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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. danmcq

    It's A Girl!

    Congratulations on having a Girl. You could always name her "Babe" or "Foxy". ;-)
  2. I place a Pepsi 12 pack empty carton in Dayos cage on the floor. He sometimes likes to go in and sleep or chew holes in it to peek out at you through. As he has aged, he goes in less and less and just chews it more and more. :-)
  3. Thanks Tracy, if it's anything like Oatmeal, then I'd like and Dayo would too. But, Siobha, I can't figure out how to cook it "On" water or milk, it keeps sinking on me, so I had to use a pot.
  4. I think that would fit her highnesses approval with lots of graveling as you kneel before her. ;-) I answer to "Nobody" too. When nobody did it or if your talking to nobody, thats me.
  5. Well, I can only comment that my Wife uses the SS pans and so far, I don't complain about the cooking..... not if I want to eat. :whistle:
  6. Not certain what ready break is, so I can't comment on it. :-)
  7. Nice real-life photo story. I love Fernando mad dogging all who dare approach your home. :-)
  8. JudyGrams Name is Queen Elizabeth. I am Bob. ;-)
  9. I love that photo. Little baby Grey found a perch just his hieght right under momma. :-) Thanks for sharing that and it's good to hear your fiance is getting well.
  10. Happy Hatch Day Talon!!! I feel sorry for your Mother, not that you have arrived at the "why, why, why, how come" year of the "Stop Bugging Me" 3's.
  11. OMG, I am so sorry to hear of the severe bite you received. I know you must be very frightened of him and lost trust also. This is a very alarming situation that you will need to handle carefully. Knowing how he has become unpredictable, you will need to stop any access above your elbow. You will really need to pay close attention to his body language to avoid any further bites. I know it has broken your trust and perhaps a little of your love for him, but don't let that continue. You know he is a great bird you have enjoyed a relationship with up to now. This is something that is going to take time, patience and diligence in trying to figure out what is wrong and how to fix it. There are many people here with decades of experience with Greys that will be more than happy to help you with this situation. I am sure they will chime in too. Just stay in contact and ask all the questions you wish. :-)
  12. Welcome pionexx21 and Noodles!! It's great having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your new baby when you get a chance. :-)
  13. Welcome Harvey, Gavin and Clare!! It's GreYt having you here and I'm sure you'll be a big hit with the female Greys on this forum with your photo. ;-) Looking forward to hearing more from you and of course, more photos!!
  14. Welcome Debbie, Mark and the entire Avian flock residing there!!! It's great to hear you are rescuing birds and providing a good and loving home for them. :-) Some Greys are very active and some lesser so. They will sit, preen, whistle tunes and mumble to themselves or sometimes run through their whole vocabulary. One thing you do need to know, is they are VERY, cautious of anything new. Some are more so than others. You may find you will need to introduce a new toy or foraging device slowly, perhaps hanging it on the outside of the cage for a while before placing it in the cage. They do need something to keep them active while in their cages like toys and foraging devices. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your whole flock. :-)
  15. Welcome Deef and Nismo!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) You have a little bit of a long wait for talking. On average, they do not start practice mumbling under their breath until around a year old. Some do so a little later, some earlier. But, I do know, we will all hear about the first mumble. You will not be able to contain your excitement when it happens. :-) Looking forward to hearing more and seeing some photos when you get a chance.
  16. Welcome Fred!! I'm praying for you...LOL. :-) It sounds like you and your new Grey hit it off well from the get go. Good job on letting him pick you. One more day and you'll have him/her home. Looking forward to hearing more from you.
  17. Welcome Ron and Dusty!! Nice photo of Dusty you provided. He sounds like quite a character. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  18. Welcome Marianna and George!! It's great having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  19. Hi Yvette, Greys come in varying shades of grey -very light, to almost black in the areas you have mentioned, except the face around the eyes is always pretty white. They are from different regions in Africa (Where yours came from probably, not a breeder)and thus carry the traits of their localised flocks, just like us humans look like our parents. :-)
  20. The puppy getting attention could cause severe jealously in your Grey and as others have said, they are showing independence at 2 also. When they become jealous, they will bite and nip you to get your attention and will also start attacking the party whom has brought on the loss of attention. The best thing to do, is to ensure you give your grey his time for attention when you normally do, so he/she knows you still love him/her. You may need to cage your grey and go spend some romping and cuddle time with your puppy in a different room out of sight. My wife was sitting and reading to one of our young grandchildren last night with the child in her lap. Dayo climbed down the chair, down the front of my wifes shirt and pecked the child on top of the head. Then proceded over to my wifes arm and nipped her, then down her arm and nipped the grand childs arm. This went on for three iterations when my wife realized he was jealous, not playing. :-) She caged our Grey until she was done reading to our grandchild. Just thought I would share a real example of just how jealous our greys are of our time and attention. :-)
  21. I agree, keep your pets in where they will feel safe and secure and can find comfort if needed for their loving owners. Fireworks always account for many dog and cat deaths or run away's due to the terror they inflict upon them. The flight or fight instinct kicks in, the adrenalin starts pumping nad they just run with no thought at all.
  22. It is probably the black grapes, especially if he had some that day. To see if thats what it is, do not feed him any grapes for a few days and watch his stools. Black poop is something to be concerned about if you can not link it to a food, as it could indicate internal bleeding.
  23. Beak trimming is neccesary in some cases, as is anesthesia and must be carefully evaluated by a knowledgeable Avian vet. Here is a good article on beak trimming: http://www.birdchannel.com/bird-diet-and-health/bird-grooming/pros-and-cons-feather-trim.aspx?cm_sp=InternalClicks-_-RelatedArticles-_-bird-diet-and-health/bird-grooming/pros-and-cons-feather-trim
  24. Pink tongue portions are fairly common in babies. Dayos was partially when yound, but is now all black. The popeye effect is usually caused when they see spinach, their tongue hangs out the side...and it is nothing to worry about. :-) It is funny looking though.
  25. Very nice SS cage and a great job in cutting and reassembling it. It sure pays to keep an eye out for "Deals" like you found. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
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