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Everything posted by danmcq

  1. Toni wrote: No need to wait on posting toys or ideas. This entire thread can easily be moved to the new room once it is put up by the "Techies" that do such things on this site. :-)
  2. Most of us on the Forum mist our Greys using 100% undiluted Aloe Juice. It keeps the skin nice and supple and stops the irritation of pin feathers and dry skin. :-)
  3. Talon wrote: Ahem, also other things that haven't happened in a month now....... ;-) Got home last night, all the critters greeted with great fanfare and of course wife. Life is good now and will be until I go back to work Monday....Then the grind begins again. The one nice thing I have while off-site at work, is this Forum and the enjoyment it begins in the doldrums of a fast paced tech company just trying to survive the downturn and keep most employees employed. 450 am here in presently dark California, little chilly, but warming to the mid 70s. BIG fires in southern Cali and I really feel for all those that have lost their homes and those that are watching the fires race towards theirs hoping they are spared.
  4. Just at work and looking forward to heading home tonight. :-)
  5. Thanks for the update chezron. It sounds like a wonderful relationship is developing and Brutus is taking it all in with enthusiasm. :-)
  6. Welcome Adam!! How wonderful to be able to visit and let the grey pick you. Plus, with all the visitations, bringing home your Grey will be an easy transition due to him\her already being attached to you. Looked forward to hearing more and seeing the photos. :-)
  7. Welcome Jen and Schroed E. Muffins!! Love the name and that photo is a very good photo of pure contentment. Thanks for the photo and introduction. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  8. Welcome Rierie and Charlie!! It was great reading your introduction and watching the slideshow. It's like the two of you are getting off to a GreYt start. :-)
  9. Your Grey is going through the normal growing up and at a year he has decided he has his own mind and will start deciding IF he wants to do something. If he doesn't, he lets you know by using his beak. It definitely sounds like he is bonded to you and does like your BF and may even be jealous of someone else getting your attention or coming too close. These are all normal behaviours and you will need to learn his body language, likes/dislikes etc. so you know when to be prepared to avert a nip.
  10. danmcq


    Ask it how old it is. ;-) In all seriousness, Talon is right. The eye color is black until around 6 months and slowly starts getting lighter. By 1 year old the eyes are a rather Silver color at around two the eyes start becoming more yellowish.
  11. The holding is fine. She sounds like a wonderful baby Grey. Enjoy all that baby cuddling while you can, it will become less frequent in most cases and shorter sessions. They do grow up and have a life of their own with that whole world to explore around them. :-)
  12. LOL Dave, I love the puberty parallel. :-) They do definitely speak in many different voices. My Grey has a voice for me at home, a voice for me talking to him via Cell Phone that sounds scratchy as they do on speaker phone, my wife's voice, my sons voice, my grand daughter and grandsons voice. Then he just has Dayo's voice. :-) Maybe he's possessed by Legion. ;-)
  13. Nice photos of your baby Grey. Thanks for sharing them. :-)
  14. Welcome Ollybird!! It's nice having you here and looking forward to hearing more. :-)
  15. Welcome Kiyu and Chewy!!! It's GreYt having you here and looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  16. Welcome mrbeaque2000!!! It's GreYt having you here. Looking forward to hearing more from you. :-)
  17. Dave, Great post and highly intelligent of you to post this subversive material here in the off-topics room where our Parrots never venture due to the boring dibble-drabble they have seen here and thus stopped monitoring it. They do however keenly watch the main Grey Forum Page and unite against us at the slightest indication that we have figured out a new way to try and overcome their bad habits and disgusting disregard for our feelings. They all agree on equal and opposite reactions than what we are expecting to throw us off. It will take us all a long time to crawl out of this box they have placed us in, but I know we can all do it with secret support group meetings and the 12 step plan implemented. ;-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2008/11/12 21:07
  18. Great photo of your new Baby Grey, Congratulations!! :-)
  19. Yes, they are fine and quite an adornment depending on how you do it. :-) Get some photos oonce your done if you do use it. :-)
  20. The others have said it all very well, patience, time and lots of love will overcome all these things. It sounds like you are doing a great job and George is slowly accepting you more and reducing his bubble of fear day by day. He is making progress, just at his own pace. :-)
  21. danmcq

    Found A Way!

    Thats wonderful news Smokey for you and your Grey!! Thanks for updating us all on new home and more importantly the reuniting of you and your lifelong pal, your Grey. :-)
  22. hahahahah, great shots, thanks for sharing these!! :-)
  23. Welcome alipallly!!! It's GreYt to hear you are into rescuing and have your own shelter going. We are big time advocates of rescuing instead of purchasing a baby Grey if the owner is a fit to do so. many of us here too either want to adopt another Grey or already have. Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos when you get a chance. :-)
  24. Welcome Crzy4Greys!! What a nice introduction and story of your Greys and how you came to have them in your life. Thanks for writing that, we all love to read of other members storied and believe it or not, we also become attached to the owner and the Grey through becoming acquainted with them through this forum. :-) Looking forward to hearing more from you and seeing some photos of your flock when you get a chance.
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