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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Congratulations on the anniversary and picking up your new Congo!! It all sounds like a wonderful day to be long remembered. :-)
  2. Wow! very nice Penny. Rikki must be in heaven. Tell kids to go rake leaves for the "Get Talon a New Cage Fund". ;-)
  3. Chloe sounds like a little stinker. The photos were great, thanks for sharing them. :-)
  4. Great Vulture photos Roger!! What's the difference between a Vulture and Buzzard? Well, in reality there are no "Buzzards" in the Americas. Though commonly called buzzards, the birds are actually vultures. The "buzzard" moniker originated with the early English settlers who thought the birds were like the soaring hawks they had called "buzzards" in the Old World. It was an understandable misunderstanding because the buzzards of the Old World (Eastern Hemisphere) included hawks, eagles, kites and even vultures. All those soaring birds were and are in the same bird family, Accipitridae. However, the vultures of the New World (Western Hemisphere) are in a separate bird family, Cathartidae, even though they superficially resemble the Old World vultures with their bare-skinned heads. There are seven species of New World vultures: the Andean Condor, king vulture, yellow-headed and greater yellow-headed vultures, California condor, turkey vulture, and black vulture. Only the black vulture, turkey vulture, and California condor---recently re-introduced into the wild---range in the United States.
  5. My Grey (Dayo) absolutely hates my Conure (Jake). They must be monitored very carefully at all times. I have seen Dayo fly over and try to land on Jake just like a Hawk with Talons ready to grasp it's prey. Fortunately, Jake is very fast and always on the look out. He will fly off before getting hurt. The other day I was paying more attention to Jake than Dayo liked and he started chasing Jake all over the house. They were flying everywhere. Greys for the most part are not social birds with other species as others have stated here.
  6. Thanks for the reminder Judy, like we could forget it, with the news and campaign ads we see every 15 minutes TV. ;-) This is a historical event and there are more voters than ever taking part in this election. Thats all I'll say though, you know this forum is not for politics. ;-)
  7. Congratulations on getting the new cage setup and Rikki moved in. Looking forward to hearing how the night went and seeing those photos. :-)
  8. Well, good luck with using this technique. They may or may not get along, thats just a fact of owning Parrots. :-)
  9. Best wishes Poppy!!! Looking forward to hearing all it all went, once you get home. :-)
  10. Hello Marla, In your first post introducing yourself, you said George had not been handled in 5 years. You've only had him 2 weeks and it's going to take a lot of time and patience to get him to act like our Greys you are hearing about on this forum. Do you know why he was not touched in 5 years? Where was he kept, in a room isolated with just someone feeding him? His whole world changed 2 weeks ago. he is now in a strange place with strange people, sights and sounds. The last thing on his mind is playing. He is observing his surroundings, getting familiar with things that may frighten him, including you and family. This is going to take time and patience. After hearing how one of the first things done in your home was the other owner holding him down and clipping his wings, then him getting lose and being chased all over to catch him. I would say he had a pretty traumatic experience right off the bat that included having to chase him around and I assume toweling him to get him back in his cage. Time, Patience and love, like you are showing by sitting next to him, reading etc. is what will slowly bring him around to a point of starting to feel safe in his environment. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/02 13:55
  11. LOL!! The headless photo is very convincing. :-)
  12. Guess I left this window open too long before replying and then seeing your update. :-)
  13. It is definitely not normal to be upchucking as you describe. As the others have said, please try to get her into a vet.
  14. Its wonderful that sassy seems to like showers and water. Most here don't have that fortune and have to mist them in different ways, much to their distain. :-)
  15. Congratulation Nims on the homecoming of Ice!!! Looking forward to hearing how today goes and seeing some photos of him. :-)
  16. Nice pumpkim carvings Mark. I liked your post better with the "Hubba Hubba". ;-)
  17. BMustee wrote: Indeed, you didn't Berna. I think most of us understood the oxymoronic illustration you portrayed in your baseline story. Great photo of your BF and Dad! :-)
  18. Wow Berna, those are great pumpkin cravings and those magnificent eyelashes are beautiful. Quite the seductress. ;-) Thanks for sharing these!! :-)
  19. Hello Greg, Mingus and welcome!! He sounds like a wonderful energetic TAG. The foods and interactions you are enjoying with him is great and it sounds like the bond is growing very strong. In regards his short hop flights, I personally would encourage them. They build strength, confidence and balance he will rely on through out his life. If you feel comfortable with it, I would let him become fully flighted over the next year and a half as his primaries molt out and regrow. After having spent some time with him now and getting to know his personality, it would be a good time to decide on a named that matches him. There are tons of course and different people have many thoughts on names. I prefer African names due to them be from that area. There are lists of African names and their meaning on the Internet if you chose to go that path. Talking will come over time and you will hear mumbling and practicing as he calibrates his speech. :-) It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos and videos of him in action.
  20. I just purchase Harrisons directly from their online website: http://www.harrisonsbirdfoods.com/
  21. Hello Marla, Sunlight coming through a window does not provide the necessary portions of light to benefit your Grey. The glass blocks most the UVA and UVB they need. Also, lighting is not used as a heat source for your Grey if your house becomes that cold in the winter. There are heated perches and other types of heating devices you can purchase if needed. To truly understand lighting and why it is needed for your birds when you are unable to take them out in full sunlight, please go to this thread where you will find all the information you need on lighting: http://www.greyforums.net/forums/limitstart/20/african-grey/47809-lighting.html thread.
  22. Well Congratulations on Gryphon liking water!! Thats rare in greys. Yes, we all wish we had cameras ready everytime they do the things they do. But, the minute you run, get one, just start to focus, your Grey spots you and stops all activities. Most have a true disdain for the paparazzi invading their playtime.
  23. No, not initially. First you must get a separate cage for the other Grey. Then they need to be introduced after a 45 day quarantine. If they get along at all, you will be in good shape. If they decide they REALLY like each other, they may decide to share a cage together. But, there are never any guarantees when having multiple birds in the same home.
  24. Wow, he certainly received a lot of entertainment watching and others run around picking up and cleaning the messes. They do love to just drag, toss and shred stuff to watch the after effects. Sorry, no extra room in my house, I have my own little demons from hell, oops I mean little angels :-) creating havoc in every room. ;-)
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