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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hi Kimmy - I am not certain what "oily" may look like on your TAG. I am also uncertain why you mentioned she is not plucking. Could you perhaps post a photo of her so we can see what you are taling about? Also, perhaps explain a little more? :-)
  2. Nice photos of Inas Flock. Thanks for sharing these. :-)
  3. Hi Bryan, Sorry to hear you needed surgery and experienced complications. It good to hear you are in good spirits and that Loki took it well during your absence also. Looking forward to hearing more of your progress and of course Loki's new crush. :-)
  4. Thanks for posting this story. I have printed it and am going to share it with our grand children. It sheds a light on any type of pet ownership that most parents do not know or teach to their children. The story format you have used is certainly perfect for the target audience you intended. Also, thank you for not publishing it yet so more people (Like Me) can view and print, then distribute it to their immediate family that will then share it with others. :-)
  5. I am very sorry to hear of this terrible news Yvette. My thoughts, prayers and any luck I have are for you and your loved ones.
  6. Welcome Perch!! Your new Grey sounds wonderful and you've come to the right place for information and GreYt people that love these intelligent sentient beings as if they are one of our own children. As you have encountered, non Parrot owners don't understand and they never will unless they become one. Nice having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-) PS - My Wife was shocked by the huge cage when I set it up for my CAG also. ;-)
  7. It's great that the vet did not see or detect any obvious signs of illness. Getting him started on antibiotics is good incase sompething does show up in the tests. If not then your vet will probably advise to just stop giving them. Your baby could just be mourning a little over the loss of his first flock and home. He sounds like a wonderful baby CAG. Looking forward to hearing more updates. :-)
  8. Welcome Stephanie!! It sounds likwe you are the perfect person to be taking in a rescue. YOu have the background and right ideas in letting him get used to his new surroundings and flock. Just one more day!! :-)
  9. The advice to talk to that owner is a good idea. If the owner is only interested in talking "Sales Talk", talk CAG price. :-)
  10. LOL!! Well, it is a healthy mix of nutritious foods from bird and man alike. ;-) Tell your daughter the junk food days are gone. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/10 14:43
  11. OUCH Pat!! You just maybe on to the issue with the cage cleaning. It brought a smile to my face picturing Tyco wiping down the spots that Mom missed. :-)
  12. LOL ....Peek-a-Boo. All the photos you have posted through this entire thread are wonderful Di. Monty is a real show off and great looker. Did he wake your hubby up? :-)
  13. Welcome Toxifera and Trixie!! Congratulations on getting your long desired CAG. It sounds like she is a sweetheart and getting used to her new home and flock. Nice photo and looking forwarding to hearing more from you. :-)
  14. LOL Berna, Great morning laugh. It is actually a great example of what these intelligent feathered friends can be trained to do. You really need to get a shot of her in action and submit it to birdtalk to use as the cover photo for an article on potty training. :-) Edited for a brilliant idea: Put a pull string for her to flush the toilet and watch the water go round and round and down. :-) If nothing else, it would add to a photo with her pulling on the string when you snap the photo.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/09 15:21
  15. Nice story and photos. Fernando is obviously enjoying a very rich and loving home now. :-)
  16. Welcome Erin and Elmo!!! Very nice introduction. It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  17. Very cool video Matt, thanks for sharing it!! :-)
  18. Nice seeing you here again and those are awesome photos. Thanks for psoting them!! :-)
  19. Great photo of Jasper and congratulations on chosing a name. The photo of Charlie and Keeko is also a show stopper, love those two. They just look like TROUBLE on it's way. :-)
  20. LOL Baxtersmom - They are smart and that piece of flesh is so soft they can inflict severe pain easily. :pinch: ext time, have your husband wobble his hand a little if he sees Baxter starting to go down for a nip. :-) That will throw him off balance slightly and he will right himself, rather than continue the bite move.
  21. pnp26 wrote: You are doing the right thing in telling him NO and stopping him from climbing up your head. They are persistent, as you have indicated. But, by sticking to you action, he will stop trying after a few goes at it. ;-) In regards you Dog, he may or may not like the dog over time. It is natural for them to be fearful of any predator that could eat them. Just keep letting him observe your dog from inside his cage or when securely in your lap and perhaps over time he will become accustomed to him.
  22. Welcome Railchick!! As others have indicated, they usually don't really start talking to an audience and loudly until a year or more old. They do mumble to themselves to calibrate their pronunciation until they have it right before they let it zing at you. One note: They love to do this when you least expect it to watch the shock you experience and your physical reaction. :-) You just can't help but love these smart little guys!!
  23. Its a common practice to wash and scrub them good with a hot water and a little bleach added solution to remove any residual pesticides or other chemicals they may have had sprayed on them. Then let them dry in the sun which also kills germs. Bugs of course could have burrowed in to the bark, which is pretty uncommon in mulberry trees. You can spot such activity visually looking for any small holes in the bark.
  24. Hi Cflanny, Mark has given you a great response. It's good to hear your baby Grey is fledging and growing in flight skills. They are very important in his coordination and self confidence. Your working with him consistently as you have started is building the foundations for a god relationship with him and setting rules in place for him to follow. Great job!! :-)
  25. Wow, what a compliment birdtalk has given your photographic capabilities and of course to Harrisions good looks :-) Congratulations Heather and Harrison!!
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