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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Very cool videos from all. Though having seen them, they are always a treat to view again after you haven't revisited them for a while. :-)
  2. Welcome Gaynor and Ozzie!! It sounds like you will have tons to share with your experiences for 12 years of Grey subjection. ;-) Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  3. Welcome Rick and Cosmo!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  4. Beatiful photos Erika!! Just don't let him eat Santas head before Xmas is over. ;-) :-)
  5. danmcq


    Thats great news and improvements Hrund, Congratulations!! You are truly showing the patience of Job in working with your rehomed Grey. :-)
  6. Hi Stevem If you do not want to use YouTube, then go to Photobucket.com, create an account and upload your video using it. Then place the video link on your nest post. :-)
  7. danmcq


    Hi Nyah, To post the photo, use MSPaint to reduce the size to no more than 500 pixels wide and/or 500 pixels long. It is hard to say if it is normal Beak growth or not without a photo. But, Greys beaks do grow continually like finger nails and the outer shell will break off in pieces as they chew on hard shelled nuts or wood.
  8. Awww, they look like they love each other too. :-) Great looking Greys!!
  9. I am VERY excited for you and Ice. :-) It seems your search for just the right bird in need of rescue paid off. Ice will certainly have a loving forever home at your place.
  10. Ok, I found the post by the owner of how Ajax was found. :-) ----------------------------------------------------- ---The greatest news parronts could hear --- this morning around 10am we got a call from the SPCA!!!!!!!!!!! we were in tears when we heard that someone have found our boy! we didn't even eat our breakfast... the food arrived at the table and we paid and left to get his carrier and off we went to a guy's place to pick up our boy boy so here's the story --- a guy went out to his front porch for a smoke (he usually never goes out the dront)saw ajax across the street on the gutter of town house. realized that he wasn't a ordinary wild bird (ajax was whistling)he spent 20 mins tryign to get him down from the town house roof then he flew off to a nearby tree the guy, named chris called his wife (who was heading back home from work) told her what was happening.the both of them kept on whistling and ajax kept on whistling back. anywho he finally flew down to the wife's shoulder and they walked with him on her shoulder back to their house they foudn him last nite wanted to call the spca but they were closed so they called this morning..and the spca called us and we called him(funny story is that when chris called; he was told nobody reported a misisng parrot) i guess they had to re-check their records. anyways we are so relieved that's he's ok with the exception that he's hungry and tired. we are so relieved he's home. mark and i are truly the happiest ppl ever to be alive to find out "boy boy" i would also liek to thank everyone who gave us support and help. here is a map of where he was lost and where he was found...we were really far off when we were scouring the neighbourhood <br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/26 17:39
  11. It would be great if you could share the story of how Ajax came to be found and returned. :-)
  12. Hahahahahah, great rules. Please add one more: If you enter this house, consider yourself a Perch.
  13. Awwww, how cute. Thanks for sharing the photo. :-)
  14. Personally, I would make his primary cage the Large one he can get plenty of exercise in and not damage his wings should he need to flap due to a slip and fall or to correct his balance. Some Greys are territorial of their Cage and playstand as you are describing. Let him climb out of his cage on his own. Since he steps up from everywhere else besides his Cage and Playstand, the problem is not learning to trust your hand. It is him being territorial of what he considers "His".
  15. Thats GreYt news Heather. It sounds like a Grey selected you and family. :-) Looking forward to hearing how this progesses.
  16. Very nice photos. Gryphon appears to be enjoying his huge room and net immensely. Thanks for posting these photos. :-)
  17. Sierra is certainly enjoying that Corn. Thanks for sharing this video. :-)
  18. Thanks for posting these to the story of Riamfada coming into our life. The photos and videos are wonderful. You have truly made huge progress in just a short amount of time with her. Looking forward to reading and seeing this new relationship unfold over time as you keep us all updated on this. :-)
  19. GreYt looking TAG. Congratulations!! :-)
  20. GreYt photos and video of Chloes big home coming. She seems to have settled right in and is scoping out her new home and flock. :-) Thanks for posting these.
  21. It seems strange the rescue advised you to take away his large Cage, as "She" mentioned in her reply. They do sometimes become territorial over their cages, whether it is small or large. Do you still have the large cage or did you actually get rid of it? In reality, getting your Grey to acccept a step up again is going to be some work, whether it's from a small or a large cage. Did anyhting change in the room his previous cage was in, furniture, cage position etc.? Were any other people, pets or birds added to the family?<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/25 21:12
  22. Did you put it in his cage or just show it to him? The reason I ask, is if I just walk at my Grey with a perch in my hand and present it to him, he does not like it at all. But it's fine inside the cage, where it belongs. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/25 20:16
  23. Oh no, that is terrible news. Hopefully they will find him very shortly or get a call from someone that has.
  24. Welcome Ste and flock!! It's always good to hear of a family thinking first about their Greys or other pets for that matter and their well being, by selecting the best fit and person that will give them the loving home the need and deserve. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you.
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