welcome Andrew!! It's great that you are researching which Parrot is right for you before taking the leap. Search the topics and ask all the questions you wish. :-)
  17. Welcome Matthew and Tucker!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you regarding the issues your having with Tucker. :-)
  18. Thats is GreYt news!! Thanks for the good advice you posted on getting insurance for your pets. It takes research and lots of questions to each insurance company to decide on which is right for you and your pocket book. But, in the long run, it's cheap compared to what a vet bill can be incase of an emergency that requires a lot of lab tests, procedures, xrays etc. which can hit a 1000 or more in just 1 day.
  19. I purchased Cage, Toys, Food etc. a Month before we brought Dayo Home. It gave us time to put thought in to the Cage placement and move stuff around as me and wifey argued over where it would go. ;-)
  20. Hi barry, I would suspect those feathers that are coming out were bent or broken in the wall collision. It is possible meadow is trying to preen that area rosie can not get to and removing damaged feathers for her. But, until you actually see meadow do so, I would go with the first theory. :-)
  21. Welcome Hanadupre!! The others have given good responses to your questions. How long have you had this Grey? Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  22. Welcome Shanny!! LMG has answered your question regarding perches cut from trees. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  23. Welcome Shelly!! Wow, that is a long background as a breeder. It is wonderful that you have an online store and have offered us all a 10% off code of our own. I will certainly go check out your store. :-) Thanks for such a nice introduction and I look forward to hearing more from!!
  24. Welcome Andrew and Sam!! Nice introduction. Sam certainly sounds like one of the family with sound effects to match. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  25. The skin condition you describe is normal for a Grey that is not getting misted with Aloe Juice and being given Red Palm Oil as a supplement mixed in with meals like scrambled eggs, oatmeal etc. Once you are done getting your Grey good and soaked with water, mist entirely with Aloe juice. It will make your Greys skin much more soft and supple.
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