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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Hello Ralph, Well almost 2 years later, I can tell you I did spend a full 2 weeks of vacation at home with Dayo out and playing everyday. Once I returned to my normal work schedule, Dayo was fine and no noticeable difference occurred in his behaviour. The only difference was when my wife returned home from work or I did, Dayo would be just like a child climbing all over his cage panting and peeping for mom or dad with great excitement. :-) One other note, on weekends Dayo is out of his cage from morning until we go to bed . Then on weekdays, it's back to the normal work week schedule. It does not seem to affect him at all. We just keep plenty of toys and foraging items in his cage to keep him occupied. We also leave the TV on across the room from his cage which provides some background noise and entertainment. I have found that books are a good source of general knowledge on parrots, but not a bible that holds the ultimate truth in every instance. :-) The book is simply the Authors opinion.
  2. Yep, as Dave said, they do not really want to go t obed, even if their grinding their beak and nodding off on your lap or shoulder. They want to be with their loved one at all times if possible. The only exception, is when they get older, they get tired and just go put themselves to bed because their tired and as far as their concerned, the parties over...... ;-)
  3. danmcq


    dblhelix wrote: Very eloquently put Mark, Bravo. I couldn't have put it better myself. Of course, I have been accused of the same. ;-) {Feel-good-0002006E}
  4. Yep, thats a bite and not a bad one at that. You will get used to them as a Parrot owner. :pinch: ;-) I agree that the Grey was probably jealous, as Fairy suggests. :-) Please tell you rwife to ensure she removes earrings before shouldering a bird or it will get ripped out. They love bling.
  5. Hi Jane, It's GreYt to hear you stuck it out and overcame the screaming!! Karma to you. :-)
  6. Hello Pat and welcome to the Forum. I think you will find it cheaper and actually better in the long run to just purchase a new cage. You can find them very reasonably priced on ebay. Depending on the size of the cage you want done, it will be between 200 - 300 minimum depending on the shop.
  7. Welcome Julie!! Baxtersmom has given you great advice through he mirrored experience of what you are about to go through. It may be a little different due to personality variances, but with close supervision all should be fine. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  8. Hello Tatmommy, Your right and there are many classified as "Skin Heads", but that just describes a person that shaves their head and keeps it that way. It by no means gang affiliation with the Aryan Brotherhood. In fact, many in that gang do not shave their heads. I refrained from posting to this thread, simply due to the fact that one of my Son's has been a "skin head" for 15 years. He is tatted up also. But, he is married, has 5 Children and is a great Father, though he is a little rough around the edges if someone pisses him off. ;-) Somehow, skin heads became synonymous with being a white racist and/or a member for the Brotherhood, which could not be farther from the truth. I think the "Title" of this thread chosen was just not given a lot of thought. It was more about the stupidity for the interview being discussed and the X poster in that persons bedroom. :-) If I ride a Harley, have fairly long hair that blows in the breeze combed straight back and which gives me a "Duck Tail" in my hair, foo Manchu mustache at times and sometimes ride with lets say some "Certain Bikers", does that make me a Hells Angel? People are often very quick to stereo-type and many times are wrong.
  9. Very interesting update. One would not think that the chemicals used in steam cleaning carpets would be lethal, but I guess you never know what chemical combination it is and what vapors combined it is that they produce. I do hope they find this information out for you. It would definitely be beneficial to other bird owners to know the danger of this.
  10. Welcome Michelle!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  11. That is terrible news and I am certain, devastating to you and your Brother. It would be good to figure out the cause of this terrible event. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your Brother.
  12. Ben - I am truly sorry to hear this. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. Hopefully you will get some answers on what that scent was and who was responsible for it. That is truly disturbing to think that tenants would not be warned, if it was the landlord. Some people with breathing problems could have also succombed to the fumes, along with peoples pets. Nothing will ever replace your Grey in your heart or thoughts, but by god you may be able to get some satisfaction of finding out whom the responsible party was and what was sprayed.
  13. Awww, Chloe sounds like such a sweetheart. I would suspect at 12 weeks she is still weaning a definitely learning the tastes and textures of various foods you are offering her. Continue offering pellets, perhaps soaked in some apple juice or the like. Offer the same various foods over and over. They may not eat something one day and then eat it the next. In regards formula, You are aiming for the 105 to 110 degree range. If it is hotter than this, you will need to let it cool down, stirring frequently and retesting the temperature in the center of the bowl. Otherwise, you will burn her crop. Thanks for the update on Chloe's progress!! :-)
  14. Awwww, they are so helpless and still forming body parts at that age. Very nice photo. Thanks for sharing it. :-) How is Mom and Dad doing at caring for them? How did they take you intruding into their space?
  15. Oh Daniel, I am so sorry to hear of your circumstances and the dilemma of how to keep Smokey. At the beginning of your Adult life and the tough time you are having right now in sprouting your wings to go out on your own, it is a time you must really stop and think. I do not know what caused you to have a need to move out. Especially at an age yet under 18. But, if at all possible, it would be best to try and mend whatever situation has caused it. You are at a critical point in your life and truly need the help and support of your parents, so you have a chance to find a good job, perhaps continue a higher level of education and save up to put deposits down and get a place of your own without having to struggle to do so more than necessary. With that said, your and Smokey's situation is a very tough one. I see you live in Pacifica. I work in an San Jose during the week, but my actual home is in Visalia, a 180 miles south east of the bay area. I would be more than happy to help you out with Smokey, but at that distance, visitation would probably be a real challenge for you. There may be another option for you, Mickaboo Rescue is right in your area. It may be that they could find a "Temp" home for him in their large large network of loving and caring homes that help with rescues that need observation, recuperation and human interaction before they can be put up for adoption. You can reach them at www.Mickaboo.com and they have their main headquarters in San Jose. You can review their information and call them to see if they may somehow be able to help you out and you still be able to visit Smokey. My heart and prayers are for You and Smokey that this will all work out in a good way for all involved. :-) Oh, edited to say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY DANIEL"!!!!!! :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/10/28 14:43
  16. Awwww, Pat. Tyco is like any woman, hot for you one moment and all cuddly, then a demon from hell the next few days. ;-) In all serious, you have done a great job in working with Tyco and bringing her out of her shell of fear. Karma to you!!
  17. Very nice installation and mounting ideas on a way to install the net. Thanks for sharing the video of your Greys. The interaction between the two over the Apple slice is amusing. :-)
  18. Congratulations Scott on your purchase of Kiko. She sounds like a wonderful girl. :-) She is beautiful in the photo. Thanks for posting it.
  19. Welcome Trevor and Sassy!! Well, it sounds like Sassy is one human friendly Grey with a lot of love and entertainment for you, friends and finally your Mother, once she gets her. It's wonderful to hear that She has warmed up to you and your home so quickly. :-)
  20. These Greys a very cleaver, aren't they? :-) Nice big cage for Cosmo to play in. He looks small in it. Thanks for sharing the photo.
  21. LOL - Very cleaver Vet. ;-) I just checked him off my list. :-)
  22. Hi Mandi!! You have been missed. It's good to see you back and hear how things are going over there. Looking forward to hear more from you. :-)
  23. I love that "Stop it, Lie down!". All of a sudden it's MINE!!! {Feel-good-0002006E}
  24. Wonderful news on Tyco Pat, Congratulations!! :-)
  25. Very good information Carolyn. :-) Karma your way!
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