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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Very nice memorial poem for a much loved member of the Flock. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  2. Introduce them slowly. Especially if your Grey has never been around a dog before or vice versa. Leave your Grey in his Cage and slowly bring your dog in so there is not a shocking incident to both the first time their eyes are laid upon each other. You may need to put your dog up at first in another room if you don't trust him while you have your new Grey out. Only you can judge how the two get along and no matter what, never let your guard down, sometimes a dog can become excited by something and start giving chase. You know your dogs temperament and personality, so use that as your ruler. Looking forward to hearing more about your Grey as the time to pick him in November just keeps getting closer and closer. One thing to note on your interaction with your dog. Please ensure you great him first when you come in the door and treat him with the same adoration as you always have. Bringing home a new baby almost always draws attention from an existing family member and they may start resenting it. You know how dogs are pack driven and I am sure yours thinks he #2 and your the Alpha. They do not take to a stranger trying to come in and just assume a higher level without a fight to determine the pecking order. :-)
  3. I feed mine the Harrisons Coarse, Roudy Bush, a Seed Mix by Browns and lots of other healthy stuff. One thing to note on the Coarse versus fine, is the ingredients are different. Harrison's recommends the Coarse for Greys do to the Ingredients. My Grey eats a little pellets when he feels like it. It's interesting to watch them change from day to day as to what they eat the most of. Some seeds and nuts, other days veggies and pellets etc. My Conure is the same except I purchase Harrisons fine and a different type of Roudy bush. As Judy suggested, check the ingredients to compare the protein, vitamins and minerals contained in the different types.
  4. Charlie is fine. The main thing is you are happy with the name you call him by. If he seems like a Charlie, Charles or Chuck, then thats what it is. Your Grey just knows when you say that human tonal expression, it is directed to him. He may resent the fact that he would rather be called King, but he humors you. :-)
  5. Your right Misty, but Dave was joking around. Your Grey would freak out :ohmy: if you walked in one day attired as he described. :-)
  6. Sorry to hear the picking up of Indy is delayed. It's great that you now have a travel cage and can go get him at the first open time slot. :-)
  7. Great photos Berna and "Ethel" the Boy is a beauty. I can not help but picture your finger in a set of large pruning shears just ready to lop off a branch :pinch: I know it's probably not gonna happen, but man, your finger looks very small in the huge pruner. :-) Of course, who am I to speak when I do the same. ;-)
  8. That is good news. He will definately start eating many different things as he ages and keeps having them offered. :-)
  9. I agree with the others in regards it probably being a molt. Also, buy some 100% Aloe Juice, put it in a spray bottle and mist your grey until drenched with it 3x a week. This will make the skin soft and supple' as Siobha mentioned in her post. Looking forward to hearing how this goes for you. :-)
  10. Thats great news Laurie, congratulations on hitting the 6th month smoke free!!
  11. WOW!! Those are awesome. Thanks for sharing that link. :-)
  12. Hey, that was last weekend. You still in Vegas Knight? ;-)
  13. Wonderful photos of Tui!! Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  14. I totally understand. Each must make the best decision based on all the factors in their home and their birds personalities and traits. :-)
  15. Distraction is a great idea! When you come home and let your much loved parrot out of the cage, they are so excited that 1) you are home 2) you are home 3) let me out so I can jump up and down, run around and show you how much I love you that I am psycotically going into a mating ritual that may include giving you some Hickeys, BEAK STYLE. :-) They just can't contain that excitement, just like a young child dancing around and excited. We really don't discipline Dayo for doing this, as it is a natural reaction to a loved one coming home and letting them out of the slammer. ;-) We will say NO BITE if he gives too much pressure though and then continue loving on him and playing with him. I'll start trying some diversion techniques as suggestion to get his over excitement focused towards an object and see how it goes. Thanks for that!!
  16. daludlum wrote: It sounds like you are patiently doing all the right things to win his trust. Yes, fun things like playing with a toy in his sight and making big fun noises excitedly will get his attention. Giving favorite snacks will also help. It wil take some trial and error to see what his favorite nuts, seed or fruits are, maybe even some banana nut bread or the like. He may continue to smitten with a favorite, he has chosen, as most greys do. But, you can become a close second over time. :-) Just time, patience and lots of graveling from your end will increase the odds of him becoming much more friendly toward you. One other thing to think about is, perhaps your finger nail color or some other item may be the small thing that he does not like. Sometimes it's hard to zero in on small things that make a difference in how they perceive you. An example is one of my grandkids that sometimes spikes his hair. My Grey hates that and will scream if he comes within 5 feet of him. But, he can then go and comb his hair down, come back in and it's all High 5s and where you been buddy after that. :-)
  17. Congratulations Laurie!! It sounds like Klaus has been practicing under his breath for a while and is now blessing you with all the words and phrases he thinks he has calibrated enough for their debut. :-) As, Judy said, this is just the beginning!!
  18. To clip or not is a very tough dicision and can only be made based upon each homes circumstances when it comes to the safety of your bird. In reference to keeping one bird safe from another, there are a few things to consider. If both are clipped, one is bigger and thus faster at a run than the other, the small bird will get hurt unless the supervising person gets there in time. If both are flighted, the little guy can gain speed faster, turn faster and in smaller areas than the larger bird and thus escape harm quickly if need be. Of course the final option is, only allow one out of the cage at a time. Clipping in and of it's self does not solve the safety issue if both are allowed out at the same time. My Grey does not like my Conure and will run at him if he gets to close, say 10 inches. But, Jake see's him coming and quickly fly's to a safer location.
  19. Dayo's flock: Me - The ruler of this Kingdom :whistle: Wife - My Princess and keeper of sanity and money ;-) Jake - The Peach Front Conure from Hell :evil: Bentley (AKA "Bent Dog") - Doberman Cholie - Doberman and mistress from Hell to Bentley 2 Koi - In a Waterfall/Pond named Sponge Bob and Spot (By Grandchildren) Grandchildren - 5 that Dayo loves 1, Screams at 2 when they spike their hair, Rides around on the shoulders of the other 2, but no touching allowed. They come over through out the week after school and on weekends.
  20. Great photos of your new, soon to be home Grey Pchela!! Can't wait to hear how the homecoming goes today and see more photos, but this time, in her final home with her flock all gathered around giving High 5s and enjoying each other. :-)
  21. Ina wrote: Please NEVER take your Grey outside without having a flight harness on or in the Cage. I lost and fortunately retrieved a Parrot that way. I had taken him out for many months like that and felt completely secure that he could not fly with wings clipped regularly. He got spooked when one of my Dobermans ran by playing with the other one day and all I can say is he flew!! Not very well but disappeared from sight before I could run and try to see where he went. The next few days and nights were hell and heart wrenching. On top of that, the day time temps were running 109 to 110 and I did not believe he would make it through the first day, but he did. Being high in trees, they have no access to food or water. Without water, they will die in just a four or five days at most. A clipped bird or even a flighted bird, does not know how to fly down or are frightened of heights they have never attained before. They will keep going higher and higher, not lower. As others have stated, having to put a bird under for a simple and quick wing clip is not normal and very costly on top of that. Start playing with towels with your bird so he does not view it as a threat. Then, when he is toweled, it will not be the towel he is afraid, but just the uncomfortable feeling of being restrained in one for a short period of time to clip the wings. It's great to have you here and see you asking questions. There are many knowledge people here that are more than happy to help a fellow parrot owner. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/09/27 14:59
  22. Welcome Tommy!! Everyone has given you given advice to start you on the way to building a GreYt relationship with Jake.It's wonderful to hear how he already interacts with you. Just learn his sly ways and watch his body language and you won't get as many surprise nips. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  23. Welcome Sean!!! Looking forward to hearing more about your new, soon to be home Grey. :-) Are you able to visit at the breeders?
  24. danmcq

    MAX Has Gone

    Skuffy wrote: Skuffy, I do sound harsh because I am. I would have parked myself outside the firestation grounds with a spot light and watched my bird all night. If it flew, I would follow. I know this is just me and how much value I place on a loved pet. Maybe I am overboard on how much I love and feel responsible for my animals and birds, but thats how I am. They ARE considered my children. I do not want to drive you from this forum, but I do want others to know that people do stay out all for days and nights following their birds to rescue them. I want others to know they are not crazy if they do so and to pay no attention to the ridicule they may receive for driving their neighbors and other people carzy at all hours of the night or early morning calling to their Parrot. I did so when my Parrot flew away and drove my neighbors crazy and just told them sorry and why I was out calling my Parrot. Some were outraged, but I did not care...... I hope you do find Max and I also congratulate you on your new Grey. :-)
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