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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Great photos and congratulations on yoru baby becoming flighted and more sure of himself. :-)
  2. Awwww, great looking girl you have there. Only a few more days and you will be united. :-)
  3. Great photos Harro, thanks for sharing them. I'm sure a name that fits him will come to mind once you see his personality a little more. :-)
  4. Welcome Alex!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  5. Yes, it is final. It is now "President Obama", well once he gets sworn in. In reviewing the world news on how just about every nation was closely watching this election, it seems most preferred to see Obama win. I hope this moves not only the USA forward in all the fronts such as the economy, jobs etc. but also as a much more open nation that will be wiling to sit down and communicate effectively with the rest of the world with out "Conditions" to just sit and talk. :-)
  6. Yes Steve it is a transition and you will start missing some of the baby noises, pants and general babyness. But, the joy of watching them grow in their confidence, abilities, coordination and intelligent responses to things going on around them and what you are saying or doing with them will bring more joy and appreciation for that little baby Grey than you can ever imagine. :-)
  7. Nope, ordered it and was VERY disappointed in the minimal footage with most of it being how the damn trappers capture them....It pissed me off more than something enjoyable to watch. In fact, I stopped it because Dayo was in the room watching it with me and seemed Very upset with the screaming of the Greys being trapped. So I placed him on his stand in another room. I have never watched that DVD again and never will.....
  8. You want to enclose your entire property using telephone poles and netting like some of the zoos for avian adventures.:woohoo:
  9. Got so excited, it click too fast 2x. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/04 20:50
  10. You know, I just had another thought, we have members that live in Africa!! :woohoo: How about our most beloved Afrikaans? What would it take to get someone there to go and tape Greys in the wild, flying, foraging, bathing, nesting, making whoopie (ok, I got carried away) you know a natural life? This would be a sure seller in all countires and make all us Grey lovers/owners absolutely happy!!!<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/04 20:52
  11. Welcome Joking!! The others have given great advice. I do have one question, how long did you have Paco before you split up? How long has Paco been cage bound? It may take a lot of work and commitment to get Paco back to the same Grey you may remember. Also, he may never be the snuggle muffin he once was. He is much older and has his own mend also now. If you and your husband talk and decide your home will be Paco's last, no matter what it takes or how long, then it would be a good move. If you two can not be that resolute in your decision, I would have your Ex find a good loving forever home for Paco instead.
  12. Very sorry to hear of your Mothers passing. YOu are in my thoughts and prayers.
  13. Its good to hear you got to the bottm of the problem before it progressed too far. Please keep us updated on her progress and thanks for this update. :-)
  14. danmcq


    LOL - Klaus sounds like he is becoming quite the character. Thanks for sharing this. :-)
  15. Thats great news domyoburk!! Dave always hits the nail on the head! :-)
  16. Unfortunately, a documentary of them for a full video of 45 to 90 minutes does not exist. No one has ever done this, though all of us would be willing to pitch in and fund such a journey. Only short 1 to 3 minute clips exist. VERY disappointing.
  17. LOL - Don't you just love it when your Grey pops in with the right word(s) and impeccable timing. :-) They are much more intelligent than most people give them credit for.
  18. Yep, everything is game. We REALLY have to watch Dayo. If we sit our coffee cup down, he flies over and starts gulping as we're saying NoOOoooOoooOooOoo. I think he's a caffienOholic. In regards your grey not liking veggies yet, just keep offering them and he will start eating them. Their tastes change over time. Also, some days they will pig out on veggies or fruits and other days they won't touch them. I am starting to believe they know what they need and when and eat accordingly, well to a certain degree. ;-)
  19. Awwww, what a cute video. It sure brings back memories of ours when it was young, begging for food and pumping like a jackhammer. :-) Damn, now I want to go get another baby grey. :woohoo: Thanks for sharing that video!!
  20. Welcome back Harro! It sounds like you've been through some hell and are starting to get your bearings and some semblance of a normal life put back together. Not my business, but what you shared sounds like a lot of pain to me. You did do the right thing in placing your grey back in the cage for a time-out after the bite immediately. That way it connects in their minds. We have done the same with our Grey when he gets nippy. It does sound like you took a responsible path in finding a good and loving home for your previous grey. Are you friends with the people and as such have an opportunity now and then to see him? I do understand where Judy is coming from, as I think from your response, you do too. We now we take getting a grey as a "For Life" commitment and become pretty concerned when we hear of someone having to rehome. I'm sure you already knew this from your previous time spent on this forum and would imagine it took consideration on your part if you even wanted to come back and face the music. ;-) Looking forward to gearing more from you.
  21. Welcome Lola and Larry!! It's GreYt having you here. :-) Since your grey is a year old and you said you've only see a feather here and there, you should ready yourself for the largest molt of Larry's life. The first molt is the always the most complete. As others stated, it was a blood feather. It may have come out due to some rough play in the cage with perhaps wings batting. The important thing, is that you do not see any further blood coming out. If so, just put some styptic, flour or corn starch in the socket where the feather came from. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  22. Great comments everyone. :-) Sheila, your right, it does affect the world and the rest of the world has been following this election also and listening to the candidates. I think the turn out in Europe for one of our "Unnamed" ;-) candidates shows that. :-) This world has grown so small, in effect, due to the technological advances, TV, Radio, satellites and the web, that we all know whats going on everywhere almost instantly. We here in the USA follow and are interested in what is going on in all other countries due to our entire global community being connected by some type of dependency, whether it is a commodity like fruit, veggies, nuts, OIL, labor forces and of course, just because we are all Human Beings and care about each other. :-) No one globally (atleast thats sane) wishes for the demise or harm to other human beings. It is the political and sometimes religious leaders that start the damn crap that "We the people of the world, suffer for. So yes, we the people of the world are Turned On, tuned in and watching whats going on. It affects every living soul on this planet in one way or another.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/04 14:38
  23. What a GreYt way to kick-off a new era of this room Caroline. :-) We're glad to have you as a Moderator here too!!
  24. I agree with Talon also, this is just a reminder, like many others that have been announced in this area over the years. No "Politics" are being discussed here, but it does seem Shelly may be trying to turn this into an argumentative thread. There is no reason for that type of comment regarding this topic. If you aren't interested in the Topic of a thread, then why read it? Just move on to something you do find interesting and enjoy your self here. Thats what we all do, atleast thats how I decide if I want to even read a thread or not. If you don't believe in celebrating Birthdays, Christmas or Halloween, as some religions prohibit, then just don't read those threads. This is a community of many peoples, ethnicities,countries and beliefs around the world, and as such, members here share and/or announce different things that are going on in their respective country.
  25. Hello Nyahsmom, I am uncertain how old your children are, but for the most part, children move to fast and of course pull their hands back quickly when a parrot bites. This reinforces the behaviour. The parrot is doing that out of fear or even just a strong dislike for children that run around, too excited, waving arms etc. Any Parrot larger than a small conure is not a good parrot for children to interact with. They could receive a horrific bite doing a lot of damage. You parrot at 8 months of age is becoming more and more self aware and therefore starting to enforce what he likes dislikes and whom he wants no interaction with. The only way to let other people around your grey at touching or step up distance is to supervise it very carefully and only allow them to offer a treat for example and make sure they are holding it at a distance that your grey can only reach the treat, not the fingers holding it. This will take time and patience. there is no guarantee your grey will ever feel comfortable with children. Children for the most part are as unpredictable as a Parrot at times. The Parrot knows this and therefore learns very quickly NOT to trust small humans. :-)
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