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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. It does sound like your baby is starting his first Molt. It will be the largest molt of his life and the downy feathers go first by the hundreds. You will find it easier to empty the tray by misting with a little water first to keep them from flying all over your house as you carry it out to dump it. Sorry your post did not get replied to sooner. i can only imagine it must have gotten buried by many other posts above it and no one got that far down the list to answer. It sounds like there's been a slow down in the downy feathers, but they will continue. :-)
  2. They are a GreYt look pair of TAGs! Thanks for sharing all those photos. :-)
  3. That is GreYt news. You will get to where you fret over them just as if they were a birth child. :-)
  4. danmcq

    It's A Girl!

    Good night Gracie :-) LOL - I haven't heard that in a Looooonnnggggg time. ;-) GreYt name!!
  5. danmcq

    New Moderators!

    Congratulations Heather and Dave!! You have both always been a great asset here and always contribute awesome posts. Talon made a solid choice in appointing you. Dave - You know you can't wise crack anymore now right? Your now in a position that is serious. ;-) Heather - Please place on your to-do list, how to train all us crappy photographers to train our Greys to fly in a manner that we can capture wonderful images of in-flight sessions. Warning: We may require extensive training with Camera settings. :-)
  6. This is a great thread with tons of information and ideas for all of us to think about and implement a plan that best suits our particular environment and circumstances. These are all very good posts. One thing to note: If your Cage is on wheels or even if not. If there is not much time left to get your birds into a carrier, roll of carry your cages outside with the help of another immediately if smoke is already present. They will die very quickly from smoke inhalation. Remember, miners used to take birds in the mine with them. When the bird died, they knew there was odorless gas they had not detected and would leave the area. This just shows how sensitive your birds are to any type of inhalant, even when you or I can not detect it at all. Time is always of the essence in emergency situations such as this.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/23 15:52
  7. Thanks for posting this Kimmie. Your absolutely right on getting the word out to your neighbors, door to door, putting up flyers and searching the entire area trees calling out to your bird. One note though, many times a bird that has flown away is very frightened and by instinct will make no sounds at first to be safe from predators. But, never give up searching and calling out for your lost Parrot.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/23 15:43
  8. Wow, congratulations on getting Tui home. he sounds like a very well adjusted Grey with tons of character. Looking forward to seeing some photos and hearing more about him. :-)
  9. I am sorry to hear this news and feel for you. The others have given good advice, but only you can come to terms with this and decide upon your actions. Best wishes to you.
  10. If haven't. But, your Grey will either love it or hate. ;-) You may want to be careful on how many noises that thing makes, enless you don't mind your Grey copying them. :-)
  11. Congratulations Sallas!! Thats wonderful news and it's good to hear that all came out ok with the toe nail. Looking forward to seeing those photos. :-)
  12. Mas - It is definitely advisable to only let your Grey out of the Cage for the amount of time you are going to normally be able to spend with it. Weekends of course are a different story and they seem to understand that routine. Leaving her in the cage for longer periods each day is the best way to introduce that to her. Just make sure that there is plenty to keep her busy inside her cage, like foraging, toys, paper, cardboard Etc.
  13. Coyote - You Wrote: "over the last couple of months poop in the morning especially way too wet, very smelly." If it's only the morning, it is probably nothing to worry about. The amount of water depends upon how much fluids she had in terms of water and fruits/veggies in the evening.
  14. The others have given good comments. It definitely sounds like the "Come and get me call", I'm ringing and want you/out. :-) It would be best to ignore the rings, then when he stops for a few minutes, go over and ask if he "Wants out". He will pick up on that quickly.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/23 14:05
  15. Hi Brenda, It sounds like Timba is adjusting well so far and wants your up close attention by offering his foot to step up. Was that the only out of cage activities you've had with him so far? Regarding a new cage, a new and bigger cage would probably be welcomed by him. If you have the room, purchase it and place it beside the present cage, open them both up and let him go explore and see how he does. Looking forward to hearing more on his progress. :-)
  16. Thanks for the update Carman and looking forward to hearing more about them and seeing those photos. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/23 13:57
  17. Looking forward to seeing those photos and an update when your new addition arrives. :-)
  18. Oh Mas - I am so sorry to hear the plucking has resumed. I know the vet had started Zahzu on meds and you were using the collar for a while. It sounds as if she had stopped for a period of time? Have you tried loading her cage up with stuff to shred like newspaper, cardboard, foraging toys etc. to try and keep her occupied while your at work? I know you have been trying everything you can think of to stop this behaviour.
  19. Great in-flight photos Gavin!! Thanks for posting them. :-)
  20. Great photos of Zzero jetting around terrorizing every Toy in sight. Thanks for posting these. :-)
  21. Nice photo of your new baby investigating the coconut. Thanks for sharing it. :-)
  22. Congratulations on bringing your new Grey home and determining a name so quickly. Hootie is going to have a Hoot of a time at his new home. ;-) :-)
  23. Those are some good toy ideas Otismom! Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  24. Welcome Hoodoowoman and Oliver!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more and seeing photos also. :-)
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