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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Thats wonderful news Stephanie!! It's so nice to hear hear that all went well and are all settling down to a new home and reunited as one family again. Looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  2. Awww, Ace is such a loving guy. :-) Cherish those baby moments and sounds. Thanks for sharing this with us.
  3. Good question and perfect timing Carolyn. It will vary from Grey to Grey. Dayo's reaction to his first Christmas, was one of being very cautious at first and gasping when I would have him on my shoulder and walk by the tree, ornaments etc. I must admit, he did scream a few times when I walked through with some of the items to put up. :-) However, the Tree is not in the same room as Dayo or where we all stay during the day and nighttime hours. We place ours in our large dinning room with a bay window for display. Thanks for starting this topic. I am sure there will be many great post by all. Don't forget about Halloween and Thanksgiving either. My gran kids received a few screams from Dayo when they showed up in their costumes. :evil:
  4. judygram wrote: LOL Judy - I always tell Dayo "It's Ok" when showing him something new or walking past with something in my hand he shows concern over. Now, when he is exploring something he does not trust 100%, he will say to himself "It's Ok, It's Ok". :-)
  5. Hi Kevin, Greys by nature are very alarmed by most things they do not recognize. You will hear those screams forever, anytime you place something in front of him that scares him. It normally takes a Grey days to weeks looking at something from a distance before they will be comfortable with it. The time varies from Grey to Grey. Their screams are alarming the first time you hear it, aren't they? :-)
  6. Welcome bluekkiwi!! Congratulations on finding a breeder and getting on the list. :-) Looking forward to hearing more.
  7. Welcome Grappler and Congratulations on your new baby Grey!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  8. Welcome JakeWade and Lyndsey!! Nice to have you here and looking forward to those photos. :-)
  9. Welcome Dianelys!! OMG!! So sorry to hear of that horrible injury to your Greys Beak. yes, it will grow back. The best solution will probably to handfeed her formula or other healthy and nutritious slurry's. Reattaching the beak with glue again would probably have the same results due to the enormous amount of pressure they are capable of producing when clamping down on something. Looking forward to hearing more from you and reports on progress as your grey starts slowly growing it's beak back. :-)
  10. Hi jjcool, I don't put up with or just let my Grey keep applying pressure. When I do accidentally put myself in a "Bite" position and don't read the body language or eye's pinning fast enough. When he grabs me for more than 5 seconds, I wrap my other finger around his beak and start applying pressure and then twist his head slightly and carefully if I must to get him to release. If you know your going to get bit everytime you try to offer you hand in a blade fashion, don't do it in that manner. Ball up your hand in a fist and bend it down to get the back of your hand "Tight" and only offer that for him to step up on. He can not inflect a severe bite on that. He will either step up on it or perhaps onto your wrist since you stated he will step up on to your Arm. Use his willingness to step up onto your Arm to your advantage in getting him to obey the step up command. Keep offering your Arm closer and closer to your hand to get him used to your hand being closer if you can not get him to step up in the back of your hand as I described above. That technique is commonly referred to as the "Fist of Iron". I hope this helps you. :-)
  11. Welcome Bren and the entire (Huge) flock!!! Well, they do all seem to have their favorite sounds. Outside of just ignoring the un-ignorable noise, there is really little you can do to stop it, if thats what he wants to do. You could try some negative feed back like a blast from an air horn aerosol can we use on the boat to warn other boaters far away that something is wrong. ;-) I personally haven't tried it, but if you blasted it everytime yo heard that piercing "BEEP", one of two things might happen 1) He would stop the sound or 2) he may like the Air Horn so much that he starts blasting away with that sound too I'm sure others will chime in with some ideas also. :-)
  12. Welcome Alricka and Layla!! I nice having you here and you soon to expand flock. :-) One thing to keep in mind when adding another Parrot. They may not like each other at all. The introduction will need to be very slow and cautious with constant supervision until you know if they can be out of their cages at the same time. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  13. Welcome Denice and Dorian!! It's GreYt having you here. It sounds like Dorianna ;-)has decided someone is sexing enough in your household that she produced an Egg for you letting you know she wants to have a baby with one of you. :-) Depending on her actions with the Egg such as sitting on it and guarding it, it is normally recommended to let the Egg be for upto 28 days or shorter if she quits pampering it. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  14. Welcome OlBenny!!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  15. Ah, that tells tons, thanks for that extra bit of information Tony. As, Suzzieque stated, they do become territorial of there cages or sometimes they just don't want to be messed with and give you a good piercing. :pinch: :-) My Grey will do this every once in a while also. I have learned to pay very close attention to his body language and eyes pinning. Sometimes he's quicker than I am though. :-) I think he is learning NOT to telegraph his punches
  16. OMG , you have a tretroid Alien disguised as a Grey, RUN!!!:ohmy: Thanks for the cool photo displaying the 3rd eyelid. Great photo. :-)
  17. Thats Great news!!! I am so glad that you at least obtained a feathered friend that you have been longing for. Hopefully it will fill the hole in your heart for a while and your Grey is waiting for you in the future. :-)
  18. Welcome Tony!! It sounds like you have a new CAG that is getting used to it's new home and family. :-) If you have had your CAG for months, then more work will be required. Please give us a little more detail so we can help you in a more knowledgeable way. :-)
  19. Hi Ronda!! It's great to gear from you again. :-) It is wonderful news to hear that you have finally made big breakthroughs with Sweetheart. I'll bet that makes you feel like a million bucks. The news on the rest of your flock all sounds well also. A Rabbit Farm? Well, that will keep you hopping. ;-) It would be nice if you could find time to post more often, you have been missed!!!
  20. Happy semi annual hatch day Mika!! Great photos. It looks like Mika is thoroughly enjoying both gifts immensely. :-)
  21. danmcq


    What a Greyt looking Grey he has become. :-) Thanks for the new photos.
  22. I personally do not know this breeder. There website and content seems to indicate their Greys are well socialized, fully weaned and fledged before arrival. Good luck in your search for a Grey. :-)
  23. Welcome Streetrida!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  24. Thats is one clever Grey you have there. :-) The surprizing part is, he wants it the way it came, with foam attached and is trying to fix it. Most want the opposite, to destroy all toys so they will get new ones. Thanks for sharing this.
  25. danmcq

    Indy talks!

    Congratulations Nims!! Those first words are always a monumental event to announce. :-) Thanks for sharing this special moment.
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